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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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10501KUHNERT KW2123
10502KUHNLE S100
10504Kuipers E104
10505Kuipers S104
10506Kuipers TAF100
10507KUKLA A138
10508KUKLICK H4947
10509Kuklinski MR2744
10511Kulakowski K106
10512KULCAR Z1012
10513Kulik CT2897
10514KULIK JC1543
10515Kulik L202
10516KULKIN AM101
10517Kumagai AK108
10518KUMAGAI HA1023
10519KUMAR K102
10520Kumar MN300
10521Kumar S106
10522KUMAR U100
10523Kumar Upadhyay S104
10524Kumar V104
10525Kumru C101
10526KUNCZIK M103
10527KUNDA G19191
10529Kundra R102
10530Kung MC101
10531KUNITZ SJ2155
10532KUNKEL JH2214
10533Kunkel S102
10534KUNKEL SR106
10535Kuntze R1616
10536KUNZ DW109
10537Kunz F100
10538KUNZ PR115
10539KUNZE M103
10540Kunzel C100
10541Kuo MHC105
10542Kuper A108
10543Kuper H100
10544Kuper L102
10545KUPERMAN A1228
10546Kupferberg F212
10547KUPFERER HJ1011
10548KUPFFER H101
10549Kuran T2015
10550Kuratko DF1012
10551KURESHI A102
10552KURILOFF P1017
10553KURITA N100
10554KUROKAWA M103
10555KURTZ LR1214
10556Kurtz MJ2330
10557KURTZ NR1026
10558KURTZ RA1011
10559KURTZ RJ100
10560KURTZ RM113
10561Kurtz SP1028
10562Kuruvilla S1020
10563Kury H100
10564KURZBARD G101
10565Kurzman C3726
10566Kurzman PA4022
10567Kush K104
10568KUSHNER HW1210
10569Kuska M101
10570Kusow AM1210
10572Kustermans J100
10574KUTNER B119
10575KUTNER NG4747
10577KUTY O100
10578KUVLESKY WP61353
10579Kuwabara K102
10582Kvernbekk T100
10583Kwall RR1013
10584Kwan BSC100
10585Kwan VSY2024
10586Kwate NOA100
10587Kwiatkowska T100
10588Kwok DC105
10589Kwok-Bun C100
10590Kwon D101
10591Kwon KS100
10592Kwon SW100
10593Kyle G1016
10594KYTLE J105
10595Kyvik S1140123
10596La Barre K11542
10597La Free G100
10598La Mura RM100
10599La Vigne NG1115
10600Laara A104
10601Laarman C1110
10602Laas P101
10603Laband DN31580
10604Labelle C101
10605Labini MS1447
10606Labissiere Y103
10607LaBolle EM107
10608LABOV T21248
10609Labov TG11533
10610LABOV W11239
10611LABOVITZ S116
10612LABRIE G100
10613Lacetera N2211
10614LACEY LJ1023
10615Lachelier P101
10616LACHMAN R111
10617Lacidogna G101
10618LACKEY C100
10619Lackman RD1019
10620LACKOVIC Z100
10621Lacourse E101
10622LACROIX B101
10623Lacy KR1015
10624Lacy WB5825
10625LADD EC11652
10627LADEWIG D103
10628LADEWIG H1126
10629LADINSKY J1222
10630LADNER J102
10631Lado AA1020
10632Lado ME103
10633LAEGER E103
10634LAERMANN K100
10636LAFOREST L113
10637LaFree G1048232
10638LAFUENTE A104
10639LAGA G101
10640Lagarias J100
10642Lago I100
10643Lagrange H101
10644LAGRANGE R100
10645LAGRANGE RL1211
10646LaGrange TC213123
10647LAGRECA AJ104
10648Laham S101
10649Lahlou S107
10650Lahsen M1326
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