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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 1 of 144: [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 ]  11   21   31   41   51   61   71   81   91  |  101 
1Merton RK1552197421963
2Garfield E94167477
4Bornmann L2378276
5Marjoribanks K2315100
6Leydesdorff L22118699
7Siegel K2211426
8Cullen FT21105484
9Portes A21751263
10Agnew R205781501
11Burt RS202332338
12Cochran JK20134613
13Cronin B2083316
14Daniel HD2085301
15Blau PM193351471
16Chubin DE19162416
18Evan WM1838276
19Hargens LL18232478
20Sztompka P1874107
21Braxton JM173393
22Cole S17428923
23COSER LA1768312
24Fox MF17164511
25LOPREATO J1735129
26PARSONS T1755370
27Thelwall M1719155
28Bozeman B1684371
29Tittle CR16148724
30BARBER B15109387
31Bunge M1547195
32Etzkowitz H151691025
33Hagan J1572415
34Jussim L15157526
35Stehr N151264
36Tiryakian EA1523107
37Willower DJ151672
38Epstein CF1422340
39Gibbs JP1447282
40Jasso G1443199
41Katz E14102538
42Madon S1494236
43Anderson MS13110431
44Benda BB1341196
45Cullen JB1375644
46ETZIONI A1349244
47Gingras Y132080
48Lipset SM1337217
49SHORT JF1366291
50Smith RB13336
51Suitor JJ1342218
52Swedberg R1323175
53Ziman J132074
54Bayer AE1265274
55CATTON WR1217197
56Freudenburg WR1216155
57Higgins ET12442953
58LONG JS12360835
59Marx GT1236295
60Messner SF12164504
61SNIZEK WE122763
62Stigler SM122695
63TURNER RH12178590
64Zuckerman H12517686
65Baron SW1150243
66Bedeian AG111772
67Beeghley L1158339
68BLOOM SW1150207
69Braun T111798
70Clignet R11939
71Cole JR11339750
72Debackere K1151175
73Gieryn TF11152722
74Goldberg AI113063
75Kyvik S1140123
76Moen P1117345
77Pearlin LI11733339
78Pillemer K1144270
79Powell WW11112546
80Shuval JT1137142
81Simonton DK1159282
82Tilly C11776
83BENDAVID J10159391
84COHEN LE10110589
85COSER RL1084432
86DUBIN R1064215
87Elder GH1048624
88Gans HJ1030191
89LaFree G1048232
90MITROFF II10105184
91Munch R102363
92Owen-Smith J10123478
93Restivo S102356
94Rosenfeld R1084315
95Stephan PE10116550
96Zuckerman EW1063390
97AKERS RL9104405
98ALLISON PD9334676
99Battegay R9116
100Bernard TJ974138
101Bonitz M97693
102Booth A91280
103Braithwaite J91492
104Chamlin MB958154
105Demerath NJ9437
106EMPEY LT958191
107Gerhardt U9654
108Goode E921208
109Gross N931119
110Hoy WK918207
111Jacobsen C91261
112Jasanoff S9452
113Judge TA920192
114Lederberg J91895
115LEWIS LS91382
116Link BG92361
117LITWAK E985634
118McCall PL9104568
119McKinley W922171
120Miller D918294
121Rogers EM917106
123RUSHING WA91992
124Schrimshaw EW91179
125Smelser NJ944119
126THOMPSON JD968415
127Van Houtte M91240
128VLACHY J91395
129Williams RM934141
130Becker G82933
131BENNIS WG835160
132BENSIRA Z810217
133BEYER JM878578
134BOUDON R82135
135BREED W845412
136Brown RH815150
137Burawoy M829267
138Camic C857167
139CAMPBELL DT847763
140Collins HM894451
141Davis MS82287
142DEUTSCHER I836162
143Fox RC836166
144Frank KA822162
145Friedkin NE850321
146Fuchs S824101
147Fuller S8443
148Gilbert N8019
149GLASER BG840264
150GOULDNER AW83872955
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