1952 Garfield, E. "Bang
Those Robot Heads Together" Chemical and Engineering News,
30(50), 1952. Garfield, E. "Machine
Methods in Indexing," February 1952. Garfield, E. "The
Mechanization of Indexing," September 1952. Garfield, E. "The
Crisis in Chemical Literature," September 1952. 1953No: 11. Garfield, E. " Machine
Indexing, Machine Indexes, and the Preparation of Printed Indexes by
Machines." Welch Symposium, March 1953. Abstract only. Garfield, E. "Basic List of
Works in Documentation," 1953. Garfield, E. "Librarian
Versus Documentalist," 1953. Submitted to Special Libraries. Garfield, E. "Electronics
in the Half-Tone Process," November 1953. Garfield, E. "Reading
for Maximum Profit." The New York Times, p.22, December
1953. 1954Reprinted in EIS. V.6, p.454, 1983. pdf available No:15. Bernhard, S. A., E. Garfield, and L. P. Hammett. "Specific
Effects in Acid Catalysis by Ion Exchange Resins. III. Some
Observations on the Effect of Polyvalent Cations." Journal of
the American Chemical Society, 76(4), p.991-92, 1954. Garfield, E. "The
Preparation of Subject-Heading Lists by Automatic Punched-Card
Techniques." The Journal of Documentation , 10(1) p.1-10,
March 1954. Himwich W. A., Field H.G., Garfield E., Whittock J.M.,
Larkey S.V. "Survey of World Medical Serials and Coverage by Indexing
and Abstracting Services." Welch Medical Library Indexing Project
(Sponsored by the Armed Forces Medical Library), The Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD. (1954). p.1-82 + 48 pages of
appendices. Garfield, E. "Association-of-Ideas
Techniques in Documentation: Shepardizing the Literature of Science."
(1954). Garfield, E. "Documentation
-- the Organisation of Scientific Information for Retrieval." ,
1954. Garfield, E. "Forms
for Literature Citations." Science, 120(3129), p.1038-41,
December 1954. 1955
Garfield, E. "Citation
Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through
Association of Ideas." Science, 122(3159),
p.108-11, July 1955. (html
version) Himwich, W. A., Garfield, E., Field, H. G., Whittock,
J. M., and Larkey, S. V. "Final report
on machine methods for information searching ," Welch Medical
Library Indexing Project, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
(Sponsored by the Armed Forces Medical Library), p.1-38, 1955. Garfield, E. "Citation
Indexes -- New Dimension in Documentation." p. 1-4, November 1955.
Presented at American Documentation Institute meeting in Philadelphia,
PA on 11/2/55 (Bible Citation Index or "Citation Indexes to the Old
Testament). Garfield, E. and Hayne, R. "Needed
- A National Science Intelligence and Documentation Center ,"
p.1-7, 1955. Garfield, E. "The
Literature Department as the Intelligence Center of the R&D ,"
p.1-7, 1955. 1956
Garfield, E. "Citation Indexes for Science." Science,
123(3184), p. 61-62, 1956. Garfield, E. "Proposal for
Research in Mechanical Indexing," p. 1-4, April 1956 Garfield, E. "The
Dissemination of Current Research Information Through a Cooperative
Contents Page -- Abstracting Service." 1957
Garfield, E. " Proceedings
of the International Study Conference on Classification for Information
Retrieval (New York: Pergamon Press)." p. 91, 98, 106, 108. May
1957. Garfield, E. "Memories of the 1957 Dorking Conference"
Held at Beatrice Webb House, Dorking, England. May 13-17, 1957. Garfield, E. "Breaking
the Subject Index Barrier -- a Citation Index for Chemical Patents."
Journal of the Patent Office Society, 39(8), p.583-95,
August 1957. Rockwell, H. E., R. L. Hayne, and E. Garfield. "A
Unique System for Rapid Access to Large Volumes of Pharmacological
Data; Application to Published Literature on Chlorpromazine." Federation
Proceedings, U.S.A. 16(3), p. 726-31, September 1957. 1959Presented at the Annual Symposium, Library of the Chemists Club, New York City, April 28, 1959. No:40. "Subsidies
for Subscribers?" Chemical & Engineering News
37(19):85, 1959.(Short article quoting E. Garfield) Garfield, E. "A Unified Index to Science," Proceedings
of the International Conference on Scientific Information. 1958.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1, p.461-74, 1959. 1960No:46. 1961Presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Pennsylvania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1961. See Review by John S. Showell in J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc. Vol:39, #3, p.32-34, March 1962. (#47B) Also see: http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/essays/v7p441y1984.pdf No:47A. Garfield, E. "Introduction
to Index Chemicus: Author Index and Molecular Formula Index."
p.1 and 33, 1961. Garfield, E. "Information Theory and Other Quantitative
Factors in Code Design for Document Card Systems." Journal of
Chemical Documentation,1, p. 70-75, 1961. Garfield, E. "Chemico-Linguistics: Computer Translation
of Chemical Nomenclature." Nature, 192(4798) p.192, October
1961. Garfield, E. "Esthetic
and Psychological Factors in the Design of Published Indexes."
(1961). 1962
Garfield, E. "An
Algorithm for Translating Chemical Names to Molecular Formulas." The
Journal of Chemical Documentation 2 , p.177-79, 1962. Garfield, E."Language,
Linguistics, Science Information and the Pursuit of Knowledge."
(1962). Lecture given at Swarthmore College, PA. Garfield, E. "Copying
and Reproducing Device. Patent #3,052,755." p.1-4, September
1962. Garfield, E. "Copying and Reproducing Device. Patent
#3,064,078." p.1-4. November 1962 1963
Garfield, E. and I. Sher. "New Factors in the
Evaluation of Scientific Literature Through Citation Indexing." American
Documentation 14(3), p.195-201, July 1963. Garfield, E. and Sher, I.H. "Genetics Citation Index" -
Introductory Pages - (Eds, Eugene Garfield and Irving H.
Sher) Institute for Scientific Information, July 1963, 864 pages.
Garfield, E. "Citation Indexes in Sociological and
Historical Research." American Documentation, 14(4) p.289-91,
October 1963. Garfield, E. "Needed -- Relativistic Theory of
Information Science." Automation and Scientific Communication: Proceedings
of the 26th Annual Meeting of the American Documentation Institute,
6-11 October 1963, Chicago, IL. Part 3 p.419-20. Garfield, E. "Generic
Searching by Use of Rotated Formula Indexes." Journal of
Chemical Documentation, 3(2), p.97-103, 1963. Garfield, E. "Using
the Literature." New Scientist, 20(367) p.558, November
1963. Garfield, E. "Citations
in Popular and Interpretive Science Writing." Science,
141(3579) p.392, 1963. Garfield, E.. "Statement
Before the Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Committee on Education and Labor,
House of Representatives, Roman Pucinski, Chair, Eighty-Eighth
Congress, First Session, on HR 1946 Part 2." National Information
Center. Hearings on a National Research Data Processing and
Information Retrieval Center, July 18-19, 1963, Washington, D.C. : US
GPO, p. 227-52, 1963. Garfield, E. "Science Citation Index." Science
Citation Index 1961, 1, p.v-xvi, 1963. Sher, I. H. and Garfield, E. "The Genetics Citation
Index experiment ," Automation and Scientific Communication (secondary
distribution of information) at 26th Annual Meeting of American
Documentation Institute, Chicago, IL, p.63-64, 1963. 1964
Garfield, E. "Science
Citation Index -- A New Dimension in Indexing." Science,
144(3619) p.649-54, May 1964. Garfield, E. "Citation Indexing: A Natural Science
Literature Retrieval System for the Social Sciences." The American
Behavioral Scientist, 7(10), p.58-61, June 1964. Garfield, E. "Comments on Abstracting Services." The
Cornucopia. American Chemical Society, Div. of Agriculture &
Food Chemistry, 19, p.6-8, August 1964. 284. Garfield, E. "Citation Indexes for Evaluation of
Research Productivity." August 1964. Garfield, E. "Statistical
Analyses of International Chemical Research by Individual Chemists,
Languages and Countries." p. 1-21, September 1964. Garfield, E. and I. H. Sher. "Article-by-Article
Coverage of Selected Abstracting Services." Published by the Institute
for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, PA. p.1-128, October
1964. Garfield, E. "Committee
of scientists and engineers for Johnson and Humphrey" Chemical
And Engineering News, 42(43) p.4-5, 1964. Garfield, E. and I. H. Sher. "Index
Searching." Chemical And Engineering News, 42(45) p.4,
1964. Garfield, E. "Abstracting and Problems of Copyright." Reprography
and Copyright Law. Baltimore: American Institute of Biological
Sciences. Lowell H. Hattery and George P. Bush, Eds. Chapter 13,
p.112-18, 1964 Sher, I. H., J. O'Connor, and E. Garfield. "Rotadex --
A New Index for Generic Searching of Chemical Compounds." Journal
of Chemical Documentation, 4(1) p.49-53, 1964. Garfield, E., I. H. Sher, and R. J. Torpie. "The
Use of Citation Data in Writing the History of Science." Published
by The Institute for Scientific Information, December 1964. Garfield, E. and I. H. Sher. "Survey
of Chemical Notation Systems : Interview With I. Moyer Hunsberger."
