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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 83 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71 : [  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 ]  91  |  101 
12301MARX JH111
12302Marx W336
12303Marzi A101
12304MARZI H100
12305Marzoa JA107
12306MAS I103
12307Mas-Ruiz FJ100
12308Masani PR101
12309Masclet G101
12310Maselli J100
12311Masih AMM116
12312Masih R116
12313Masimore B112
12314Masjuan JM100
12315Maskill R101
12316MASKIN E11663
12317MASLACH C1356
12318Masling J1012
12319Maslow W102
12320MASO I102
12321MASON A102
12322Mason BA100
12323MASON J102
12324MASON L100
12325MASON M116
12326MASON PM102
12327MASON R1211
12328MASON RO149
12329MASON WS2511
12330Massa MS100
12331MASSARIK F317
12332MASSE JC100
12334Massengale R1020
12335Massey AP2156
12336Massey DS103
12337Massey G308
12338Massey R103
12339Mastekaasa A2012
12340Master Z102
12341Masters JL100
12342Mastrofski SD1110
12344MASUCH M11393
12345Matalon B2811
12347MATEJKO A100
12348Mateju P209
12349Mates D2140
12350MATHARU M1032
12351MATHENY AP108
12352MATHENY AR103
12353Mather D102
12354Mather DW2619
12355MATHERS RA1412
12356Mathers SA101
12357Matheson C419
12358Mathew PT100
12359MATHEWS BP100
12360MATHEWS PW102
12361Mathiassen L107
12362MATHIS A1111
12363MATHIS C101
12365Mathisen WC100
12366Mathison MA104
12367Matias-Guiu J205
12368MATIER MW125
12369Matillon Y102
12370Matoesian G201
12371Matolcsy ZR102
12372MATRAS J108
12373Matrisciano A100
12374Matschinger H1022
12375Matschke C101
12376Matskevich MG100
12377MATSUDA T100
12378MATSUEDA RL11371
12379Matsumoto M100
12380Matt M11044
12381MATTAI PR102
12382Matte F107
12384Mattera JA1090
12385Mattern KD100
12386Matthews CJ103
12387MATTHEWS DR1122
12388MATTHEWS FH1114
12389Matthews K1010
12390MATTHEWS KA124133
12391Matthews MR1134
12392MATTHEWS R1117
12393Matthews SK117
12394Matthews-Sterling M100
12395Matthiessen L1226
12396MATTICK HW100
12397MATTIS M1617
12398Maturo A100
12399Matusitz J100
12400MATZA D243140
12401Matzat U1421
12402MAU RY1117
12403Mau S102
12404MAUKSCH HO107
12405Maula MV102
12406Maume MO21637
12408MAUREEN SX100
12409MAURICE M102
12410Mauro S115
12411MAUSS AL2432
12412Mavis B1211
12413Mavrogenes NA1061
12414Mavroudeas S103
12415MAWBY RI100
12416MAWSON AR1912
12417MAXWELL AH107
12418MAXWELL M100
12419MAXWELL N2025
12420Maxwell SR2314
12421May C1020
12422May CR109
12423May DC317
12424MAY JT101
12425MAY PRA100
12426May RC105
12427MAY SK100
12428Mayer A100
12429Mayer AK3313
12430MAYER JE5428
12431Mayer K115
12432Mayer KU203
12433MAYER L112
12434Mayer SE2221
12437MAYFIELD L113
12438MAYHEW BH316108
12441Maynard DW3782
12442MAYNARD K1125
12443MAYNARD M2426
12444Maynard-Tucker G1212
12445Mayntz R51458
12446MAYO JM2212
12447Mayo NE106
12449MAYR FK100
12450MAYS JB117
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