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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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301KOCHEN M61644
302Kragh H6216
303KRAUSE EA6127
305Larsson IE61152
306Lewis R61650
307LIPMAN A6447
308Lundman RJ6286
309Major B6692051
310MANIS JG63351
311Martinez R68119
312MCPHAIL C657145
313Mears DP61165
314MEIER RF6949
315Meyer IH66658
316Miller DT666738
317Miller SI6019
318MONAHAN TP63778
319MOORE WE637107
320MULKAY MJ6132237
321MULLINS NC658155
322MUMFORD E6119
323MURRAY SO6332
324Nelson RR653223
325Neuberg SL648181
326ONEILL J6840
327Parker KF626114
328PARKER S629113
329Piquero NL63992
330Plos KAE61152
331Podolny JM6137818
332Price JL66105
333Qian ZC675227
334Reitzes DC620299
335Rier DA61532
336ROSENBERG M615277
337Ross CE637439
338Sahlsten MJM61152
339Savelsberg JJ61028
340Scharnhorst A65671
341Schmoch U61745
343SCHOTT T61878
344Schroeder R6214
345SCHUR EM61780
346Schwartz B614106
347SEWELL WH646465
348Sigfusdottir ID6954
349Slaughter S62788
350Small H61866
351Snyder M61851221
352Stern S649139
353Straus MA67176
354Stuart TE61211027
355SUCHMAN EA625415
356SYKES GM646146
357Thoits PA673713
358Toren N6921
359TURNER JH61631
360Vaughan D630237
361WEIGERT AJ625116
363Wolff KH6920
364Wrong DH6118621
365Young J61260
366Zeitlin M624304
367Zhang J6520
368Zucker LG618227
369ADLER I51876
370Aksnes DW517100
371ALBERT RS5792
372Albrecht R5228
373Angermeyer MC50109
374Ashforth BE516273
375Atkinson M5647
376Auyero J5031
377Babchuk N52477
378Bainbridge WS5572
380BANKS JA5264
381Barley SR554470
382BECKER HS51011038
383Bensman SJ514104
384Berardo FM5224
385BERGER P51275
386BIDDLE BJ531277
387Bjarnason T51771
388BOCK EW542204
389Borgatti SP5384
390Bothner MS51028
391BREIGER RL579664
392Brezina T569181
393Brown P516113
394Burke PJ528420
395Busch L5834
396Cable DM522173
397Calhoun C5761
398CHIRICOS TG548279
399CLARK AW5223
400Coleman JS51471795
401Colyvas JA51549
402Cox D51399
403Crowley B5216
404Davenport E5834
405Davidson WS5471
406Davis M5011
407De Arenas JL505
408DEFLEUR ML533295
411Doreian P51352
412DUDLEY CJ5713
413Dunn WN5841
414Eccles J579209
415ELLIOTT DS553198
416ELLIS RA530127
417Evans JA5657
418Evans R521273
419Faia MA5311
420FARRELL RA57107
421Feeney MK501
422Feist GJ51363
424Fischhoff B52207
425Ford J51362
426FORM WH529107
427Foster H513102
428FRENCH L5218
430Furnham A53187
432GAREAU FH5317
433GASTON J54969
434GEIS G5444
435GERGEN KJ538829
436Geuna A51986
437GILBERT GN5118373
438GLASER D541177
439Goldfried MR50258
440GOODE WJ5172728
441GOSS MEW51498
442GOTTLIEB D51332
443Greenberg DF550227
445GROSS E518102
446Guan JC5120
447HACKLER JC51470
448HALLER AO535478
449HAM TH52265
450Hammersley M5971
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