National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council,
Washington DC Publication 1150, p.250-260, 1964. Garfield, E. "Is
Science Information or Is Information Science?" Paper
presented at Drexel Institute of Technology, Lecture Series in
Information Science, Philadelphia, Pa,, September 29, 1964. 1965
Garfield, E. "More
on Abstracting Services." The Cornucopia 21(10) March
1965. Garfield, E. "More on Abstracting Services." The
Cornucopia, 21(10), March 1965. "New Tools for Improving and Evaluating The Effectiveness of Research" M.C. Yovits, D.M. Gilford, R.H. Wilcox, E. Staveley and H.D. Lemer, Eds., Research Program Effectiveness, Proceedings of the Conference Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Washington, D.C., July 27-29, 1965 (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1966) p.135-146. Garfield, E. and L. J. Stevens. "Uber Den Science
Citation Index (SCI) Und Verwandte Entwicklungen Der Jungsten
Zeit." Nachrichten Fur Dokumentation, 16(3), p.130-140,
1965. Garfield, E. "Science
Citation Index - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions." Revue
Internationale De La Documentation, 32(3), p.112-16,1965. Garfield, E. "Reply
to Randall Review of the Science Citation Index." Sci-Tech
News, 18(4), p. 133-42, 1965. Garfield, E. "What Is Relevant in a Patent Search?"
p.1-11, September 1965. Garfield, E. and Torpie R.J. "Dissemination and
Retrieval of Information in Microbiology and Chemotherapy by Citation
Indexing." p.1-14, October 1965. Garfield, E. and I. H. Sher. "Dissemination
and Retrieval of Information of Interest to Optical Scientists."
Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1965, Philadelphia (1965):
21. Garfield, E. "Selective
Dissemination and Retrieval of Information in Biomedical Engineering."
p.1-14, November 1965. Garfield, E. et al. "Can
Citation Indexing Be Automated?" National Bureau of Standards
Miscellaneous Publication , 269, p.189-92, December 1965. Sher, I. H. and E. Garfield. "Applicability of ASCA
to the Literature Requirements of the Chemist," 1965. Elias, A. W. and others. "Mechanization
of Chemical Information Publications and Services." (1965). 1966Presented before the division of Chemical Literature, symposium on Error Control in the Chemical Literature, ACS, Pittsburgh, PS, March 23, 1966. Paper - No:117. Garfield, E. "ISI Services in the Design of Small-User
Systems." Journal of Chemical Documentation 6 p.164-68,
1966 Garfield, E. "Patent Citation Indexing and the Notions
of Novelty, Similarity, and Relevance." Journal of Chemical
Documentation 6, no. 2 p. 63-65, May 1966. Garfield, E. "Special
Librarian -- Master of, or Slave to the Machine?"p.1-6, May
1966. Garfield, E. "Can the Surgeon Keep Up With New
Scientific Information?" June, 1966 Garfield, E. "Typographical
Errors." Chemistry and Industry , 25, p.1040, June
1966. Garfield, E. "Use of Foreign Language Journals." Sci-Tech
News 20:4, p. 124-25. 1966. Sher, I. H. and E. Garfield. "New Tools for Improving
and Evaluating the Effiectiveness of Research." Research Program
Effectiveness, (M.C. Yovits, D.M. Gilford, R.H. Wilcox, E.
Staveley, H.D. Lemer, Eds.) New York: Gordon and Breach, p.135-46,
1966. Garfield, E. "More
on the 'Dark Side'." Scientific Research, 1(8), p. 4-6,
August 1966. Garfield, E. "Objective Estimate of Creativity." Chemical
and Engineering News, 44(46), p.6, November 1966. Garfield, E., I. H. Sher, and J. Byk. "Information
Systems for the Scientific Literature." Submitted for Presentation at
ACM, 1966. 1967Letter, No:135. Garfield, E. "Applications of Data Processing Machines
(Computers) to the Problems of Scientific and Technical Information at
the Institute for Scientific Information." (April 1967). Garfield, E. and Sher, I. H. "ISI's experiences with
ASCA -- a selective dissemination system ," Journal of Chemical
Documentation, 7 (3) p.147-153, 1967. Garfield, E. and Sher, I. H. "Diagonal Display - a new
technique for graphic representation of complex topological networks
(Report prepared for U.S. Air Force, Directorate of Information
Services, Rosslyn, VA.22209) ," 1967. Garfield, E. and Sher. I. "ASCA (Automatic Subject
Citation Alert) -- a new personalized current awareness service for
scientists ," American Behavioral Scientist, 10 (5) p.29-32,
1967. Garfield, E. "Comments
on an index to medical book reviews ," Bulletin of the Medical
Library Association, 55 (3) p.338, 1967. Garfield, E. "Information retrieval ," Science,
156 (3780) p.1398-1401, 1967. Garfield, E. "Primordial concepts, citation indexing
and historio-bibliography ," Journal of Library History, 2 (3)
p.235-249, 1967. 1968Article, No:156. Garfield, E. "Chemical
Abstracts Service Annual Report to NSF," Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists, 24 (6) p.43-44, 1968. Garfield, E. "Comments
on editorial, "Where did I see that paper?" ," Annals of
Internal Medicine, 68 (3) p.713, 1968. Garfield, E. "DOD 'myths' ," Chemical and
Engineering News, 46 (40) p.7-8, 1968. Garfield, E. "The
language barrier in medical communication ," Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 99 (11) p.561-562, 1968. Garfield, E. ""World Brain" or "Memex?" Mechanical and
intellectual requirements for universal bibliographic control ," The
Foundations of Access To Knowledge, Syracuse University Press,
Syracuse, NY, p.169-196, 1968. Garfield, E. "Numeric vs. alphabetic order for cited
references ," New Scientist, 39 (614) p.565-566, 1968. Garfield E. and Malin, M. V. "Can
Nobel Prize winners be predicted? " p.1-17, 1968. 1969Paper presented - 4th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, ACS, Washington D.C. February 1969. Presentation (Unpublished), No:168. Garfield, E. "The role of the medical librarian in SDI
systems ," Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 57 (4)
p.348-351, 1969. Garfield, E. "Publish or Perish ," New Scientist,
42 (649) p.378, 1969. Garfield, E. "Literature and the creative process -
help or hindrance? " Journal of Chemical Documentation, 9 (3)
p.183-190, 1969. Garfield, E. "British quest for uniqueness versus
American egocentrism ," Nature, 223 (5207) p.763, 1969. Garfield, E. "Science publication ," Chemistry in
Britain, 5 (1) p.37, 1969. Garfield, E. "Providing access to information in
machine readable forms, Part II ," Copyright and Related
Protections for Information Age Products: Proceedings and related
documents of the meeting of the Information Industry Association,
Washington, DC., p.79-84, 1969. 1970Letter, No:202. Garfield, E, Revesz, G, and Rubin, N "Fixed valence and
molecular formula verification ," Chemistry, 43 p.13-15,
1970. Garfield, E., Revesz, G., Granito, C. E., Dorr, H. A.,
Calderon, M. M., and Warner, A. "Index Chemicus Registry System --
pragmatic approach to substructure chemical retrieval ," Journal of
Chemical Documentation, 10 (1) p.54-58, 1970. Garfield, E. and Cawkell, A. E. "Location of milestone
papers through citation networks ," Journal of Library History,
5 (2) p.184-188, 1970. Garfield, E. "One-letter notation for calculating
molecular formulas and searching long-chain peptides in the Index
Chemicus Registry System ," Journal of Chemical Documentation,
10 (3) p.212-215, 1970. Garfield, E. "Methods and objectives in judging the
information content of document titles ," Journal of Chemical
Documentation, 10 (4) p.260, 1970. Garfield, E. "Social science periodical literature ," Journal
of Documentation, 26 (1) p.69, 1970. Garfield, E. ""The Long Cold Sleep" (Book review of
"The Immortalist" by Alan Harrington) ," New Scientist, 45
(706) p.590, 1970. Garfield, E "Nonprofit
competitors ," Library Journal, 95 (16) p.2854,
1970. Garfield, E. "Citation Indexing for studying science ,"
Nature, 227 (5259) p.669-671, 1970. Garfield, E "The role of man and machine in an
international selective dissemination of information systems ," p.1-26,
1970. Garfield, E "Citation Indexing, historio-bibliography,
and the sociology of science ," Proceedings of the Third
International Congress of Medical Librarianship, Amsterdam, K.
