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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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151Guyll M82338
152Henshel RL82353
153JAHODA M823371
154JONES RA835101
155Kaplan HB833511
156KEMPER TD842194
157Kilduff M822231
158Land KC8147748
159Lariviere V81665
160Lee MR829116
161Lekas HM8190
162Louis KS899407
163LUHMANN N82181
164MACRAE D81886
165Nicolaisen J81962
166OVER R819135
167Picou JS82292
168Platt J81673
169RODMAN H876210
170Rogler LH818762
171Rosenthal R825194
172Schmid M8314
173Shapin S872314
174SIMMONS RG812165
176Susser M811669
177van Raan AFJ840144
178Walsh JP833995
179WEICK KE865665
180Wellman B844789
181WILLIE CV8446
182Wray KB8932
183Adler P77135
184Adler PA77135
185BLAU JR7141600
186Brush SG731200
187BULMER M78108
188Cernkovich SA740244
189Chatman EA726271
190Clark TN72084
191Collins R790198
192DEMBO R7487
193Diamond AM72085
194Eden D742139
195FALK WW7953
196Flaherty MG71546
197Goldthorpe JH722239
198Goodin RE7340
199HAGSTROM WO7186322
200Hartnagel TF750199
201Heaton TB72148
202Hechter M727289
203Hedstrom P732233
204Hirsch PM747564
205HOLZNER B7832
207Johannessen JA7323
208KITSUSE JI7133622
209Klausner SZ7119
210Kleinman DL730116
211Knight J7016
213Leahey E71239
214Lee J78123
215Levine DN71859
216Lewis DO7374
217LINDSEY D766212
218Lopata HZ7444
219Luukkonen T73098
220Mazerolle P7170377
221MCGUIRE C79113
222Mestrovic SG71637
223Mirowsky J716256
224Mizruchi MS737321
225MULKAY M795175
226Murray F780259
227OROMANER M71970
228Pandey SK720150
229Pescosolido BA728449
230Pfeffer J761297
231READER GG7677708
232Roche M7227
233Sampson RJ737208
234Schimank U7210
235Schoen R758187
236SEEMAN M72041223
237SELVIN HC726169
238SHENHAV YA71840
239Shinn T7925
240Sjoberg G71375
241Sonnert G72495
242Stern MJ7928
243Sutton RI7831215
244Thorlindsson T72091
245TRICE HM728468
246TWADDLE AC711126
247Uzzi B750426
248Weinstein RS719189
249WILENSKY HL7107750
250ZURCHER LA71180
252Barcat JA613
253BATES FL62394
254Bazerman C616142
255BENSMAN J633101
257Bernburg JG61841
258BONJEAN CM61464
259BOSKOFF A6410
260BOX S633101
261BRAUDE L6211
263Butler T6393
264Campanario JM641124
265Cerulo KA6952
266Connor PE6255
267CORWIN RG634175
268Corwyn RF61273
269CRANE D6142276
270David PA6138436
271Davis AK638116
272DAVIS JA672428
273Davis K681318
274De Vries R623119
275DENZIN NK61298
276Dutton JE651900
277Eckberg DL618135
278Elster J619131
279ERICKSON ML640139
280Faulkner RR616113
281Fine GA6845
282GIDDENS A61348
283Gould SJ6341
284Gramling R61172
286Gross M61229
287Hackett EJ649105
288Harris LC6137
290Huff TE6611
291HURVITZ N6475
292Hwang SS62783
294Kadushin C655249
295KATZ FE61463
296Keith B63076
297Kendall PL613261336
298Kim J602
299Kirk SA6337
300KLEINER RJ61776
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