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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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19351TRONC KE100
19352Tronstad R100
19353Tronvoll B102
19354Trope Y1065
19355TROPMAN JE101
19356Trouilloud DO1017
19357Trovato F3123
19358TROW M3489
19359Trowler P2017
19360Troy A101
19361Troy AB118
19362Troy AR1131
19363Troyer JR317
19364Troyer L2013
19365TRUBEK DM100
19366Trudeau L146
19367TRUJILLO LD1110
19368Trulson CR101
19369Tsahuridu EE136
19370Tsai CF100
19371Tsai CL100
19372Tsai JY116
19373TSAI SL12386
19374Tsai WP103
19375Tsao JY100
19376Tsay A156
19377Tschannen-Moran M102
19378Tschopik H207
19379Tse DK1039
19380Tse JWL101
19381Tselsoni A105
19382Tseng BL111
19383Tseng E1315
19384Tsiboukli A102
19385Tsuda T107
19386Tsui AS210105
19388Tsuzuki K100
19389Tu Rong Chi GT100
19390Tu XM217
19391Tu YH100
19392Tubbs CY1027
19393Tubin D100
19394Tubre TC1470
19395TUCHMAN G3119
19396Tucker C1014
19397Tucker DJ3219
19398TUCKER IG100
19399TUCKER J1429
19400TUCKER LR101
19401TUCKER MB22379
19402TUCKER RC1013
19403TUCKER S107
19404TUCKER SA102
19405Tucker WB137
19406TUCKMAN A1033
19407TUCKMAN BW2150
19408Tufan I201
19409Tufano P20187
19410TUFTE ER100
19411TULCHIN SH100
19412Tuler S32102
19413Tull SW100
19414TULLY J203
19415TULLY JC1439
19416TUMIN M1419
19417Tumin MM12775
19418Tumley JG100
19419Tung LL100
19420Tung RL100
19421Tunley M100
19422TUOMELA R111
19423Tupasela A101
19424Turato ER3121
19425TURCAN KA103
19426Turchetti S103
19427TURCI V100
19428Turco L100
19429TURCOTTE WE1314
19430Turel O236
19431Turin F100
19432TURK AT5741
19433TURK DC1038
19434TURK H2417
19435TURK JL113
19436Turkulainen V105
19437Turley RNL109
19438TURNBULL D124
19439TURNBULL PW1210
19440TURNBULL W259275
19441TURNER B100
19442Turner BL2029
19443TURNER BS3511
19444Turner C4245
19445Turner CSV102
19446TURNER EL114
19447TURNER FM1859
19448Turner J2134
19449TURNER JH61631
19450TURNER LA102
19451Turner M100
19452TURNER R1910
19453TURNER RH12178590
19454Turner RJ1421
19455Turner S41487
19456Turner SP42125
19457TURNER WA215143
19458TUROW J103
19459TUROWSKI J101
19460Turpin T102
19461TUSELL F104
19462TUSHMAN ML4401539
19463Tustin DH126
19464Tutic A102
19465Tutton R100
19466Tverdova YV1160
19467TWADDLE AC711126
19468TWENEY RD100
19470Twining W113
19471Twohig PL1021
19472TYACK D1019
19473TYACK DB2262
19474TYE CY100
19475TYLER LE108
19476TYLER TR24312
19477TYLER WB117
19478TYRE TE101
19479TYREE A104
19480TYRELL H105
19481Tyson E101
19482Tzeng JM1310
19483Ubah CBA103
19484Ucel EB100
19485Udasco JO108
19486Udehn L108
19487Uebel T209
19488Uecker JE100
19489UEDA R101
19490UEDA S101
19491UEJIO CK1010
19492Uggen C515198
19493Ugiagbe EO100
19495Uhle M107
19496Uhlenberg P106
19498Uhlenbruck K112
19499Ukaegbu CC100
19500Ukanwa K11457
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