Phytopathology News 6(3) p.4, 1972
Most Frequently Cited Phytopathology Journals
Eugene Garfield
Institute for Scientific Information
At the last annual meeting of The American Phytopathological Society, I had the honor to address your members on the subject of information retrieval. In the course of my remarks, I mentioned a study conducted at the Institute for Scientific Information, which showed how our Science Citation Index ® data base could be used in organizing small library collections.
From the SCI ® we have compiled a monumental Journal Citation Index , which shows citation relationships between thousands of journals. For example, the JCI shows that in the last quarter of 1969, out of approximately 1,000,000 citations, the journal Phytopathology cited the following list:
Title Times
CitedPhytopathology (Self-Citation) 822Plant Disease Reporter 119Virology 80Canadian Journal of Botany 51Plant Physiology 51American Journal of Botany 47Nature 46Annals of Applied Biology 41Annual Review of Phytopathology 38Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 37Journal of Agricultural Research 36Science 30Journal of Bacteriology 22Journal of Biological Chemistry 22Mycologia 20Agronomy Journal 19Journal of General Microbiology 19Annual Review of Plant Physiology 17Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 15Transactions of the British Mycological Society 15Journal of Economic Entomology 15Soil Science 15Crop Science 14Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 14Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 13Sewage and Industrial Wastes 12Biochimica Biophysica Acta 11Canadian Journal of Microbiology 11Canadian Journal of Plant Science 11Nematologica 11Botanical Review Review 10Methods in Enzymology 10All others (731 publications including books and other known journal items) 1,148 Total 2,842
It is worth noting that not a single member of the audience at the APS meeting could guess in advance that the third most frequently cited journal in this field is Virology . It is especially noteworthy that the analysis clearly distinguishes the journal Virology from the Journal of Virology as the journal of major importance to plant disease researchers-a decision that might be very difficult to make without such data.In contrast to the list of journals cited by Phytopathology there follows the ranked list of source journals in which it was cited:
Title Times
CitedPhytopathology (Self-Citation) 822Annual Review of Phytopathology 291Transactions of the British Mycological Society 46Canadian Journal of Botany 42Mycologia 30Virology 28Annals of Applied Biology 19Botanical Review 18Canadian Journal of Microbology 17Canadian Journal of Plant Science 15Hilgardia 14Theoretical and Applied Genetics 14American Potato Journal 12Journal of Economic Entomology 12Science 10All others (109 journals) 309Total 1,713
As a result of such analyses, we added Plant Disease Reporter to our SCI coverage, an oversight that is comprehensible only if one considers that at ISI we deal with thousands of journals from all fields of research.If any of your readers know of similar studies for phytopathology literature, I would be grateful to hear from them.
Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.
President, Inst. for Sci. Information