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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 83 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71 : [  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 ]  91  |  101 
12301KELLY WR105
12303KELMAN HC1112
12304Kelman S1011
12305Kelsall T107
12306Kelsey R100
12307Kelsey SJ104
12308Keltner D11161
12309KELTON HW100
12310KELVIN P104
12311Kemeny J1017
12312Kemp CL108
12313Kemp K100
12314KEMP R127
12315Kemple T102
12316KEMSLEY DS1710
12317Kendall G1633
12318KENEFICK D100
12319Kenen R1017
12320KENIGSBERG M11736
12321KENISTON K1430
12322Kenna R100
12323Kennan MA100
12324Kennedy AC101
12325KENNEDY JG1117
12326Kennedy K107
12327KENNEDY N137
12328KENNEDY R100
12329KENNEDY RE109
12330KENNEDY RL14174
12331Kennedy S101
12332Kennedy-Moore E119
12333Kennelly I1036
12334KENNEY M1312
12335Kenny A1141
12336Kenny AJ104
12337Kenny DA108
12338Kenny G107
12339Kenny K101
12340Kenny RW101
12341Kenny W101
12342Kent J100
12343KENT SA116
12344Kenyon AJ102
12345Kenyon S1013
12346Keogh BK109
12347Kercher GA112
12348KERCHER K102
12350KEREN M100
12351Kerexeta GE101
12352KERKER M136
12353KERMODE F100
12354KERN M1114
12355KERN R1132
12356Kero P104
12357KERR CM101
12358KERR MM101
12359Kerslake E112
12360KERTZ G100
12361KERTZER D1448
12362Kervyn A100
12363Keshishian F100
12364KESIC B1012
12365KESSEL FS1618
12366KESSIN K101
12367KESSLER R108
12368KESSLER RC1233
12369Kestens Y1024
12370Kester L101
12372Ketterhagen A102
12373Kettle B1013
12374KETY SS1016
12375KETZ JE109
12376KEUNING HJ101
12377Keyes C117
12378Keyes CLM14127
12379Keynan A101
12380Keys P102
12381KEYS PR102
12383Khait-Marelly O100
12384Khalil EL1010
12385KHAN CGH100
12386KHAN FR100
12387KHAN ME11047
12388KHAN MZ101
12389Kheimets NG101
12390Khera R1014
12392KHORUTS LE101
12393Khouri H19148
12394Khurana R1844
12395Kibby MW100
12396Kici G101
12397Kick E1016
12398Kidd D100
12399Kidd PS110104
12400KIDDER L19403
12401Kiecolt KJ100
12403KIENZLE HJ100
12404KIERNAN C129
12405KIERULFF S102
12406KIESER HP103
12407KIESLER S1131
12409KIGER G101
12410KIKUMURA A11236
12411Kikuzawa S105
12412Kiley MC1028
12413KILGOUR FG101
12414Kilian R107
12415Kilic S100
12416KILLIAN L107
12417KILLIAN LM11745
12418Killos LF100
12419KILSON M100
12420KILTY KM116
12421KIM BC1110
12422Kim BJ100
12423Kim BSK1040
12424Kim CY102
12425KIM DI11131
12426Kim H103
12427KIM HS1110
12428KIM JA101
12429Kim JE1024
12430Kim JO100
12431Kim K100
12432Kim KA102
12433Kim MG100
12434KIM MS1087
12435Kim RM100
12436KIM S106
12437Kim SH100
12438Kim SK101
12439Kim YJ100
12440Kimber M104
12443Kimelberg SM100
12444Kimura K101
12445KIMURA T117
12446Kincaid H111
12447KINCH JW110129
12448Kinchy A1220
12449Kinder DR1255
12450Kinderlerer J111
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