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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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21001Woolcock M110624
21002WOOLDREDGE J240109
21003WOOLF H200
21004WOOLF P11224
21005WOOLFE R101
21006WOOLGAR S347236
21007WOOLPERT S102
21008Woolworth S10108
21009Wooten DB1014
21010WORCHEL P124
21011WORD CO154371
21012WORDEN S102
21013WORK HH100
21014WORKS E100
21015WORKS R102
21016Wormith JS101
21017Worrall JL116
21018WORTH LT10107
21019WORTHEN DB101
21021Worthington R101
21022Worts D101
21023Wouters P51331
21024Wowak AJ104
21025Woyach KA101
21026WOZNER Y102
21027WOZNIAK JF1128
21028Wray KB8932
21029Wray S205
21031Wright BE1423
21032Wright BRE21660
21033Wright C3512
21034WRIGHT CR41666
21035WRIGHT CW256
21036WRIGHT DE1417
21037WRIGHT E1214
21038WRIGHT EL2111
21039WRIGHT JE1320
21040Wright JP1715
21041Wright M2221
21042Wright MJ104
21043Wright N100
21044Wright ND1011
21045Wright P2020
21046WRIGHT PWG103
21047Wright R41378
21048Wright RA3116
21049WRIGHT S2532
21050Wright TA1025
21051WrightIsak C103
21054Wrigley K106
21055Wrobel A1226
21056Wroblewski J108
21057Wrong DH6118621
21058Wrzesniewski A1011
21059Wu AW1020
21060Wu B100
21061Wu BS103
21062Wu BYW117
21063Wu CH103
21064Wu CL124209
21065Wu CX100
21066Wu DJ1064
21067Wu DY100
21068Wu G205
21069Wu GL102
21070Wu JS1014
21071Wu Q100
21072Wu QS3540
21073Wu SL101
21074Wu X100
21075WU YC101
21076Wu YH3540
21077Wu YS100
21078Wu Z100
21079Wuchty S222169
21080Wulff M100
21081Wulfhorst JD106
21082Wunder E125
21083Wunderer R106
21085WURZMAN I1115
21086Wust L100
21087Wuthnow R5881
21088Wutich A104
21089Wyatt A102
21090WYATT F202
21091WYATT RJ1111
21092Wyatt S101
21093Wyland RL102
21094WYLIE ML2127
21095WYLLIE RW102
21096Wylomanska A104
21097WYNCOTT MH1111
21098WYSONG JA1514
21099Xi JA100
21100Xia Y100
21101Xiao H149
21102Xiao HG311
21103Xiao S117
21104Xiao XS101
21105Xie Y2433
21106Xin W100
21107Xing Y100
21108Xu F103
21109Xu G1011
21110XU GL103
21111XU LD1018
21112Yaconi LL105
21113Yadov VA100
21114Yaeli A100
21115Yair G506
21116Yamada T105
21118Yamaguchi K511142
21119YAMAMOTO K202
21120Yamamoto Y3230
21121YAMAMURA D100
21122Yaman H100
21123YAMANAKA K11239
21124YAMAZAKI S101
21125Yamazaki Y100
21126Yamori K109
21127Yan D100
21128Yan Dong Dong M100
21129Yan E100
21130Yan KK100
21132Yanay N104
21133Yancey G41449
21134Yancey GA1211
21135Yancey S1618
21136Yancey SW1211
21137YANCEY WL412179
21138YANCIK R105
21139Yanez CJN100
21140YANG C1011
21141Yang G116
21142Yang H112
21143Yang JS134
21144Yang K17123
21145Yang KF109
21146Yang L102
21147Yang LH1036
21148Yang PY227
21149YANG RX1011
21150Yang SB100
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