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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 78 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61 : [  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80 ]  81   91  |  101 
11551LONG PO1017
11552LONG TE3132
11554Longe EO101
11555Longe OO101
11556Longhurst R1117
11557LONGINO CF2018
11558Longshore D43124
11560LONNER TD106
11561Lonnqvist J109
11562LOOMIS CP5520
11563LOOMIS RA103
11564Lopata HZ7444
11565Lopes CA100
11566Lopes FL101
11567Lopez F100
11568Lopez FJD101
11569LOPEZ HOD100
11570Lopez I100
11571Lopez SH107
11572Lopez-Corredoira M101
11573Lopez-Garcia JJ1323
11574Lopez-Munoz F100
11575Lopez-Pintado D119
11576Lopez-Ruiz L100
11579LOPREATO J1735129
11581LoPucki LM1025
11582LORBER J3015
11583LORCH B224
11584Lord CG220892
11585LORD JD1010
11586Lord VB101
11587Lorensen M2111
11588LORENZ FO1012
11589LORENZ G117
11590Lorenzi NM101
11591LORENZI P106
11592Lorenzi-Cioldi F103
11593Lori M100
11594LORIG K1031
11595LORING WC1213
11596Loriol M314
11597Lorscheid I102
11598Lortie C101
11599LORTIE DC11842
11600Losada L100
11601Losco J106
11602LOSCOCCO KA2354
11603Lostutter TW107
11604Lottes IL107
11605Lottick KV100
11606Lotz P100
11607LOTZ RE101
11608LOUCKS SF1194
11609Loughnan S227
11610Louis KS899407
11611LOUIS MR233574
11612Lounsbury M118
11613Loureiro PRA100
11614Louw J102
11615Lovaglia MJ1136
11616Lovbrand E2111
11617Lovegreen LD1112
11618LOVEJOY AE149
11619Lovejoy FH105
11622Lovett F1011
11623Lovhoiden H100
11624Lovrich NP101
11625LOW J105
11626Low M112
11627LOW N100
11628LOWE BP200
11629Lowe HJ100
11630LOWE JC117259
11631Lowe NC100
11632Lowe S1017
11634Lowenkamp CT1024
11635Lowenstein A223
11638LOWENTHAL MF27107
11639Lowery D2013
11640LOWI T2273
11641LOWI TJ100
11642LOWIN A11132
11643LOWMAN J1016
11644Lowney KS203
11645Lowrey TM1144
11646LOWRY RP234
11647LOWY I3219
11648LOWY L102
11649LOY JW104
11650Loyens K100
11651Lozada L101
11652Lozano S100
11653Lozoff B1054
11654LROY D100
11655Lu C100
11656Lu WN100
11657Lu Y2110
11658Lubanza S107
11659Lubatkin MH10197
11660LUBECK SG114
11661LUBEK I102
11662Lubelcova G101
11663LUBNER ME1118
11664Lucas JW1136
11665LUCAS ME1121
11666LUCAS RA203
11667LUCAS WA117
11668Lucassen L1110
11669Lucchini R1013
11670Lucey H1138
11671Luchauer A101
11672Lucheroni C100
11674Lucier P2311
11675Lucio MM2123
11676Lucio-Arias D3417
11677LUCKEN D113
11678LUCKER GW124133
11679LUCKERT HR100
11680LUCKHAM AR103
11681LUCKMANN B1420
11682LUCKMANN T3832
11683Luckyanov N102
11684Luconi S213
11685Luczkovich JJ1138
11686LUDEMANN C1218
11687Ludolph AG101
11688LUDZ PC213
11689LUEBKE NR100
11690LUEBKE P103
11691Luengo A100
11692Luengo MA107
11693Luescher K11178
11694Luft R102
11695LUGG A224
11696Lugo-Morin DR100
11697LUHMANN N82181
11698Lui AY100
11699LUK CL1151
11700Lukasewich SM100
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