Essays of an Information Scientist:1977-1978

Volume 3

Table of Contents

 Foreword v   Derek J. de Solla Price   pdf file available
 Preface    xi  Eugene Garfield             pdf file available


CC No: CC Pgs. Date  Essays Pg. Title 
1 5 - 7 3 Jan 77 1 Introducing Citation Classics: the human side of scientific reports.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
2 5 - 7 10 Jan 77 3 On style in scientific writing.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Guest Essay 4 S. Aaronson. Style in scientific writing.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
3 5- 12 17 Jan 77 14 Introducing: The Unification Church and the Reverend Moon.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Guest Essay 15 R. Cohen. The Unification Church and the Reverend Moon.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
4 5 - 9 24 Jan 77 22 Journal citation studies. 31. Italian journals. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
5 5 - 11 31 Jan 77 27 New Year's greetings -- and other correspondence -- keep the spirit bright all year long!
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
6 5 - 12 7 Feb 77 34 Highly cited articles. 34. Articles from Italian journals and from Italian laboratories.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
7 5 - 7 14 Feb 77 42 Project Keysave -- ISI's new on-line system for keying citations corrects errors! 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
8 5-11 21 Feb 77 45 Highly cited articles. 35. Biochemistry papers published in the 1940s.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
9 5 - 6 28 Feb 77 52 ISI adds "non-journal" material to the 1977 Science Citation Index.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
10 5-11 7 Mar 77 54 Highly cited articles. 36 Physics, chemistry and mathematics papers  published in the 1940s. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
11 5-13 14 Mar 77 61 The vegetarian alaternative.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
12 5-10 21 Mar 77 70 The Permuterm Subject Index: an autobiographical review. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
13 5-12 28 Mar 77 76 Highly cited articles. 37. Biomedical articles published in the 1940s. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
14 5-8 4 Apr 77 84 Proposal for a new profession: scientific reviewer.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
15 5-10 11 Apr 77 88 Le nouveau defi Americain. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 89 E. Garfield. Is French science too provincial? La Recherche 7:757-60, 1976.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
16 5-12 18 Apr 77 95 Le nouveau defi Americain. II.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
17 5-10 25 Apr 77 103 Citation analysis and the anti-vivisection controversy.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
18 5-6 2 May 77 109 The ISI grant program.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
19 5-9 9 May 77 111 Shopping for a surgeon.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
20 5-7 16 May 77 116 Confessions of a cab driver.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
21 5-6 23 May 77 119 What some science students don't know: Current Contents can help them during and after their formal education.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
22 5-8 30 May 77 121 Treating the whole person: the use of social sciences information in medical  libraries. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
23 1-5 6 Jun 77 125 Highly cited articles. 38. Physics and chemistry papers published in the 1950s.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
24 5-6 13 Jun 77 130 The significant journals of science.
(Essays/Vol:3)   pdf file available
. . Reprint 132 E. Garfield. Significant journals of science. Nature,Vol. 264, No. 5587, p. 609-615,December 15, 1976. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
25 5-12 20 Jun 77 147 Highly cited articles. 39. Biochemistry papers published in the 1950s.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
26 5-22 27 Jun 77 155 Negative science and "The outlook for the flying machine".
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 167 S. Newcomb. The outlook for the flying machine. The Independent: A Weekly Magazine, 22 October 1903, p. 2508-12
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
27 5-7 4 Jul 77 173 The agony and ecstasy of publishing   your own book: 
Essays of an  Information Scientist. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
28 5 - 8 11 Jul 77 176 Robert K. Merton: among the giants.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
29 5-12 18 Jul 77 179 Highly cited articles. 40. Biomedical and behavioral papers published in the 1950s.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
