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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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4801DOW TE307
4802DOWD TJ107
4803DOWDY EHR103
4804DOWELL DA107
4805Down S104
4806DOWNES D100
4807Downey G214299
4808DOWNEY HK1111
4809DOWNEY JF105
4810DOWNEY KJ268
4811Downing NR104
4812DOWNS A209
4813DOWNS W101
4814Dowrick C109
4815DOWSE RE1114
4816DOYLE DP100
4817Doyle WR101
4818Dozier EP1113
4819Dozier M1015
4820Drabek TE3361
4821Dragoni L1031
4822Draheim S101
4823DRAKE SC2122
4824Drakeford M101
4825DRAPER A102
4826DRASGOW F1013
4827Drass KA433129
4828Drazin R2695
4829DREEBEN R1337
4830DREGER RM2046
4831DREIKURS R3117
4833DRESCH SP212
4835DRESSER M1027
4836Dressler WW2159
4837DREWE P100
4838DREWERY J2217
4839DREWS A117
4840Dreyfuss RC2123
4841Dreze J1014
4842Driakhlov NI101
4843Dribe M106
4844Driedger L226
4845Driedger M100
4846Drigotas SM1265
4848DRIVER ED208
4849DRIVER HE100
4850Drobnic S107
4851Droppe A100
4852DROR Y100
4853Drozdovitch V102
4854Druckman D2433
4855Drugge U100
4856DRULHE M101
4857Drummond H205
4858Drury DH100
4859DRURY DW1218
4860Dryburgh HB118
4861DRYER BV301
4862Du HQ100
4863Du Hua-qiang Ge HL100
4864Duarte F103
4865Duberley J100
4866Dubet F305
4867DUBICK M100
4868DUBICK MA2237
4869DUBIEL H100
4870DUBIN D1246
4871DUBIN ER1016
4872DUBIN R1064215
4873DUBIN SC214
4874DUBOIS BL3012
4875DUBOIS JD100
4876Dubois M112
4877Dubra J104
4878Ducharme F108
4879Duchesne S103
4880Ducibella JS103
4881DUCKITT J111
4883Duclos JY1017
4884DUDLEY CJ5713
4885DUFF RS1024
4886DUFF RW1012
4887DUFFEE DE100
4888Duffin J100
4889Duffy LM102
4890Duffy P103
4891DUFOUR P100
4892DUFTY NF100
4893Dugan L2143
4894DUGUID S103
4895DUKE JT114
4896DUKES RL1020
4897DUKES WF1044
4898Duling DC104
4899DULL RT127
4900DULLY FE101
4901Dumas ME1014
4902Dumas TL3343
4903Dumitracu D100
4904Dumont K206
4905Dunaway RG232118
4906Duncan A2010
4907Duncan B201
4908DUNCAN BL112275
4909Duncan FD104
4910DUNCAN K108
4911DUNCAN KJ108
4912DUNCAN MG101
4913DUNCAN OD100
4914DUNCAN RB1196
4915DUNCAN SS1415
4916Duncan WJ405
4917DUNFORD R1121
4919DUNHAM F100
4920DUNHAM HW2453
4921DUNHAM RG114
4922Duniewicz K100
4924Dunkake I1010
4926Dunkerley KJ101
4927Dunkle RE100
4928Dunlap E116
4929DUNLAP RE17148
4931Dunlop BD106
4932Dunn JR2024
4933Dunn KS114
4934DUNN LC1314
4935Dunn RL1010
4936Dunn WN5841
4937Dunne S101
4938Dunnick NR102
4939Dunning E200
4940DUNST CJ21148
4941DUNWOODY S1121
4942Dupont H100
4943Dupre ME3726
4944DUPREZ D100
4945Dupuis SL1113
4946DUPUY HJ104
4947DUPUY JP111
4948Duque RB100
4949DURAJ L100
4950DURAND M111
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