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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 1 of 144: [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 ]  11   21   31   41   51   61   71   81   91  |  101 
1Merton RK1552197421963
3Newman MEJ2303878
4ROTTER JB2563542
5Pearlin LI11733339
6Meyer JW32083194
7ROWAN B12073175
8Schooler C5482972
9GOULDNER AW83872955
10Higgins ET12442953
11ADAMS JS2932644
12Burt RS202332338
13Major B6692051
14Nonaka I2331985
15Coleman JS51471795
16Ghoshal S2391677
17Nahapiet J1391589
18TUSHMAN ML4401539
19Agnew R205781501
20Blau PM193351471
21March JG4551465
22LEVITT B2561447
23HANNAN MT2761421
24Freeman J2651384
25Kendall PL613261336
26ASHER SR131280
27PARKER JG131280
28Portes A21751263
30ANDERSON P1291232
31SEEMAN M72041223
32Snyder M61851221
33Sutton RI7831215
34CROCKER J2331212
35KITZINGER J2511166
36VANDEVEN AH5501146
37STAW BM3481067
38SCOTT MB2671057
39LYMAN SM3581054
40BECKER HS51011038
41Stuart TE61211027
42Etzkowitz H151691025
43Walsh JP833995
44DARLEY JM4151974
45Akerlof GA421953
46Brickman P419933
47Cole S17428923
48KANDEL DB542922
50COATES D219920
52Lepper MR220907
53Dutton JE651900
54HEIDE JB28897
55JOHN G28897
56Lord CG220892
57Ross L220882
58Eisenberg RS3125846
59LONG JS12360835
60Liden RC313831
61GERGEN KJ538829
62Podolny JM6137818
64Manski CF322796
65Wellman B844789
66CROSBY F463781
68Rogler LH818762
69Cole JR11339750
70WILENSKY HL7107750
71Land KC8147748
72Miller DT666738
73GOODE WJ5172728
74Tittle CR16148724
75Gieryn TF11152722
76Thoits PA673713
78READER GG7677708
79Leydesdorff L22118699
80Zuckerman H12517686
82ALLISON PD9334676
83Wayne SJ28675
84Susser M811669
85White HC586667
86WEICK KE865665
87BREIGER RL579664
88BOORMAN SA485662
89Meyer IH66658
90Cullen JB1375644
91LITWAK E985634
92WALKER JL18634
93Elder GH1048624
94Woolcock M110624
95KITSUSE JI7133622
96Wrong DH6118621
97GURIN P325618
98Heller MA172614
99Cochran JK20134613
100POOLE MS224609
101BLAU JR7141600
102JONES TM113595
103LEWIS JD438593
104TURNER RH12178590
105COHEN LE10110589
106Nee V536584
107FAZIO RH2108579
108BEYER JM878578
109MERTON RC34578
110LOUIS MR233574
111McCall PL9104568
113Hofstede G312566
114WALSTER E221566
115Hirsch PM747564
116CORTES DE210558
117BERSCHEID E164551
118TANKE ED164551
119UNGSON GR111551
120Stephan PE10116550
121Powell WW11112546
122KIRTON M524545
123SEARS DO14543
124Katz E14102538
125FERRELL OC323537
126SOLOMON MR28530
127Swann WB495530
128Rutter M22528
129Susser E56527
130Jussim L15157526
132DEAUX K119513
133Fox MF17164511
134Kaplan HB833511
135Hargadon A239508
136Messner SF12164504
137Rist RC451503
138Fiske M2500500
139Willmott H217499
140WEIGERT A113497
141Gulati R326486
142Cullen FT21105484
143Guarnizo LE315483
144BEATTIE M222482
145GURIN G122480
146LAO RC122480
147HALLER AO535478
148Hargens LL18232478
149Owen-Smith J10123478
150Garfield E94167477
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