30 5-15 25 Jul 77 187 Reducing the noise level in scientific communication: how services from ISI aid journal editors and publishers.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 189 E. Garfield. How services from  the Institute for Scientific  Information (ISI) aid journal editors and publishers. Paper presented at the First International Conference of  Scientific Editors in Jerusalem, April 25-29, 1977. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
31 5-10 1 Aug 77 198 Hotel horror stories.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
32 5-9 8 Aug 77 204 Will ISI's Arts & Humanities Citation Index revolutionize scholarship?
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
33 5-8 15 Aug 77 209 The ISI lecturer program: a pragmatic approach to teaching students about information services.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
34 5-6 22 Aug 77 213 To remember by brother, Robert L. Hayne.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
35 5-8 29 Aug 77 215 To cite or not to cite: a note of annoyance.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
36 5-8 5 Sep 77 219 Cremation: a sensible alternative.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
37 5-7 12 Sep 77 223 The information-conscious university and ASCA software.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
38 5-10 19 Sep 77 226 What this country needs is a free phone call.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
39 5-6 26 Sep 77 232 Restating the fundamental assumptions of citation analysis.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 234 B.C. Griffith, M.C. Drott, H.G.Small. On the use of citations in studying scientific achievements and communication. Society for Social Studies of Science Newsletter 2:9-13, Summer 1977.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 240 D. Edge. Why I am not a co-citationist. Society for Social Studies of Science Newsletter 2:13-19, Summer 1977.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
40 5-10 3 Oct 77 247 ISI's new Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings lets you know what went on at a conference even 
if you stayed at home. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
41 5-10 10 Oct 77 253 Viewdata and SCITEL bring interactive information systems into the home. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
42 5-12 17 Oct 77 259 A study of Canadian journal data illustrates the potential for citation analysis.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 262 C.T. Bishop. Canadian journals are better than some think. Science Forum 10(3):20-22, June 1977. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
43 5-8 24 Oct 77 267 To indent or not to indent? How to improve journal contents page format.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
44 5-19 31 Oct 77 271 Information theory and all that jazz:  a lost reference list leads to a pragmatic assignment for students.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 274 E. Garfield. Information theory  and other quantitative factors in code design for document card systems.  Journal of Chemical  Documentation 1:70, 1961. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
45 5-17 7 Nov 77 286 Everything you always wanted to know  about ISI data bases but were afraid to ask. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 288 E. Garfield, M. Koenig, T.  DiRenzo. ISI data-base-produced  information services. IEEE 
Transactions on Professional  Communication PC-20(2):95-9, September 1977. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
46 5-11 14 Nov 77 299 Sir Peter B. Medawar: consummate scientific professional, accomplished literary amateur.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
47 5-13 21 Nov 77 307 Can reprint requests serve as a new form of international currency for the scientific community?
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
48 5-12 28 Nov 77 316 Citation analysis and the anti-vivisection controversy. Part II. An assessment of Lester R. Aronson's citation record. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
49 5-15 5 Dec 77 326 The 250 most-cited primary authors, 1961-75. Part 1.  How the names were selected.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
50 5-15 12 Dec 77 337 The 250 most-cited primary authors, 1961-1975. Part II. The correlation between citedness, Nobel prizes, and academy memberships.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
51 5-20 19 Dec 77 348 The 250 most-cited primary authors, 1961-1975. Part III. Each author's most-cited publication. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
52 5-12 26 Dec 77 364 The computer: practical tool, ultimate toy. (Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . Reprint 367 367   M.E.D. Koenig. The toy theory of western history. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 23:16-8,  1977.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available


