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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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18901TARAKI B100
18903TARDIFF K12684
18904Tardos R100
18905TARJAN G116
18906TARLOV AR1031
18907Tarohmaru H100
18908Tarone R102
18909Tarp S105
18910Tarr P100
18911Tarrant C2012
18912Tarrow S100
18913Tartaglini D104
18914Tarver JD100
18915Taschwer K100
18916TASH RH107
18917Taska L1055
18918Tatchell GM101
18919TAUB A100
18920TAUB RP1139
18921TAUBE G1412
18922TAUSKY C2751
18924TAVES MJ3939
18925TAVIS LA101
18926TAVIS RL126
18927Tavory I100
18928Tavukcuoglu C103
18929TAYBACK M1310
18930Tayie S100
18931TAYLER CA1013
18932Taylor B100
18933TAYLOR BJ100
18934TAYLOR CA2316
18935Taylor CR100
18936TAYLOR D1335
18937Taylor DE11102
18938TAYLOR DG1449
18939TAYLOR DL1113
18940TAYLOR GS2032
18941TAYLOR HF101
18942Taylor HR118
18943Taylor J100
18944TAYLOR JE1472
18945Taylor JR107
18946TAYLOR KW207
18947TAYLOR L103
18948TAYLOR LJ206
18949Taylor M100
18950TAYLOR MC1211
18951Taylor MG2237
18952TAYLOR MJO101
18953TAYLOR ML101
18954TAYLOR P204
18955TAYLOR PA2312
18956TAYLOR PJ21191
18957Taylor PL2311
18958TAYLOR R4129
18959TAYLOR RB1671
18960TAYLOR RCR102
18961Taylor RJ100
18962TAYLOR RK102
18963TAYLOR RL100
18964TAYLOR RW113
18965Taylor S3533
18966Taylor SG101
18967TAYLOR SJ200
18968Taylor TJ103
18969Taylor V100
18970TAYLOR W112
18971te Grotenhuis M1014
18972Teachman J1042
18973TEACHMAN JD1310
18974TEAFORD JC1412
18975TEAGUE RC101
18976TEAS RK100
18977Teasdale TA118
18978Teasley C101
18979TEBRAKE WH1013
18980TEDFORD WH1013
18981TEDLOW RS104
18982TEELE JE101
18983Teerikangas S1013
18984Teevan JJ3953
18985TEFFT SK218
18986TEICHMAN M100
18987Teigen M11034
18988TEIGEN PM106
18989TEITLER G100
18990Teitler J100
18991TELCS A138
18992Telles EE2043
18993TELLES JL111
18994Tempest S1015
18995Temple-Harvey KK100
18996ten Bruggencate G100
18997TENBRUCK FH2711
18998Tenbrunsel AE1221
18999TenDam J100
19000Tenenbaum G339
19001Tenkasi RV101
19002Tenne-Gazit O1022
19003Tennoe T100
19004TENNYSON RA12339
19005Tenopir C1325
19006TEPLIN LA104
19009TERCHEK RJ100
19011TERLESKY J113
19012Terling-Watt TL1925
19015Terpstra-Tong J105
19016Terra BRC117156
19017TERRADA ML1130
19018Terral P100
19019TERRELL K113296
19020Terrie G115
19021Terrio H1012
19022Terry LD2028
19023Terwel J103
19024TESCONI CA101
19025TESKE RHC1211
19026TESSNER PD11359
19027TESTA M211264
19028Testi A103
19029Tetlock PE3119
19030Tetroe J100
19031Tewksbury R102
19032Tezuka I2117
19033THACKER B103
19034Thacker SC1048
19035THACKRAY A351134
19036THADANI VN1017
19037THAGAARD T102
19038Thagard P1418
19040Thaller N101
19041Thanh HV105
19042Thaxton S123
19043THEIS HE102
19044Thelwall M1719155
19045Thelwall S100
19046Thelwell R225
19047Thelwell RC100
19048Theobald K100
19049Theodoropoulos N100
19050THERBORN G4539
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