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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 1 of 144: [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 ]  11   21   31   41   51   61   71   81   91  |  101 
1Merton RK1552197421963
2Kendall PL613261336
3READER GG7677708
4Agnew R205781501
5Zuckerman H12517686
6Fiske M2500500
7Cole S17428923
8GOULDNER AW83872955
9LONG JS12360835
11Cole JR11339750
12Blau PM193351471
13ALLISON PD9334676
14NISBET RA3281286
15Burt RS202332338
16Hargens LL18232478
17Meyer JW32083194
18ROWAN B12073175
19SEEMAN M72041223
20HAGSTROM WO7186322
21Snyder M61851221
22Barber E2180180
23TURNER RH12178590
25GOODE WJ5172728
26Mazerolle P7170377
27Etzkowitz H151691025
28Garfield E94167477
29STEWART JA3165272
30Fox MF17164511
31Messner SF12164504
32BROOM L2163170
33Cottrell LS1163163
34Chubin DE19162416
35BENDAVID J10159391
36Jussim L15157526
37Gieryn TF11152722
38DARLEY JM4151974
39Tittle CR16148724
40Coleman JS51471795
41Land KC8147748
42CRANE D6142276
43BLAU JR7141600
44Sorokin PA4141141
45DASGUPTA P2138454
46David PA6138436
47Podolny JM6137818
48Cochran JK20134613
49KITSUSE JI7133622
50MULKAY MJ6132237
51Eisenberg RS3125846
52Kalmijn M4125438
53Owen-Smith J10123478
54Stuart TE61211027
55GILBERT GN5118373
56Leydesdorff L22118699
57MCGINNIS R5118301
58Wrong DH6118621
59RESKIN BF4116248
60Stephan PE10116550
61Powell WW11112546
62Anderson MS13110431
63COHEN LE10110589
64BARBER B15109387
65FAZIO RH2108579
66CLOWARD RA1107130
67WILENSKY HL7107750
68Cullen FT21105484
69MITROFF II10105184
70AKERS RL9104405
71McCall PL9104568
72Katz E14102538
73BECKER HS51011038
74Louis KS899407
75Ceci SJ397419
76MULKAY M795175
77PETERS DP195314
78Swann WB495530
79Collins HM894451
80Madon S1494236
81ADAMS JS2932644
82Collins R790198
83Gordon G490280
84DEAN DG289464
85BELL W387229
86LODAHL JB286259
87White HC586667
89BOORMAN SA485662
90COHEN AK285176
91Daniel HD2085301
92LITWAK E985634
93Bozeman B1684371
94COSER RL1084432
95Rosenfeld R1084315
96Cronin B2083316
97Sutton RI7831215
98Shibutani T182233
99Davis K681318
100VILLEMEZ WJ281227
101Murray F780259
102Blumenthal D479393
103BREIGER RL579664
104Eccles J579209
105BEYER JM878578
106Bornmann L2378276
107Smith DA477253
108Bonitz M97693
109HANNAN MT2761421
110RODMAN H876210
111White HR376243
112Cullen JB1375644
113Portes A21751263
114Qian ZC675227
115Bernard TJ974138
116Sztompka P1874107
117Pearlin LI11733339
118Thoits PA673713
119BOURDIEU P372243
120DAVIS JA672428
121Hagan J1572415
122Heller MA172614
123Shapin S872314
124Brezina T569181
125MAHONEY MJ569205
126Major B6692051
127COSER LA1768312
128THOMPSON JD968415
129SCOTT MB2671057
130LINDSEY D766212
131Miller DT666738
132SHORT JF1366291
133Bayer AE1265274
134Freeman J2651384
135WEICK KE865665
136BERSCHEID E164551
137DUBIN R1064215
138HALL RH364303
139TANKE ED164551
140CROSBY F463781
141Paternoster R363172
142Zuckerman EW1063390
143KRAUZE TK26296
144VANMAANEN J362684
145Pfeffer J761297
146COOPER J360415
147Burton VS459197
148KAPLAN N359124
149MacRoberts BR459202
150MacRoberts MH459202
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