Ellison Davis and W.D. Sweeney, Eds., Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, p.187-204, 1970. Garfield, E. "Food
information services ," Food Manufacture, 45 (11) p.92-93,
1970. Garfield, E. "Cost
effectiveness measures of information services for R&D managers ,"
Journal of Documentation, 26 (4) p.372-373, 1970. 1971Reprinted in:Current Contents, Sept. 9, 1971; EIS V.1, p.236pdf file available Title in CC: "Science, Information Science and the Information-Conscious Society" Article, No:203. Garfield, E. and Malin, M. V. "The
international network of ISI-linked National Information Centers ,"
p.1-7, 1971. Garfield, E., Granito, C. E., and Petrarca, A. E.
"Information retrieval services and methods ," Encyclopedia of
Chemical Technology, Supplement volume (2nd edition), John
Wiley& Sons, Inc., NY, p.510-535, 1971. Garfield, E. "Publication counting vs. citation
counting in evaluating research ," Journal of the American Society
for Information Science (JASIS), 24 (2) p.166, 1971. Garfield, E. "The relationship between large
multi-disciplinary systems and specialised information services ,"
p.1-19, 1971. Garfield, E. "Information by the Pound ," New
Scientist and Science Journal, 51 (763) p.341-342, 1971. Garfield, E. "The road to scientific oblivion ," Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 218 (6) p.886-887,
1971. 1972Article, No:217. Garfield, E. "Publish
or Perish ," Archives of Surgery, 104 (3) p.355,
1972. Garfield, E. "Most
frequently cited phytopathology journals ," Phytopathology News,
6 (3) p.4, 1972. Garfield, E. "Communication,
Engineering, and Engineers: A PSYCHOM '72 paper ," IEEE
Transactions on Professional Communication, PC-15 (2) p.49-51,
1972. Garfield, E. "Citation analysis as a tool in journal
evaluation ," Science, 178 (4060) p.471-479, 1972. Garfield, E. "Indexing
terminology and permuted indexes ," Journal of Documentation,
28 (4) p.334-345, 1972. Garfield, E. "Where the action is, was, and will be --
for first and secondary authors ," 1972. Garfield, E. "Research Productivity Index ," Archives
of Pathology, 94 (3) p.276-277, 1972. Garfield, E. "Letter to the Editor ," Journal of
the American Society for Information Science, 24 (2) p.166,
1972. 1973Reprinted in:Current Contents, May 9, 1973; EIS V.1, P.443pdf file available Article, No:220. Garfield, E. and Granito, C. E. "Substructure
search and correlation in the management of chemical information
," Garfield, E. "Is
science information Information Science -- implications for the
information revolution ," p.1-9, 1973. Garfield, E. "Introductory
remarks to present the various abstracts ," p.1-7, 1973. Garfield, E. "Citation and distinction ," Nature,
242 (5398) p.485, 1973. Garfield, E. "What scientific journals can tell us
about scientific journals ," IEEE Transactions of Professional
Communications, Garfield, E. "Is
there a future for the scientific journal ," p.1-10, 1973. Garfield, E. "Historiographs, Librarianship and the
History of Science ," Toward a theory of librarianship: Papers in honor
of Jesse Hauk Shera. Rawski, C.H., ed., Scarecrow Press, Metuchen,
N.J., p.380-402, 1973. Garfield, E. "Israel Journal of Agricultural Research
," Israel Journal of Agricultural Research, 23 (2) p.91,
1973. 1974Reprinted in:Current Contents. #39, Sep.25,1974; EIS V.2, P.151pdf file available Article, No:235. Garfield, E. "Hearings before the subcommittee of the
Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives,
Ninety-Third Congress, second session ," Federal Information
Systems and Plans -- Implications and Issues, Part 3, U.S.
Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.:GPO, p.883-901,
1974. Garfield, E. "The
Social Sciences Citation Index ," The
American Sociologist, 9 (3) p.164-165, 1974. Garfield, E. "Where is the
information explosion taking us? " p.1-13, 1974. Garfield, E. "The
responsibility and role of chemical information scientists in solving
today's crises ," p.1-5, 1974. Garfield, E. "Weekly subject index to Current
Contents ," Methods of Information in Medicine, 13 (2)
p.106-109, 1974. Garfield, E. "Information
retrieval: Where the action was, is, and will be ," p.1-13,
1974. Garfield, E. "Journal
Citation Studies. 22. Russian journal references and citations in the Science
Citation Index data-bank ," Garfield, E. "The role of the information industry in
the nation's economy: Preferential treatment for non-profits inhibits
sound economic growth in an information-conscious society ," p.1-3,
1974. Garfield, E. "The
journal explosion ," The Medical Journal of Australia, 2
p.94, 1974. Garfield, E. "The "Other" Immortal: A memorable day
with Henry E. Bliss ," Wilson Library Bulletin, 49 (4)
p.288-292, 1974. 1975Presented at Associated Colleges of the Midwest conference on Space, Growth, and Performance Problems of College and University Libraries. Chicago, April 17-18, 1975 Reprinted in:Current Contents. #26, Jun 30, 1975; EIS V.2, P.300 pdf file available Article. Presentation., No:246. Garfield, E., Malin, M. V., and Small, H. "A system for
automatic classification of scientific literature ," Garfield, E. "The World Brain as seen by an information
entrepreneur," Information for Action: from knowledge to wisdom, (ed.
M. Kochen) Academic Press, Inc. NY. (Book), Chapter 11 p.155-160,
1975. Garfield, E. "Is there a future for the scientific
journal? " Sci-Tech News, 29 (2) p.42-44, 1975. Garfield, E. "Retrospective
on the sciological and historical uses of citation data at ISI ,"
p.1-8, 1975. Garfield, E. "What is
the literature cited by agricultural scientists? A case study in
literature dispersion ," p.1-14, 1975. Garfield, E. "Mini-computer
or on-line access? " MEDOK, 2 p.7-11, 1975. Garfield, E. "Citation
analysis studies ," Science, 189 (4200) p.397, 1975.
Garfield, E. "What
is automatic indexing? " Journal of Documentation, 31 (3)
p.216, 1975. Garfield, E. "Citation analysis, mechanical translation
of chemical nomenclature, and the macrostructure of science ," Garfield, E. "Dr.
Garfield's remarks on accepting the ASIS Award of Merit ," p.1-6,
1975. Garfield, E. "The
entrepreneur as a doctoral candidate ," p.1-12, 1975. Cawkell, A. E. and Garfield, E. "The Cost-effectiveness
and Cost-benefits of commercial information services (Ash, J.E., Hyde,
E. eds.) Chemical Information Systems, Halsted Press: a
division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY. " p.73-85, 1975. Garfield, E. "Preface
and Introduction to Journal Citation Reports - Volume
9 of the Science Citation Index, 1975." 1976Reprinted in:EIS V.7, P.546pdffile available Article, No:258. Garfield, E. "There's more than one way ," Chemtech,
6 (3) p.167-173, 1976. Garfield, E. "The Science
Citation Index and ISI's Journal Citation Reports: Their
implications for journal editors ," p.1-22, 1976. Garfield, E. "Is French science too provincial? " La
Recherche, 7 (70) p.757-760, 1976. Garfield, E. "The journals pathologists write and the
journals pathologists cite; to which is appended a list of highly cited
articles from pathology journals ," Pathology Annual (Sommers,
S.C., series editor), Appleton-Century Crofts, Div. Prentice-Hall, NY:
11 p.335-351, 1976. Garfield, E. "Significant journals of science ," Nature,
264 (5587) p.609-617, 1976. Cawkell, A. E. and Garfield, E. "Science-Technology
Industry-University connections as discussed in Nature,
254(100);1975 - Letter to the Editor ," Journal of Chemical
Information and Computer Sciences, 16 (1) p.122, 1976. 1977Article, No:273. Garfield, E. and Sim, M. "Index Chemicus Registry
System - past, present and future ," Pure & Applied Chemistry,
49 p.1803-1805, 1977. Garfield, E. and Lederberg, E. M. "Is the current
system of scientific communication adequate to the age of plasmid
engineering? " Plasmids -- Medical and Theoretical Aspects:
Third International Symposium on Antibiotic Resistance (Mitsuhashi, S.,
Rosival, L., Krcmery, V., eds) Avicenum, Czech. Medical Press, Prague.
