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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 90 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71 : [  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 ]  91  |  101 
13352MORAVEC JG100
13353Morawska E3012
13354Morawski RZ100
13355Morcke AM106
13356MORE DM111
13357Moreau MP100
13358Morehead A1013
13359Moreira T102
13361Moren S101
13362Morera MC100
13363Morewedge CK105
13364MOREY RC1084
13365Morgan CV101
13366Morgan D207
13367Morgan DL326301
13368MORGAN DR2131
13369MORGAN DW1032
13370Morgan E1822
13371MORGAN EA100
13372MORGAN G28275
13373MORGAN GD200
13374MORGAN J178
13375MORGAN JP100
13376MORGAN LA105
13377Morgan M101
13378MORGAN MG1042
13379Morgan P104
13380MORGAN PM1013
13381Morgan RE102
13382MORGAN RW102
13383MORGEN S1012
13384Morgeson FP12182
13386MORIN A200
13387Moritz TD101
13388Morlacchi P119
13389MORLEY D114
13390MORLEY JT102
13391MORLOK EK100
13392MORNER M106
13393Moro TT1013
13394Morphew CC114
13395Morral A117
13396MORRELL JB100
13397Morrell K107
13398MORRICE K103
13399Morrigan V115
13400MORRIS B103
13401MORRIS CT107
13402Morris EK104
13403MORRIS EW118
13404Morris J101
13405MORRIS JH13127
13406MORRIS JM102
13407MORRIS JN109
13408Morris M102
13409Morris MW23105
13410Morris N1211
13411MORRIS P109
13412MORRIS R100
13413Morris RG113
13414MORRIS RR1216
13415MORRIS RT31840
13416Morris SA117
13417MORRIS T109
13418MORRIS WW100
13419Morrison DE3938
13420Morrison E102
13421MORRISON EF1018
13422MORRISON J100
13424Morrow JL109
13425MORROW PC206
13426Morrow-Kondos D1013
13427MORSE EV138
13428MORSE JL100
13429MORSE RM2069
13430Morsell JA100
13431Morselli C103
13432Morselli D3212
13433Morson GS101
13434MORTIMER JT11062
13435Mortimer MJ3716
13436MORTON JD102
13437Morton LW102
13438Mosack KE100
13439MOSAK HH205
13440MOSBACH P1180
13441MOSCHIS GP3657
13442MOSCO V105
13443Moscogiuri C100
13447Moser K100
13448Moser S100
13449MOSEY AC2129
13450Mosher C100
13451MOSKOS CC2433
13452Mosquera PMR107
13453Moss DJ101
13454Moss G101
13455MOSS JZ122
13456Moss S206
13457MOST GW101
13458Mottonen M100
13459MOUL WB1017
13461Mounier L3214
13462MOUNT JH1012
13463Moutinho PSF138
13464MOUZELIS N3214
13465MOWDAY RT1055
13466Mowrer OH1231
13467Moxley RA102
13468Moy P1232
13469Moya M1024
13470Moya-Anegon F301
13471MOYAL A127
13472Moyano A101
13473MOYER D116
13474MOYER IL101
13475Moynihan DP4387
13476Moynihan DR1019
13477MRELA K100
13478Mruck K102
13479Mucchielli L204
13480MUCHA I100
13481Mucha J100
13482Mudambi R218
13483MUDD JW1024
13485Muellbauer J1036
13486Mueller AS1015
13487Mueller B118
13488Mueller CW3235
13489Mueller E100
13490MUELLER F106
13491MUELLER GH109
13492MUELLER SA2210
13493MUENCH R100
13494MUFSON L103
13495Muftic LR144
13496Mufune P105
13497Mugashe CL125
13498MUGFORD S2110
13499Mugny G2010
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