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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 79 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61 : [  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80 ]  81   91  |  101 
11701Lukash EI100
11702Lukash EY101
11703LUKE RD104
11704LUKEN PC100
11705Luker K100
11706LUKESCH H100
11707Lukyanov VG100
11708LULOFF A100
11709Luloff AE1118
11710LUM P107
11711LUMBERS J100
11712Lumby J100
11715Lundberg GA3717
11716Lundberg H100
11717Lundberg O1630
11718LUNDE T1431
11719LUNDE TK205
11720LUNDEN K100
11721Lundgren E114
11722Lundh C106
11723Lundman RJ6286
11724Lundqvist A101
11727Lune H102
11728Lunsford A1021
11730Lunt N2011
11731Lunt P21356
11732Luo X101
11733Luo YD107
11734Luoto S100
11735Lupia A105
11736LUPSHA PA1210
11737Lupton J111
11738LUPTON T100
11739LURIE EE106
11740LURIE N108
11741LURIGIO AJ1196
11742Luschen G3011
11743Luscher K3925
11744LUSKY RA106
11745Luster B1014
11746Lustman M100
11747LUTHE HO114
11748Luthy C2013
11750Lutter M114
11751Lutumba P107
11752LUTYNSKI J100
11753Lutz BJ104
11754Luukkonen T73098
11755Luwel M3850
11756Luyten H100
11757Luzzi A1219
11758Ly C1010
11759Lycett M107
11760Lycurgo T100
11761Lykins C100
11762Lyles MA103
11763LYMAN SM3581054
11764Lynch AA100
11765LYNCH FR204
11766LYNCH J101
11767Lynch JF108
11768Lynch KD104
11769Lynch M513207
11770LYNCH ME1632
11771LYNCH MJ219
11772LYNCH RT103
11773Lynch WT2018
11774Lyne PA1014
11775Lynes DA101
11776Lyng ST105
11777Lynn FB102
11778LYNN NB103
11779Lynoe N114
11780LYON SM105
11781LYON WS3223
11782Lyonette C104
11783Lyons C101
11784LYONS F104
11785Lyons JA123
11786Lyons KD102
11787LYSGAARD S100
11788LYSTAD MH100
11789LYTLE AL1163
11790Lyytinen A100
11791Lyytinen K1012
11792Ma L101
11793Ma N2114
11794Ma SY101
11795Ma X101
11796Ma Y100
11797Ma ZD100
11798Ma ZZ326
11799Maahs J22065
11800Maak T1023
11801MAAS HS226
11802Maas I105
11803MAAS ML100
11805Mabe M100
11806MABEE T1010
11807Mabry JB11151
11808MABRY JH116
11809Mabuchi K102
11810Mac Nally R1021
11811Macaluso B3112
11812MACAULAY A1213
11813MACAULAY S113
11814Macbeth JL100
11815MACBRIDE A12168
11816MacCoun RJ2759
11817MacCulloch R100
11818Macdonald D102
11819MacDonald G1329
11820MACDONALD J11261
11821MacDonald JM2016
11822Macdonald K102
11823MACDONALD M1023
11825Macdonald S41058
11828MacDougall C106
11829Macedo P314
11830MACEWAN A106
11831MacFarlane A109
11832Macfarlane B100
11833MacFie HJH1018
11834MacGillivray BH100
11837MacGregor S101
11838MACHACEK L100
11839Machado N1015
11840MACHALEK R21569
11841MACHLIS GE1022
11842MACIAS P103
11843Maciel ML100
11844MacInnis DJ2055
11845MACK JA101
11846Mack KY108
11847MACK RW51186
11848Mackay F101
11849MACKE AS11547
11850Macke J102
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