Springer Verlag, p.389-393, 1977. pdf
file available Garfield, E., Koenig, M., and DiRenzo, T. "ISI
data-base-produced information services ," IEEE Transactions of
Professional Communication, PC-20 (2) p.95-99, 1977. Garfield, E. "Caution is urged in the use of citation
analyses ," Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2 (4) p.N84,
1977. Garfield, E. "One
imperfect application does not destroy the value of citation analysis ,"
Canadian Psychological Review (Psychologie Canadienne), 18
(4) p.372, 1977. Garfield, E. "Hotel horror stories ," Veterinary
and Human Toxicology, 19 (4) p.262-264, 1977. 1978Reprinted in:EIS V.6, P.580pdf file available Book Chapter(#8) No:272. Garfield, E. "How services from the Institute for
Scientific Information (ISI) aid journal editors and publishers ," Scientific
Information Transfer: the editor's role (Miriam Balaban, eds.)
Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, p.587-595,
1978. Beck MT, Doborov GM, Garfield E, deSolla Price D, "Editorial Comments on the inaugural issue of Scientometrics, 1(1): 3-8, September 1978. Garfield, E. "What this country needs is a free phone
call ," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 34 (2) p.56-59,
1978. Garfield, E. "Where is chemical information science
going? " Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 18 (1)
p.1-4, 1978. pdf
file available Garfield, E. "A festschrift for Bjorn Tell: How will
new technology change the characteristics of libraries and their users?
" Knowledge and Development Reshaping Library and Information
Services for the World of Tomorrow (Schwarz, S., Willers, U., eds.)
Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology Library, p.147-156,
1978. Garfield, E. "The Science Citation Index as
quality information filter ," Proceedings of the conference on Coping
with Biomedical Literature Explosion: A Qualitative Approach. May
22-23, 1978, NY, New York: The Rockefeller Foundation Working Papers,
p.68-77, 1978. 1979Article, No:277. pdf file available Garfield, E. "Trends in biochemical literature ," Trends
in Biochemical Sciences, 4 (12) p.N290-N295, 1979. Garfield, E. "Current Contents: its impact on
scientific communication ," Interdisciplinary Science Reviews,
4 p.318-323, 1979. Garfield, E. "2001: An information society? " Journal
of Information Science, 1 p.209-215, 1979. Garfield, E. "Making contacts at conferences ," IEEE
Transactions on Professional Communication, PC-22 (3) p.131-133,
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countries ," Signum, 12 (8) p.167-180, 1979. Garfield, E. "Highly cited old papers ," Journal of
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1979. Garfield, E. "Mapping
the structure of science (Chapter 8) ," Citation Indexing: Its
Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY, p.98-147, 1979. Garfield, E. "Radio: The neglected medium for
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Communication, PC-22 (1) p.14-15, 1979. 1980Article, No:289. Garfield, E. "Is information retrieval in the arts and
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ISI's Citation Index for the arts and humanities is expected to
have on future scholarship ," Library Quarterly, 50 (1)
p.40-57, 1980. Garfield, E. "The hazards of sunbathing ," Chemtech,
10 (6) p.337-339, 1980. Garfield, E. "Online and print information services are
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1980. Garfield, E. "Citation measures of the influence of
Robert K. Merton ," Transactions of the New York Academy of
Sciences, Series II, 39 (2712) p.61-74, 1980. Garfield, E. "1985: New technology for libraries ," Library
Journal, 105 (13) p.1473-1478, 1980. Garfield, E. "ISI computer-based information services
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the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Raben, J., Marks, G., eds.)
Amsterdam: North-Holland, p.315-319, 1980. Garfield, E. "Is
citation analysis a legitimate evaluation tool -- reply ," Scientometrics,
2 (1) p.92-94, 1980. Cawkell, A. E. and Garfield, E. "Assessing
Einstein's impact on today's science by citation analysis ," Einstein:
The First Hundred Years:(Goldsmith, M., Mackay, A., Woudhuysen, J.
eds) Pergamon Press, NY, p.31-40, 1980. 1981Book Chapter, No:293. Garfield, E. "How personal computers will affect the
future of libraries and information centers ," Applied Systems and
Cybernetics: Systems approaches in computer science and mathematics
(Lasker, G.E., eds.) New York: Pergamon, 5 p.2365-2369, 1981. Garfield, E. "Some new standards for chemistry journals
," p.1-26, 1981. Garfield, E. "Testimony before Senate committee on
Labor and Human Resources ," p.1-8, 1981. 1982Presentation. (Unpublished),Council of Biology Editors, Louisville, KY. May 4, 1982 No:2000 1983 Garfield, E. "Science
in the Third World. Whether or not a Third World article is
highly-cited depends on the recognition it gets from authors in the
developed countries ," Science Age, 1 (3 & 4) p.59-65,
1983. Garfield, E. "Document
delivery systems ," National Forum, LXIII (3) p.8-10,
1983. Garfield, E. "Online
retrieval in the transition from bibliographic to encyclopedic
information ," Increasing Productivity Through Library
Automation (Helal, A.H., Weiss, J.W., eds.) Essen:
Gesamthochschulbibliothek, 5 p.27-60, 1983. Garfield, E. "Mapping
science in the Third World ," Science and Public Policy, 10
(3) p.112-127, 1983. Garfield, E. "Citation
Indexes in Information Retrieval" Journal of the American
Society for Information Science, p.298-299, 1983. Garfield, E. "Las
universidades como productoras y consumidoras de informacion (Universities
as producers and consumers of information) ," Inforum,2 (83)
p.1-15, 1983. Garfield, E. "The foreign language barrier: Problems in
scientific communication ," Nature, 303 (5917) p.554,
1983. Garfield, E. "Carl Djerassi
- chemist and entrepreneur ," Chemtech, 13 (9) p.534-538,
1983. Garfield, E. "Science and Citation Analysis ," Scientific
World, XXVII (1) p.21-24, 1983. Garfield, E. "Sci-Mate:
A user-friendly information storage and retrieval system for
microcomputers ," The Application of Mini and Micro-computers
in Information Documentation and Libraries (Keren, C., Perimutter,
L., eds.) Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., p.79-84,
1983. Garfield, E. "Current Contents: Landmark idea ,"
So you want to be a profitable database publisher, Washington,
D.C.: Information Industry Association, p.30-36, 1983. Garfield, E "Information services for the
pharmaceutical industry: the transition from bibliographism to
encyclopedism ," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the
Association of Information Officers in the Pharmaceutical Industry,
Information Industry Association, Oxford, U.K., p.136-142, 1983. Garfield, E. "The future of information retrieval in
the earth sciences: from bibliographism to encyclopedism ," Geoscience
Information Society: Proceedings for 1983, 14 p.37-61, 1983. Garfield, E. "If I'm alive, what am I doing here? "
p.1-16, 1983. 1984Article, No:330. Garfield, E. "Artificial
Intelligence: Using computers to think about thinking. Part 1.
