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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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16651Power A101
16652POWERS C104
16653POWERS EA106
16654POWERS GT101
16655POWERS PS127
16657Poyago-Theotoky J139
16658Poyraz T100
16660Pozzali A100
16661Prabowo R114
16662Praderie FO100
16663PRADES JA100
16664PRAGER J1020
16665Prakash R1025
16666PRANGER RJ102
16667PRASAD P1255
16668PRASAD SN111
16669PRATHER P100
16670PRATT M101
16671PRATTO DJ122
16672Pratto F1225
16673PRAVDIC N1320
16674PREHN JW107
16675Preisendorfer P101
16676PREISS JJ102
16677Premazzi K100
16679PRENTICE DA1265
16680Presley J108
16681Presley JR100
16682PRESS AL104
16683Presse S102
16684PRESSMAN S117
16685PRESTAGE J106
16686PRESTON DL111
16687PRESTON M1253
16688PRESTON T1124
16689Preteur Y101
16690Preus JS102
16691Preuss L104
16692Prevalakis N100
16693PRICE AC1111
16694PRICE DA101
16695PRICE DD100
16696Price DH1113
16697PRICE DJD100
16698PRICE DJDS100
16699PRICE KH1346
16700PRICE PH100
16701PRICE RH1011
16702PRICE RM100
16703Price S109
16704Price TM103
16705Pride J101
16706Prideaux B101
16707Prideaux S1112
16708PRIEST GL1041
16709PRIEST RF1339
16710Priest RJ102
16712Prieto L105
16713PRIMACK RB1111
16715Primus R1017
16716Prince CH111
16717PRINCE EO106
16718Prince M105
16720Pritchard R106
16722Prochaska JM1047
16723Prochaska JO1047
16724Prochnow JE101
16725PROCTOR S1023
16726Prodan I100
16727PROTHRO JW102
16728PROTTAS JM109
16730PROVOST GP100
16731PROVOST WH101
16732Prowse M100
16733PRUCHNO RA1117
16734PRUDEN HO105
16735PRUTHI S101
16736Pruvost J107
16737PRYLUCK C101
16738PRYOR EB101
16739PRYWES M109
16741PRZYBOS J101
16742PSATHAS G102
16743PUCKETT TC100
16744Puddephatt A100
16745Puddephatt AJ102
16746Pudovkin AI103
16747Pudsey J101
16748Puerta MLS100
16749PUGH D125
16750PUGH DL113
16751PUGH LC1760
16752Pugh MD1026
16753PUGH SD16339
16754Pugsley L1114
16755Puligadda S100
16756Puljiz V100
16757PULLIAM JD100
16758Pullum TW101
16759PUMFREY S124
16761PUNCH KF113
16762Pundt A103
16763PUNTIL J114
16764PURCELL FP105
16765Purdie VJ15151
16766PURRI DM102
16767PURSLEY RD114
16768PURVIS JE119
16769PUTNAM RH104
16770Putnam W1021
16771Putterill M100
16772Putzke J100
16773Puuska HM112
16774Puzzi S101
16775PYCIOR HM129
16776PYE LW1015
16777PYM B124
16778Qi SH100
16779Qi XY100
16780Qian Z11228
16781Qin H100
16782QIN J1317
16783Qin RQ100
16784Qu SQ100
16785Quack S100
16786QUALLS JH103
16787QUALLS SH109
16788Quan-Haase A16154
16791Quatman C101
16792Quatraro F102
16793Quenez MC14343
16794Quenza CJP100
16795QUERY JMN1016
16796QUESADA G111
16797QUESADA GM100
16798Quesada SGP100
16799QUICKER JC123
16800Quiggin J104
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