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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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16501Pinto RM103
16503Piolat A104
16504PIOLAT M1013
16505PIORO Z101
16506PIPKIN RM1023
16507Piquee C127
16508Piredda M104
16509Piro F100
16510Pisano GP101
16511Pisarik CT101
16512PISONI DB102
16514PISTOI P100
16515Pitchford SR11653
16516Pitchforth E104
16518Pitney WA102
16519Pittman D101
16520PITTMAN DJ1075
16521PITTMAN RJ100
16522Pitts RH100
16523Piva E106
16524PIVEN H100
16525PIZZORNO A121
16526PLACEK JH1212
16527PLACEK PJ106
16528PLANK DN104
16529Plant MA101
16530PLAPP J102
16531Platoff J102
16532PLATOU RV1818
16533Platt JJ103
16534Platt RW106
16535PLATT S1024
16536Platteborze N101
16537Pleasant A1020
16538PLECAS DB113
16539Pleimann M100
16540Plener PL101
16541Pless NM1023
16542Plessner H1019
16543Ploeger M1639
16544PLOMP R1219
16545PLOTKIN J1162
16546PLOTNICK H101
16548Plowman KD101
16549Plows A1014
16550Ployhart RE101
16551Pluss C100
16552Poblete FC106
16553Podsakoff NP1517
16554Podsakoff PM1517
16555Podvoisky D100
16556POGGI G100
16557Pogliano C111
16559POGUE GA1013
16560POHLEN M102
16561Pohlman L104
16562Pohoryles RJ100
16563Pohulak-Zoledowska E100
16564Poirier S101
16565Poirson M100
16566POISSON B111
16567POITOU D100
16568POKOL B114
16569POLANCO HD100
16570POLANZI C1115
16571Polgar M101
16572POLGAR S1370
16573Poliakova VV100
16574Polich G100
16575Polizzi D100
16576POLLACK L109
16577POLLAK PB101
16578POLLIS NP1212
16579POLSGROVE L1133
16580POLSKY HW102
16581POLTORAK Y101
16582Poma FP100
16583Pomey MP100
16584Ponemon LA103
16585Ponomariov B113
16586Ponomariov BL1011
16587Pons J100
16588Ponte D100
16589Ponti G101
16590Pontikes E100
16591Pontin D107
16592Poole K1014
16593Pooley JD100
16594Poon A101
16595Poor N100
16596POORKAJ H100
16597Poorman PB1012
16598Popay J1297
16599POPE CR1117
16600POPE LA100
16601Pope LL103
16602Pope RC101
16603Popescu M100
16604POPIEL E100
16605Popova EP100
16606Popovic R100
16607Poppelaars C104
16608POPPER SH101
16609POPS GM100
16610PORKET JL100
16611Poros MV122
16612Porr C100
16613Porro I103
16614Portait R116
16615Portelli I100
16616PORTER AL11024
16617Porter JR1042
16618PORTER RH109
16619PORTER S1030
16621PORTIS B100
16622PORTMAN PA1212
16623PORTNOY BM101
16624Portugali J113
16625POSEN CF1111
16626POSNER GJ100
16627Posner R104
16628POST RC1471
16629Potischman N102
16630Potocan VV105
16631POTTER HR1012
16633Potvin L108
16634POTVIN RH111
16636POURIS A115
16637Pourtau L100
16639Poutsma E100
16640Pouyat RV101
16641POVEDA TG102
16642POWARS D101
16643Powe NR1020
16644POWELL A1026
16645Powell B101
16646POWELL BR101
16647Powell GN1081
16648Powell LA104
16649Powell RC103
16650PowellGriner E1017
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