Representing Knowledge," Computer Compacts, 2 (1) p.4-8,
1984. Garfield, E. "Publication
dates ," Annals of Internal Medicine, 100 (3) p.457,
1984. Garfield, E. "Searching
the literature ," British Medical Journal, 288 (6420)
p.865, 1984. Garfield, E. "Competition
," New Scientist, 102 (1411) p.49, 1984. Garfield, E. "Review
of Sci-Mate ," Annals of Internal Medicine, 100 (6) p.914,
1984. Garfield, E. "Photocopying ,"
Nature, 311 (5985) p.406, 1984. Garfield, E. "The
information society: implications for national planning ," The
Infrastructure of an Information Society (El-Hadidy, B., Horne, E. E.,
eds) Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., p.13-18, 1984. Garfield, E. "Is public confidence in science
declining? (Reprinted) ," Journal of Public Health Dentistry,
44 (2) p.80-82, 1984. vGarfield, E. "Continuing
relevance of superimposed coding ," Journal of Public Health
Dentistry, 8 (4) p.181, 1984. Garfield, E. "Iatrogenic
information overload ," Journal of Information Science, 8
(1) p.39, 1984. Garfield, E. "A romp around
the United Kingdom research centers ," British Medical Journal,
289 (6438) p.187-188, 1984. Garfield, E. "Anthropology Journals: What they cite and
what cites them (Reprinted) ," Current Anthropology, 25 (4)
p.514-528, 1984. Garfield, E. "The
myth of the vicious circle of citation ," Journal of
Information Science, 8 (2) p.89-90, 1984. Garfield, E. "Scientific
editing ," American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA),
184 (6) p.649, 1984. Garfield, E. "ABCs of Cluster Mapping ," New Trends
in International Librarianship, Mohanrajan, P.A., ed., Allied
Publishers Private Limited,New Delhi, India, p.39-62, 1984. Festschrift
for S.R. Ranganathan to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Madras University
Library. 1985Article, No:340. Small, H. and Garfield, E. "The geography of science:
disciplinary and national mappings ," Journal of Information Science,
11 (4) p.147-159, 1985. Garfield, E. "The life and career of George Sarton --
the father of the history of science ," Journal of the History of
the Behavioral Sciences, 21 (2) p.107-117, 1985. Garfield, E. "History of Citation Indexes for
chemistry: A brief review ," Journal of Chemical Information and
Computer Sciences, 25 (3) p.170-174, 1985. Garfield, E. "In tribute to Derek John De Solla Price
-- A citation analysis of "Little Science, Big Science" ," Scientometrics,
7 (3-6) p.487-503, 1985. Garfield, E. "The impact of health information delivery
on the quality of patient care: wither medical information science? " Health
Libraries Review, 2 p.159-169, 1985. Garfield, E. "Online
and printed information services ," Nachrichten Fur
Dokumentation, 36 (6) p.275-276, 1985. Garfield, E. "Mapping the multi-disciplinary world of
NFAIS ," NFAIS Newsletter, 27 (2) p.44-52, 1985. Miles Conrad
Lecture, NFAIS 27th Annual Conference, Arlington, VA. March 3-6,
1985 Fisher, J. and Garfield, E. " Information
science and the plastic surgeon ," Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery, 75 (6) p.914-920, 1985. 1986Letter (Dialogue feature of CBE), No:342. Garfield, E., Small, H., and Vladutz, G. "At
the information exchange: Book review of "Scientific communications and
informatics" by Mikhailov A.I., Chernyi, A.I., Giliarevskii R.S.
Translated by Burger, R.H. " Nature, 319 (6051) p.272,
1986. Garfield, E. "The relationship between international
science indicators, Nobel class science, and science mapping in the
formation of science policy ," p.1-22, 1986. Garfield, E. "Medical
research ," Trial, 22 (7) p.10, 1986. Garfield, E. "Mapping cholera research and the impact
of Shambu Nath De of Calcutta ," Science Age , p.53-56,
1986. Reprinted in:Current Contents #14, Apr.7, 1986. EIS V.9,
p.103 pdf
file available Garfield, E. "JOURNAL
IMPACT vs INFLUENCE: A need for five-year impact factors - Letter
to the Editor ," Information Processing & Management, 22
(5) p.445, 1986. Garfield, E. "Which medical journals have the greatest
impact ," Annals of Internal Medicine, 105 (2) p.313-320,
1986. Garfield, E. "Mapping the world of biomedical
engineering: ALZA lecture (1985) ," Annals of Biomedical Engineering,
14 (2) p.97-108, 1986. pdf
file available Garfield, E. "Mapping science for policy use ,"
Symposium on "Impact of advances in information technologies on
science: policy issues". AAAS Annual Meeting, p.1-18, 1986.
Philadelphia, PA. Garfield, E. "An
investment in the future ," Chemtech, 16 (8) p.458-461,
1986. Garfield, E. "Everyday
problems in an information society ," Handbook of Information
Technology and Office Systems, Cawkell, A.E., ed., North-Holland
Press, Oxford, U.K., Chapter 48 p.883-887, 1986. Book chapter,
No:416. 1987http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/oralhistory/interview.html Garfield, E. "100 Citation Classics from the Journal of
the American Medical Association ," Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA), 257 (1) p.52-59, 1987. Garfield, E. "First
information engineer ," Business Software Review, p.4,
1987. 1988Book Chapter, No:394. Garfield, E. "Derek
Price and the practical world of scientometrics ," Science
Technology & Human Values, 13 (3/4) p.349-350, 1988. Garfield, E. "The impact of citation counts ," The
Times Higher Education Supplement,(819) p.12, 1988. Garfield, E. "Chemical information and new technology
-- past, present, and future ," Abstracts of Papers of the American
Chemical Society, 195 (June) p.9, 1988. 1989Book Review, No:382. Garfield, E. and Small, H. "Identifying
the changing frontiers of science," Innovation: At The
Crossroads Between Science & Technology [Conference
Proceedings], The S. Neaman Press, Israel (Kranzberg, M., Elkana, Y.,
Tadmor, Z., eds.), p.51-65, 1989. Garfield, E. "Man-made
and natural carcinogens -- putting the risks in perspective ," Veterinary
and Human Toxicology, 31 (6) p.589-590, 1989. Garfield, E. "Prospective
uses of citation data for identifying new research specialties in
chemistry ," 41st Southeast Regional ACS Meeting ,(Program
& Abstracts) p.22, 1989. Garfield, E. "Chemical
information as a commercial marketplace ," Proceedings of the
Montreux 1989 International Chemical Information Conference, Montreux,
Switzerland, Infonortics Ltd. Calne, Collier, H.R. ed., p.1-11,
1989. 1990Presentation. Published by Science and Technology Information Center and Science and Technology Library Network, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC."How ISI selects journals for coverage: Quantitative and qualitative considerations" based on above paper. Reprinted in: Current Contents #22, May 28, 1990; EIS V.13, p.185 pdf file available Paper. No:412 Garfield, E. and Welljams-Dorof, A "The
consequences of a fraudulent scientist on his innocent coinvestigators,"
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 264
(24) p.3145-3146, 1990. Garfield, E. and Welljams-Dorof, A. "The impact of
fraudulent research on the scientific literature: The Stephen E.
Breuning case ," Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
263 (10) p.1424-1426, 1990. Garfield, E. and Welljams-Dorof, A. "Language use in
international research: A citation analysis ," Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 511 (September)
p.10-24, 1990. Garfield, E. "LDCs
get price break on SCI CD-ROM ," Canadian Library Journal,
47 (3) p.151-152, 1990. Garfield, E. "Mapping cholera research and the impact
of Shambu Nath De of Calcutta ," Current Science, 59 (13/14)
p.643-649, 1990. Garfield, E. "Science
Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports, and other ISI trademarks-
Letter to the editor ," Information Processing & Management,
26 (4) p.573, 1990. Garfield, E. "A tribute to Eli and Lee Robins --
citation superstars ," Missouri Psychiatry, 18 (3) p.36-37,
1990. Garfield, E. "Science
in Romania," Chemical & Engineering News, 68 (17) p.75,
1990. Garfield, E. "Response
to the panel on evaluation of scientific information and the impact of
new information technology ," Journal of the American Society
of Information Science, 41 (3) p.229-230, 1990. Garfield, E.Allzeit
Voran ~ Festschrift for Thomas Karger on the occasion of his 60th
birthday, p.136, 1990. Garfield, E. "Standards
for citations are 'sorely needed' ," The Chronicle of Higher
Education, p.B4, 1990. 1991Reprinted in:Current Contents, #2, Jan.8, 1990; EIS V.13, p.9 (listed as Moravczik in Current Contents and EIS) pdf file available Article, No:366. Garfield, E. " A
citation analysis of Austrian medical research and Wiener klinische
Wochenschrift ," Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 103 (11)
p.318-325, 1991. Garfield, E. " Seeking
permission to use ISI's proprietary databases - Letter to the
Editor," Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
42 (6) p.464, 1991. Garfield, E. "Decisions en Biomedicina: Se mantendran
las bibliotecas hospitalarias al dia en la era de la informacion?
