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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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15151MOR V1027
15152Mora C100
15153Mora E100
15154Morales E1024
15155Moran BB101
15156Moran PW100
15157MORAND DA1214
15158Morange M102
15159Morant N105
15160MORASH MA102
15161MORAUTA L106
15162MORAVEC JG100
15163Morawski RZ100
15164Morcke AM106
15165MORE DM111
15166Moreau MP100
15167Morehead A1013
15168Moreira T102
15170Moren S101
15171Morera MC100
15172Morewedge CK105
15173MOREY RC1084
15174Morgan CV101
15175MORGAN DW1032
15176Morgan E1822
15177MORGAN EA100
15178MORGAN J178
15179MORGAN JP100
15180MORGAN LA105
15181Morgan M101
15182MORGAN MG1042
15183Morgan P104
15184MORGAN PM1013
15185Morgan RE102
15186MORGAN RW102
15187MORGEN S1012
15188Morgeson FP12182
15190Moritz TD101
15191Morlacchi P119
15192MORLEY D114
15193MORLEY JT102
15194MORLOK EK100
15195MORNER M106
15196Moro TT1013
15197Morphew CC114
15198Morral A117
15199MORRELL JB100
15200Morrell K107
15201MORRICE K103
15202Morrigan V115
15203MORRIS B103
15204MORRIS CT107
15205Morris EK104
15206MORRIS EW118
15207Morris J101
15208MORRIS JH13127
15209MORRIS JM102
15210MORRIS JN109
15211Morris M102
15212Morris N1211
15213MORRIS P109
15214MORRIS R100
15215Morris RG113
15216MORRIS RR1216
15217Morris SA117
15218MORRIS T109
15219MORRIS WW100
15220Morrison E102
15221MORRISON EF1018
15222MORRISON J100
15224Morrow JL109
15225Morrow-Kondos D1013
15226MORSE EV138
15227MORSE JL100
15228Morsell JA100
15229Morselli C103
15230Morson GS101
15231MORTIMER JT11062
15232MORTON JD102
15233Morton LW102
15234Mosack KE100
15235MOSBACH P1180
15236MOSCO V105
15237Moscogiuri C100
15241Moser K100
15242Moser S100
15243Mosher C100
15244Mosquera PMR107
15245Moss DJ101
15246Moss G101
15247MOSS JZ122
15248MOST GW101
15249Mottonen M100
15250MOUL WB1017
15252MOUNT JH1012
15253Moutinho PSF138
15254MOWDAY RT1055
15255Mowrer OH1231
15256Moxley RA102
15257Moy P1232
15258Moya M1024
15259MOYAL A127
15260Moyano A101
15261MOYER D116
15262MOYER IL101
15263Moynihan DR1019
15264MRELA K100
15265Mruck K102
15266MUCHA I100
15267Mucha J100
15268MUDD JW1024
15270Muellbauer J1036
15271Mueller AS1015
15272Mueller B118
15273Mueller E100
15274MUELLER F106
15275MUELLER GH109
15276MUENCH R100
15277MUFSON L103
15278Muftic LR144
15279Mufune P105
15280Mugashe CL125
15282Muhlenfeld D100
15283MUI LH101
15284MUKENDI TB105
15286Mukherjee A111
15288Mulatu MS1017
15289Muldoon R115
15290Mullahy J100
15291MULLAN F1221
15292MULLEN B1011
15293MULLEN LR103
15294MULLEN PD103
15295Muller A103
15296Muller E101
15297MULLER EW100
15298Muller H100
15299MULLER HP101
15300MULLER JZ106
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