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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 79 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61 : [  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80 ]  81   91  |  101 
11701Jackson JP1113
11702JACKSON JS100
11703Jackson M102
11704JACKSON MW100
11705JACKSON PW101
11706JACKSON R102
11707JACKSON RH101
11708Jackson SJ101
11709Jackson-Jacobs C103
11710Jacob BA100
11711JACOB H1024
11712Jacob M101
11713JACOB T116
11714Jacobs A100
11715Jacobs G100
11716JACOBS JB103
11717JACOBS JE15126
11718Jacobs LG101
11719Jacobs LR102
11720JACOBS RC18106
11721Jacobs RN1014
11722Jacobs T100
11723JACOBSEN R101
11725JACOBSON HK1214
11726JACOBSON JA1036
11727Jacobson M100
11729Jacobsson K100
11730Jacobsson L114
11731Jacoby A1083
11732JACOBY EG102
11733Jacoby JE100
11734JACOBY S100
11735JACOX A1849
11736Jaffe AB100
11737JAFFE ED105
11738JAHODA G1010
11739JAIDE W100
11740JAIN AK123
11741JAIN R100
11742Jain SP1037
11743JAKES P101
11744Jakku E101
11745Jakobsen CH1122
11747JAMAL M101
11748Jambor E1010
11749James A103
11750JAMES BF106
11751JAMES BJ1332
11752JAMES DB1010
11753James GW100
11754James LD103
11755JAMES LR1497
11756James P104
11757JAMES SA1147
11758Jameson AM1019
11760Jamieson R101
11761JAMOUS H100
11762Jamrozik K102
11763JANCHILL MP1214
11764JANCU R100
11765JANDA KF1317
11766JANER JL100
11767JANES RW109
11768Janicik GA1221
11769Janicka K100
11770JANIS IL1239
11771Jankowski NW107
11772Jankvist UT100
11773Janne P100
11775Janos AC100
11776JANOUSEK J104
11777Jansen BJ102
11778JANSEN E1577
11779JANSEN SC100
11780JANSEN TB101
11781Janson K102
11782Janssen M1010
11783Janssen O1112
11784JANSSENS M1163
11785Jansson A103
11786Japp KP125
11787Jardine N129
11788Jaret C1229
11789JARLAIS DD1437
11790JARRETT WH103
11791JARVIK LF1015
11792JARVINEN M103
11793JARVIS GK105
11794JARY D1678
11795JASANOFF SS113134
11796JASKOLKA G1133
11797JASON H1132
11799JASPER JM106
11800Jasper M1123
11802Jauregui M1013
11803JAWORSKI BJ1052
11804JAY M100
11806Jayaram N100
11808Jaynes S1013
11809Jeanblanc M100
11810Jeang KT100
11811Jeantet A118
11812JECHT HH100
11813JEFFERS DW100
11814JEFFRIES V104
11816JEKEL JF1221
11817JEMMOTT JB1044
11818Jenemann D100
11819JENKINS CA100
11820JENKINS JC1118
11821Jenkins JG1012
11822Jenkins KE100
11823Jenkins MM100
11824JENKINS Q102
11825JENKINS R102
11826JENKINS WI113
11827Jenks AC100
11828Jenks D100
11829Jenne KC101
11830Jenner E100
11831Jenner LW100
11832Jenner M103
11833Jenness V102
11834Jennings B100
11835Jennings G1014
11836Jennings NR103
11837Jennings PD1359
11838JENSEN AF100
11839Jensen C101
11840Jensen CB107
11841JENSEN EW1147
11842JENSEN FV1011
11843Jensen M1312
11844Jensen O1013
11845Jensen PH104
11846JENSEN PK126
11847JENSEN R1018
11848Jensen WB100
11849JENSSEN AT101
11850Jenssen S100
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