1992Reprinted in:Current Contents #49, Dec.7, 1992; EIS, V.15, P.190. pdf file available Article, No:419 Garfield, E. and Welljams-Dorof, A. "The microbiology
literature: Languages of publication and their relative citation impact
," FEMS Microbiology Letters,(100) p.33-38, 1992. Garfield, E. and Welljams-Dorof, A. "Of Nobel Class: A
citation perspective on high impact research authors ," Theoretical
Medicine,(13) p.117-135, 1992. Garfield, E. "The
effectiveness of American Society of Agronomy journals: A citationist's
perspective ," Research Ethics, Manuscript Review, and Journal
Quality. ACS Miscellaneous Publication. Proceedings of a symposium
on the Peer-Review / Editing Process. Mayland, H.F. and Sojka, R.E.
eds., p.1-13, 1992. Garfield, E. " The
relationship between mechanical indexing, structural linguistics and
information retrieval," Journal of Information Science, 18
(5) p.343-354, 1992. 1993Article (Brief Communication), No:402. Garfield, E. "La epidemiologia del conocimiento y la
diseminacion de la informacion cientifica ," Informacion y
Documentacion Biomedica, 1 (2) p.28-31, 1993. Garfield, E. " What
citations tell us about Canadian research," The Canadian
Journal of Information and Library Science, 18 (4) p.14-35,
1993. Garfield, E. "Mechanical
indexing, structural linguistics and information retrieval," Journal
of Information Science, 19 (12) p.164-165, 1993. Garfield, E. "Science
in the ROC and the Pacific Rim, 1981-1992: A citationist perspective
," p.1-48, 1993. 1994(La ciencia en Espana desde la perspectiva de las citaciones:1981-1992)," Arbor, CXLVII (577-578) p.111-133, 1994. Paper presented at Sevilla, Spain. October 20, 1993 Article, No:448. Garfield, E. "New
tools for navigating the Materials Science literature," Journal
of Materials Education, 16 (5 & 6) p.327-362, 1994. Garfield, E. "Reflections on the past, present, and
future of print and electronic information services ," 1994. 1995Only Abstract published in Science, Culture, Communication for the 21st Century. "The Impact of Cumulative Impact Factors" Proceedings of the 8th IFSE Conference, Barcelona, 1995. Full Paper. Presented at the Eighth International Conference of the International Federation of Science Editors, Barcelona, Spain. July 9-13, 1995. Talk partially based on : "Impressions of Spanish Research Output as seen in the ISI Science Indicators Report." July 1995.Unpublished. No:423. Garfield, E. "Quantitative analysis of the scientific
literature and its implications for science policymaking in Latin
America and the Caribbean ," Bulletin of the Pan American Health
Organization, 29 (1) p.87-95, 1995. Garfield, E. "Multilingual
communication essential for science," Interdisciplinary Science
Reviews, 20 (3) p.179-180, 1995. Garfield, E. " The
internationalization of the information industry ," Information
Services & Use, 15 (1) p.49-52, 1995. Garfield, E. "Impressions of Spanish Research output as
seen in the ISI Science Indicators Reports ," p.1-27,
1995. 1996Presentation (Unpublished), at the G7 Consensus Conference on Theory and Practice of Research Assessment in Capri, Italy. October 7, 19. pdf file (use this to print) No:424. Garfield, E. "When to Cite ," Library Quarterly,
66 (4) p.449-458, 1996. pdf
file. Garfield, E. "
How can impact factors be improved? " British Medical Journal,
313 (7054) p.411-413, 1996. (article in BMJ)
Garfield, E. "Response to Ernesto Spinak's "
Los analisis cuantitativos de la literatura cientifica y su validez
para juzgar la produccion latino americana" ," Boletin de la
Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, 120 (2) p.146-147, 1996. Garfield, E. "Random
thoughts of a pseudo-visionary about the present and future of the
Internet," p.1-45, 1996. 1997No:407. Garfield, E. and Melino, G. The
growth of the cell death field: An analysis from the ISI- Science
Citation Index ," Cell Death and Differentiation,(4)
p.352-361, 1997. Garfield, E. and Small H. "Citation
Format ," [Numbered vs Alphabetic Reference Style Preferred] Journal
of the American Society of Information Science (JASIS), 48 (10)
p.963, October ,1997. Oral History -Interview
by Robert V. Williams of Chemical Heritage Foundation on July 29,
1997, p.1-104. Garfield, E. "Citation Indexes for Research Evaluation
and Information Retrieval, Including an Analysis of Pharmacology
Research ," p.1-35, 1997. Presentation (Unpublished) at
XXVIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Bari,
Italy. April 30, 1997. Garfield, E. "Validation
of Citation Analysis ," Journal of the American Society of
Information Science (JASIS), 48 (10) p.962, 1997. Garfield, E. "Agony and ecstasy of the Internet:
Experiences of an information scientist qua publisher ," Publications
of Essen University Library, 21 p.202-222, 1997. Garfield, E. "Editors are
justified in asking authors to cite equivalent references from same
journal ," British Medical Journal, 314 (7096) p.1765,
1997. [pdf file] Garfield, E. " Citation
Analysis of Sports Medicine Research, 1981-1996 ," p.1-37,
1997. Garfield, E. " Concept
of Citation Indexing: A unique and innovative tool for navigating the
research literature," p.1-66, 1997. Presentation (Unpublished) at
Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok, Russia. September 4,
1997 Garfield, E. " Speech
presented on receiving an Honorary Degree from Far Eastern University
and Honorary Membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences - September
6, 1997," Vestnik, (2) p.70-74, 1998. Garfield, E. "SDI
and 'Push Pull' Technology," April 14, 1997. Garfield, E. " A
statistically valid definition of bias is needed to determine whether
the Science Citation Index discriminates against Third
World journals ," Current Science, 73 (8) p.639-641,
1997. 1998
Garfield, E. "On
the Shoulders of Giants" presented at The Conference on the History
and Heritage of Science Information Systems, Pittsburgh, October 24,
1998 Garfield, E. "Random
Thoughts on Citationology: Its Theory and Practice (Comments on
Theories of Citation? L. Leydesdorff, Scientometrics, 43(1),
1998)" Garfield, E. "The Impact Factor and using it
correctly" Garfield, E. "From Citation Indexes to Informetrics:
Is the tail wagging the dog?" Garfield, E. "On
the origins of Current Contents and ISI,"
Garfield, E. "The
use of Journal Impact Factors and Citation Analysis for evaluation of
science, (Oslo)" Garfield, E. The
use of Journal Impact Factors and Citation Analysis for evaluation of
science, (Utah)" Garfield, E. "The
multiple meanings of Impact Factors ," Journal of the American
Society For Information Science (JASIS), 49(8), p.768, 1998. Garfield, E. "
Mapping the world of science ," p.1-19, 1998. Garfield, E. and Melino, G. " The
growth of the cell death field: an analysis from the ISI-Science
Citation Index .. Erratum ," Cell Death and
Differentiation, 5 (1) p.127, 1998. 1999 Kim, Chungji "Indepth
Interview: An Interview with Dr. Eugene Garfield, Ph.D." Medical
Writing, 8(1), 1999. Garfield, E. "A
Citation Analyst's Perspective on Japanese Science" Garfield, E. "Refining
the Computation of Topic Based Impact Factors : Some Suggestions" Occupational
Medicine (Oxford) 49:(8) 571, November 1999. Garfield, E. "
From Laboratory to Information Explosions... The evolution of Chemical
Information Services at ISI Hargittai, Istvan "Deeds
and Dreams of Eugene Garfield" (Interview) The Chemical
Intelligencer, p.26-31, October 1999. Garfield, E. "From
the World Brain to the Informatorium... with a little help from Manfred
Kochen " Garfield, E. "From
the World Brain to the Informatorium," Information
Services& Use (19):99-105, 1999, IOS Press, Special issue
published for the Cranfield Conference in honor of Jack Meadows, June
1999, U.K. Garfield, E. "Journal impact
factor: a brief review" Canadian Medical Association Journal,
161(8), p.979-80, 1999. Caraway, Beatrice " Interview
with Dr. Eugene Garfield", Serial Conversations,
25(3):67-80, 1999. Garfield, E. "Observations
on Consilience in Abstracting and Indexing" Comments at NFAIS
Moderator Panel, February 22, 1999, Philadelphia. Garfield, E. "The
Birth of the Sun" by Emeteria Rios Martinez, 1999. 2000 Garfield, E. "Use
of Journal Citation Reports and Journal Performance Indicators in
measuring short and long term journal impact" Croatian
Medical Journal, 41: (4) 368-374 December 2000. Hane, Paula J. "Eugene
Garfield celebrates a Birthday and a Career : ISI Founder discusses the
state of information science, scientific publishing, and more" Information