CC No: CC Pgs. Date  Essays Pg. Title 
1 5-10. 2 Jan 78  372 More on cremation and other alternatives to traditional burial. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
2 5-12. 9 Jan 78 379 Miniprint: is it a practical way to  cut publishing costs? or If you can  read this, you can read miniprint!
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
3 5-10 16  Jan 78 387 The new Copyright Clearance Center and the doctrine of fair use. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
4 5-11 23 Jan 78 393 ISI's master dictionary aids scientific etymology and reflects changes in science. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
5 5-7 30 Jan 78 400 IIA Hall of Fame Award helps make 1977 a good year.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. 8-11 Reprint 403 E. Garfield. The future of the information industry. Speech given upon receipt of Information Industry Association (IIA) Hall of Fame Award, October 5, 1977, Port Chester, New York.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
6 5-8 6 Feb 78 407 ISI's Who Is Publishing In  Science  -- Why is it an idea   whose time has not come?
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
7 5-15 13 Feb 78 411 To remember Chauncey D. Leake. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
8 5-6 20 Feb 78 422 To remember my father. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
9 5-13 27 Feb 78 424 Keeping up with new magazines.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
10 5-10 6 Mar 78 434 ISI is now helping to bridge the three (not two) cultures. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
11 5-12 13 Mar 78 440 Style in cited references.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
12 5-8 20 Mar 78 448 Information science and technology have come of age -- organizational names should show it.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
13 5-7 27 Mar 78 452 Gordian knot of journal coverage:why we can't put all the journals you want into the Current Contents edition you read. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
14 5-10 3 Apr 78 455 Creative philanthropy. I. Is it  necessary to be non-profit to be  philanthropic? 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
15 5-8 10 Apr 78 461 Creative philanthropy. II. Getting  more bang for the buck! 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
16 5-7 17 Apr 78 465 Chemical information for the man who has everything. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. 8-13 Reprint 468 E. Garfield. Where is chemical information science going? Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 18:1-4, 1961.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
17 5-7 24 Apr 78 474 National Science Foundation stimulates sociometric, science policy studies  through innovative contract with ISI. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
18 5-9 1 May 78 477 Social sciences information -- vital  link between the law and our  evolving society. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
19 5-10 8 May 78 482 In recognition of journals which prove that change is possible.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
20 5-8 15 May 78 488 False publication dates and other rip-offs.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
21 5-10 22 May 78 492 So who's perfect? Corrections and  additions to the 250 most-cited   authors list. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
22 5-10 29 May 78 498 Do French scientists who publish outside of France and/or in English   do better research? 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
23 5-11 5 Jun 78 504 To remember Ralph Shaw.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
24 5-10 12 Jun 78 511 The scientist in the courtroom: a heady experience with many dangers.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
25 5-9 19 Jun 78 517 Radio: the neglected medium for  scientific communication. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
26 5-11 26 Jun 78 522 Money exchange -- the traveler's dilemma.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
27 5-13 3 Jul 78 529 Chiropractic: still controversial after nearly 100 years. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
28 5-17 10 Jul 78 538 The 300 most-cited authors, 1961-1976, including co-authors at last. 1. How  the names were selected. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
29 5-9 17 Jul 78 551 Introducing PRIMATE -- Personal Retrieval of Information by Microcomputer and Terminal Ensemble.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
30 5-7 24 Jul 78 556 Announcing Current Contents /Arts   & Humanities: in 1979 our  Current Contents series will   cover virtually every academic  discipline. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
31 5-8 31 Jul 78 559 The endless quest for timeliness -- fourth quarterly Science Citation Index.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
32 5-14 7 Aug 78 563 The 100 articles most cited by social scientists, 1969-1977. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
33 5-9 14 Aug 78 573 Introducing Index to Social  Sciences & Humanities Proceedings -- more help in locating and acquiring proceedings. 
 (Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
34 5-12 21 Aug 78 579 Science journalism: you've come a long way baby, but ...!
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
35 5-30 28 Aug 78 587 The 300 most-cited authors, 1961-1976, including co-authors. Part 2. The  relationship between citedness, awards, and academy memberships. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
36 5-12 4 Sep 78 613 Scientists' image in movies and TV programs.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
37 5-16 11 Sep 78 621 The 100 books most cited by social scientists, 1969-1977.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
38 5-11 18 Sep 78 633 The 100 most-cited SSCI authors, 1969-1977. .1. How the names were selected.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
39 5-7 25 Sep 78 640 ASCA can help you monitor publication in your organization or   country. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
40 5-12 2 Oct 78 644 The ethics of scientific publication.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
41 5-15 9 Oct 78 652 High impact science and the case of Arthur Jensen.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
42 5-9 16 Oct 78 663 Is Current Contents a periodical?  The landmark case of ISI vs.U.S. Postal Service.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
43 5-9 23 Oct 78 668 Making contacts at conferences - a problem for the young scientist.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
44 5-6 30 Oct 78 673 The incredible INFOROMETER.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
45 5-15 6 Nov 78 675 The 100 most-cited SSCI  authors. 2. A catalog of their awards  and academy memberships. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
46 5-7 13 Nov 78 686 Beverly Bartolomeo and 20 years of Current Contents.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
47 5-16 20 Nov 78 689 The 300 most-cited authors, 1961-1976, including co-authors. 3A. Their most-cited papers  -- introduction and  journal analysis. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
48 5-12 27 Nov 78 701 The 300 most-cited authors, 1961-1976, including co-authors.3B. Their most-cited papers and a correction note. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
49 5-16 4 Dec 78 711 The 300 most-cited authors, 1961-1976, including co-authors. 3C. Their most-cited papers and affiliation data. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
50 5-8 11 Dec 78 723 Additional history and sociology of science c overage in Current Contents.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
51 5-8 18 Dec 78 727 Five years of Current Book  Contents and multi-authored book  indexing. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
52 5-10 25 Dec 78 731 Reflections on 1978: looking forward to 1979. Cumulated index to Essays,    Vols. 1, 2 & 3. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . . 737 Cited Author Index Cumulated index to Essays, 
Vols. 1, 2 & 3. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . . 753 Subject Index Cumulated index to Essays, 
Vols. 1, 2 & 3. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . . 801 Index to Illustrations
Cumulated Index to Essays, Vols: 1,2 & 3.
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available
. . . 807 Index to Authors in Most-Cited Lists Cumulated index to Essays,  Vols. 1, 2 & 3. 
(Essays/Vol:3)pdf file available