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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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4201Day R1023
4202Day RA2232
4203DAY RC115
4204DAY RD108
4205DAY SB100
4206DAYAL I100
4207Dayan D214
4208De Andrade LL1116
4209De Angelis J100
4210De Arenas JL505
4211de Barros NF100
4212De Bere SR104
4213De Bie M102
4214de Boom J102
4215de Bruin RE1221
4216de Calvo MPC212
4217de Chernatony L100
4218De Clercq D202
4219De Coster S2426
4220De Craemer W103
4221de Faria JH100
4222de Figueiredo AM100
4223de Figueiredo RJP1039
4224de Freitas MM101
4225de Freitas RS100
4226de Gasparis AA1019
4227de Graaf G127
4228de Graaf ND103
4229De Grada E1171
4230De Greiff A100
4231de Haan J100
4232de Jong G100
4233de Jong PTVM100
4234de Kemp RAT100
4235de la Fe TG100
4236de la Fuente E103
4237de la Mothe J100
4238de la Puente-Martorell ML100
4239de la Rosa GV100
4240de Lacey S101
4241de Lara PZM308
4242de Leede J101
4243de Leonardis M101
4244De Maio G1021
4245De Marchi B104
4246De Marinis MG104
4247de Mattos PLCL100
4248de Mello R101
4249de Mendonca MJC100
4250de Miguel CR100
4251De Moor B4311
4252de Morais JV100
4253de Moura AF100
4254de Moura APS101
4255de Moya-Anegon F3217
4256de Nijs WF100
4257DE NR100
4258de Palma A200
4259de Ridder WJ100
4260de Rond M2010
4261De Schutter E1226
4262de Sousa ICF100
4263de Valk H100
4264de Vaujany FX101
4265De Vreese L100
4266De Vries R623119
4267de Vries RE102
4268de Vries T1112
4269De Witte H100
4270De Witte K101
4271de Zwart F109
4272DEAMICIS A1218
4273DEAN DG289464
4274Dean H116
4275Dean JP102
4276Dean K2015
4277DEAN LR100
4278Deans K107
4279Dear P2334
4281Dearing JW4563
4282DEARMAN M106
4283DEAUX K119513
4284Debackere K1151175
4286DEBECK P100
4287DEBEURS E104
4288DeBolt JW100
4289DEBONT W200
4290Debrauwer L1014
4291Debreceny R100
4292DeCesare M103
4293DECHARMS R1228
4294deChumaceiro CLD101
4296DECICCO IM1227
4297DECKARD BS1015
4298Decker O109
4299Decker SH201
4300DECKRO RF105
4302Dedeurwaerdere T215
4303Dedieu F100
4304DEDIJER S100
4305DEDMON RE101
4306Dedzo M213
4307DEE J101
4308Deeds DL413116
4309DEEGAN AX100
4310DEEGAN MJ102
4311DEEKENS A103
4312Deelstra G1015
4313Deem R101
4314Deeming C100
4315Deephouse DL1025
4316Deets C100
4317Defazio D107
4319DeFina R100
4320Defina RH1416
4321Deflem M41220
4322DEFLEUR LB1224
4323DEFLEUR ML533295
4324DEFOE JR3157
4325DEFRANK RS1112
4326Defronzo J43065
4327DeFronzo JV101
4329Degloma T100
4330Degnbol P1243
4331Degoey P1036
4332DEGROOT L118
4334deGuzman TP100
4335DEHAAN J125
4336DeHart-Davis L228
4337deHaven-Smith L101
4339Deichmann U114
4340DEIPOLA E102
4341DEJAGER H101
4342DeJoseph JF1014
4344Dekker S100
4345Dekkers H1022
4346Del Castillo MNQ100
4347Del Pilar JA108
4348DELAAT PB108
4349Delacroix J125
4350Delalandre M100
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