Today 17(10) November 2000. Garfield, E. "State of the Society" - Talk presented at the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting November 14, 2000, Chicago. Garfield, E. ?The President?s Page,? Bulletin
of The American Society for Information Science, Garfield, E. "How
Laboratory Explosions led me to document the Information Explosion"
Chemical Heritage, 18(3):43-45, Fall 2000. Garfield, E. "In
which journals will pediatricians find the best evidence for clinical
practice?" Pediatrics, 106(2):377, August 2000. Garfield, E. ?The President?s Page,? Bulletin
of The American Society for Information Science, Garfield, E. ?The President?s Page,? Bulletin
of The American Society for Information Science, Garfield, E."The
use of JCR and JPI in Measuring Short and Long Term
Journal Impact" Presentation at the Council of Scientific Editors
Annual Meeting, May 9, 2000. Garfield, E. ?The President?s Page,? Bulletin
of The American Society for Information Science, Garfield, E. "Impact
of abstracts and short reports," Canadian Medical Association
Journal, 162(4), p.489-490, February 22, 2000. Garfield E. ?From 1950s Documentalists to 20th Century Information Scientists--and Beyond-- ASIS Enters the Year 2000 Facing Remarkable Advances and Challenges in Harnessing the Information Technology Revolution,? Bulletin of The American Society for Information Science, Volume 26, Number 2 (December/January 2000). 2001 Garfield, E. "From
bibliographic coupling to co-citation analysis via algorithmic
historio-bibliography" Garfield, E. "Reminiscences
of Vassily V. Nalimov" Scientometrics, 52(2):165-166,
October 2001. Garfield, E. "From
computational linguistics to algorithmic historiography" Lazerow
Lecture held in conjunction with panel on "Knowledge and Language:
Building large-scale knowledge bases for intelligent applications"
presented at the University of Pittsburgh on September 19,
2001. Garfield, E. "Recollections
of Irving H. Sher 1924-1996: Polymath / Information Scientist Extraordinaire"
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, 52(14):1197-1202, 2001. Cawkell, AE and Garfield, E. "Institute
for Scientific Information" Chapter 15 of A Century
of Science Publishing, p.149-160, Ed. E.H. Fredriksson, IOS
Press, 2001. Garfield, E. "Interview
with the journal Cortex on the use and misuse of impact
factors" Cortex 37(4):575-577, September 2001. Garfield, E. "Taxonomy
is small, but it has its citation classics" Nature 413,
p.107, September 13, 2001. Garfield, E. "From
Sputnik to the World Wide Web - A retrospective view of Citation
Indexing". (Presentation at the ACRL Science & Technology
Program Titled Quantum Leaps by Decade: Future Caching the Past - Forty
years of creating new communities for science librarianship through
collaboration, ALA Annual Meeting, June 18, 2001. Garfield, E. "Impact
factors, and why they won't go away" Nature
411, p. 522, May 31, 2001. Garfield, E. "From
Laboratory to Information Explosions..The evolution of Chemical
Information Services at ISI" Journal of Information Science,
27(2) p.119-125, April 2001. Garfield, E. "Opening
remarks on the occasion of Manfred Bonitz's 70th anniversary"
Presented at the Patterns in Scientific Communication ? The Matthew
Effect in Science and beyond Colloquium in Honour of the 70th Birthday
of Dr. Manfred Bonitz, Berlin, March 16, 2001. Garfield, E. "A
retrospective and prospective view of information retrieval and
artificial intelligence in the 21st Century" Journal
of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,
52(1), p.18-21, 2001. pdf
file 2002 Garfield E. "Bioinformatics".
Presentation at ASIST 2002: Information, Connections and Community,
65th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information
Science & Technology (ASIS&T). Session on "Bioinformatics
in Information Science Education" Philadelphia, PA. November
18-21, 2002. Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VS. "Algorithmic
Citation-Linked Historiography -- Mapping the Literature of Science"
Garfield E. "The
ISI-VINITI Connection -- Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of VINITI"
Pudovkin AI, Garfield E "Algorithmic
procedure for finding semantically related journals" Abt H, Garfield E. "Is the Relationship between Numbers of References and Paper Lengths the Same for All Sciences?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) 53(13):1106-1112, November 2002. Garfield E. "Reflections of a Scientometrician / Communicator -- From Current Contents to Citationology and Algorithmic Historiography" Presentation at China Medical Board Symposium in Beijing, September 23-24, 2002. Grimwade A, Garfield E. "The Scientist on the Web" The Scientist, Vol:16, #16, p.10, August 19, 2002. Garfield E. "The
Origins of the Eugene Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and
Health Research Award". Inaugural Presentation.
Award presented to Dr. David Meltzer. Philadelphia, July 10,
2002 Garfield E, Pudovkin AI,
Istomin VS, "Algorithmic citation-linked Historiography - mapping the
literature of science" June 13, 2002. Stock W.G. "Citation
Consciousness" an Interview with Eugene Garfield, Chairman Emeritus
of ISI, Philadelphia, U.S.A.. Garfield E, " Fast-Breaking Hot Papers" The Scientist, Vol:16, #8, April 15, 2002 Garfield E, "Highly Cited Authors" The Scientist, Vol:16, #7, April 1, 2002. Garfield E. "The impact factor of Wiener klinische Wochenschrift" Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 114 (5-6): 236-236 March 28 2002 Garfield E. "The
Impact Factor of Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift" Wiener
Klinische Wochenschrift, 114/19-20:881, 2002. Garfield E, "Introduction
to a lecture by E.O. Wilson at the Free Library of Philadelphia"
February 7, 2002. Garfield E, "Demand
Citation Vigilance" The Scientist, 16(2):6, January
21, 2002. 2003 Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VI, "Mapping
the Output of Topical Searches in the Web of Knowledge and the
case of Watson-Crick" Information Technology and Libraries;
22 (4): 183-187 December 2003. Garfield E and Pudovkin AI "From
Materials Science to Nano-Ceramics -- Citation Analysis Identifies the
Key Journals and Players" Journal of Ceramic Processing
Research, 4(4): 155-167 2003. Garfield E. "The
Eugene Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and Health Research Award
for 2003 is presented to Dr. David Cutler". Inaugural
Presentation. Award presented to Dr. David Cutler.
Washington DC, October 28, 2003 Garfield E, "Using
HistCite to Map the Output of Small World, Watson-Crick 1953,
Cell Death and Differentiation, P. Nicotera, and Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VS. "Mapping
output of topical searches in the Science Citation Index, Social
Sciences Citation Index, Garfield E,. "Historiographic
Mapping of Knowledge Domains Literature" Keynote Address, Arthur M.
Sackler Colloquium on "Mapping Garfield E, "The
meaning of the Impact Factor" Interview published in International
Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (Revista Internacional
de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud) 3(2): 363-369, 2003. Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VS. "Why
do we need Algorithmic Historiography?" Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
54(5):400-412, March 2003. 2004
Garfield E. "Chemical
Information Entrepreneurship - A Personal Odyssey" Joseph
Priestley Society Symposium ?Knowledge: Our Competitive Weapon?
presented at The Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA.
December 9, 2004. Presentation No: 510 Pudovkin AI and Garfield E. "Rank-normalized
Impact Factor: A way to compare journal performance across subject
categories" Presented at the American Society for Information
Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Providence, RI. November
17, 2004 . Garfield E. and Pudovkin AI. " The HistCite System for mapping and bibliometric analaysis of the output of searches using theISI Web of Knowledge" Presented at the Annual Meeting of ASIS&T, Newport, Rhode Island, November 15, 2004. Abstract and Poster Session Presentation. Unpublished. Presentation. Unpublished. Garfield E. "A
prospective view of Citation Indexing and Information Retrieval in the
21st Century" Distinguished Lectureship, New Jersey
Chapter, American Society of Information and Technology, The
Rutgers Club, October 28, 2004. Garfield E. "The
Eugene Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and Health Research Award
for 2004 is presented to Dr. Sherry Glied" Inaugural
Presentation. Award presented to Dr. Sherry Glied.
Washington D.C., October 19, 2004 Moed H., Garfield E. "In
basic science the percentage of ?authoritative? references decreases as
bibliographies become shorter" Scientometrics Vol. 60, No. 3
(2004) 295-303. Garfield E. "Systematic
Serendipity: Finding the Undiscovered Answers to Science Questions"
Presented at The Medical Ignorance Collaboratory, University of
Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, July 2004. Garfield E. "The Unintended and Unanticipated Consequences of Robert K. Merton" Social Studies of Science, 34: 845-853, 2004. pdf file Glanzel W. and Garfield E. "The
Myth of Delayed Recognition -Citation analysis demonstrates that
premature discovery, while rare, does occur: Nearly all significant
research is normally cited soon after publication" The Scientist 18(11): 8-8
June 7 2004. Garfield E. "Remarks
on the occasion of receiving the Doctor of Science, honoris causa at Drexel
University". June 12 2004 Garfield E. "Historiographic
mapping of knowledge domains literature" Journal of Information
Science 30(2):119-145, 2004. Garfield E. "The
intended consequences of Robert K. Merton" Scientometrics
60(1): 51-61, 2004. Garfield E. Istomin VS. and Pudovkin AI. "Process for
creating and displaying a publication Historiograph" Patent
No:US6,728,725B2, April 27 2004. Garfield, E. "Web of science:
Measuring and assessing science beyond SCI - Response" Current
Science 2005 Garfield, E. "A Prospective View of Citation Indexing and Information Retrieval In the 21st Century" Presented on the occasion of being presented the ASIS&T Los Angeles Chapter?s Contributions to Information Science & Technology Award, 2004, Los Angeles, CA. January 27, 2005 "Garfield
E. ?The
origins of my interest in the economic impact of R&D?"
presented at the European Science Foundation Workshop, Strasbourg,
France, May 26 2005. Garfield
E. "
?Identifying core literature through Citation Analysis and
visualization? " presented at the American Library Association
(ALA) Meeting, Chicago, Committee on Research and Statistics, June 25
2005. Garfield, E. "The
Agony and the Ecstasy - The History and the Meaning of the Journal
Impact Factor" Hane, Paula J. "Eugene
Garfield Turns 80" Interview published in Information Today,
22(9): 24, October 2005. Hopkins K. "Most
Highly Cited - At 80, ISI and The Scientist founder Eugene Garfield
isn't quite finished improving information Perkel JM "The
Future of Citation Analysis - The challenge is to track a work's impact
when published in nontraditional Garfield E. "On
the Further Evolution of the Research!America Award for Economic Impact
on Medical and Health Research" Presentation at The Eugene
Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and Health Research Award
Ceremony for 2005 - presented to Dr. Kevin Murphy and Dr.
Robert H. Topel. Washington D.C., October 25, 2005 2006 Garfield, E. "The
History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor" Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA), (293): 90-93, January
2006. (Abridged version. For full text paper go to http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/jifchicago2005.pdf
) Garfield E, McVeigh M, and Muff M. "Retractions
are linked by the Web of Science to original reports"
Annals of Internal Medicine, March 2006. Also availoable at : http://www.annals.org/cgi/eletters/0000605-200604180-00123v1#2839 Garfield E. "Identifying
Nobel Class Scientists and the Uncertainties thereof? presented at
the European Conference on Scientific Publication In Medicne and
Biomedicine, Lund, Sweden, April 21, 2006. Garfield E. Interview : "Scientist, Inventor,
Visionary: Chatting with Dr. Eugene Garfield" KnowledgeLink
Newsletter, April 2006. Garfield E. "Post-Publication
Evaluation: Is There Life after the Impact Factor?" Remarks
presented during a session at the Society for Scholarly Publishing,
Crystal City, VA. June 8, 2006. Baykoucheva S. "Interview with Eugene Garfield" Chemical Information Bulletin 58(2): 7-9 July 2006. Garfield E. "Commentary : Fifty years of Citation Indexing" International Journal of Epidemiology September 2006. Doi: 10.1093/ije/dyl190. Garfield E. "Why
it is Important to Recognize Research on the Economic Impact of Medical
and Health Research" Garfield E. "Citation
indexes for science. A new dimension in documentation through
association of ideas? Garfield E. "Commentary : Fifty years of citation indexing" International Journal of Epidemiology 35(5):1127-1128 October 2006. Garfield E, Paris S, Stock WG. "HistCiteTM:
A software tool for informetric analysis of citation linkage"
2007 Brynko B. "An Interview with Eugene Garfield - A Lifetime of Achievement and Still Going Strong" Information Today 24(1), p.21, January 2007 Garfield E. "The
Evolution of the Science Citation Index Search Engine to the Web of
Science, Scientometric Evaluation and Historiography" Presented at
the University of Barcelona, January 24, 2007. Garfield E. "Charting the growth of science" Presented at the Chemical Heritage Foundation on being awarded the Richard J. Bolte, Sr. Award for Supporting Industries, Philadelphia, May 17 2007. Garfield E. "Panel on 'Evaluative Measures for Resource Quality: Beyond the Impact Factor'". Presented at the Medical Library Association Meeting, Philadelphia, May 22, 2007. Garfield E. "From
the Science of Science to Scientometrics : Visualizing the History of
Science with HistCite software" Presented at the 11th ISSI
International Conference, Madrid, Spain - June 25, 2007. Garfield E, "Whither Journals and Impact Factors?"
Foreword - Impact Factor of Scientific and Scholarly Journals. Its Use
and Misuse in Research Evaluation. Scientometrics Guidebooks
Series - Volume 2, p.v-vi. T. Braun Editor, pp.699,
Publisher:Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, August 2007 Garfield E. "Tracing
the influence of J.D. Bernal on the World of Science through Citation
Analysis" Presented at the British Association for Crystal Growth /
Irish Association for Crystal Growth Conference & Bernal Symposium
on Protein Crystallization, University College Dublin, Belfield,
Ireland. September 3-4, 2007. Garfield E. "On
the Shoulders of Giants - Tracing the impacts of information retrieval
systems on science policy" presented at 60th Anniversary
Celebration of Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical
Information, Oak Ridge, TN. September 18, 2007. Garfield E. "Remarks at Sharon Murphy's Memorial Service" at ISI / Thomson Scientific, Philadelphia, PA. November 19, 2007. Garfield E. "Dr.
Albert J. Stunkard wins the John Scott Award" Introduction - The
John Scott Award Ceremony at the American Philosophical Society,
Philadelphia, PA. November 16, 2007. 2008 Ford, B. Meyers "Society for Scholarly Publishing News interviews Eugene Garfield" January 17, 2008. Garfield E. "Saying Goodbye is so
hard to do - Joshua Lederberg (1925-2008) was one of the most
influential scientists of the 20th century, and my good friend"
The Scientist, 22(4):31-32, April 2008. NEW Garfield E. "How I learned to love the Brits" Journal
of Information Science 34(4) :623-626, 2008. Garfield E. "Celebrating the legacy of de Solla
Price" Research Trends, September 2008. Garfield E. "Rejection of 'The Synoptic History of the Science
Citation Index' by Science" Journal of Scientific
Exploration 22(4):559-560, Winter 2008. http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/jscientificexplorationv22n4y2008.pdf Garfield E. "Five
decades of Citation Indexing" Keynote Address - International Workshop
for Scientometrics (ISTIC), Beijing, China. September 2009.
Garfield E. "From information
retrieval to scientometrics—is the dog still wagging its tail?" Keynote
Address – Plenary Session 1 Fifth International Conference on WIS &
Tenth COLLNET Meeting, Dalian, China, September 13-16, 2009. Pudovkin AI, Garfield E. "Percentile
Rank and Author Superiority Indexes for Evaluating Individual Garfield E. "A Tribute to Arnold Thackray - Chemical Historian and Catalyzer Extraordinaire" Presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington DC, August 17, 2009. Presentation : Unpublished http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/tributearnoldthackray2009.pdf 2010 Pudovkin A.I., Garfield E.
"Algorithmic generation of specialty profiles for medical journals" Saracevic T & Garfield E. "On
measuring the publication productivity and citation impact of a
scholar: A case study" The Janus Faced Scholar: Festschrift in
Honor of Peter Ingwersen. vol. 06-S June 2010 (special vol. of
e-zine of the International Society of Scientometrics &
Informetrics) Publisher: Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi
(Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen) Under the
auspices of ISSI. 2010 Scharnhorst A, Garfield E. "Tracing
Scientific Influence" Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems, Vol:2:1,
p.1-33, 2010 Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Paris S. "A
bibliometric and historiographic analysis of the work of Tony van Raan:
a tribute to a scientometrics pioneer and gatekeeper" Research
Evaluation 19(3), September 2010. 2011 Garfield
E, "Full Text downloads and citations : Some reflections" Keynote
Lecture at the seminar on Scientific Measurement and Mapping, Santa Fe,
NM. May 10, 2011.
Pudovkin A.I., Garfield E. "The Impact of Lynn Margulis as seen through a Citationist Perspective" Presented at the International Symposium: Evolution by cooperation. The work of Lynn Margulis (1938-2011), Madrid, Spain, November 12-13, 2012. http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/impactoflynnmargulis2012.html Published in Scientometrics, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0659-z http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/resevalpartonescientometrics2012.pdf