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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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17851SLOAN TS103
17852SLOCUM JW1010
17853SLOCUM WL4829
17854Slomczynski KM203
17855Sloop MW101
17856Slopen N2129
17857SLOSAR JA101
17858Sluhovsky M103
17859SLUSHER EA104
17860Sluss DM1147
17861Sluyter A104
17862SLY RM102
17863Smale BJA104
17864SMALE GG101
17865Smalheiser NR12155
17866Small H61866
17867SMALL M319
17868Smallbone D119
17869SMALLMAN S1625
17870Smangs M206
17871SMART B100
17872SMART JC31374
17873Smausova G102
17874SMEAD VS103
17875Smeby JC21565
17876Smelser NJ944119
17877Smerdon BA1113
17878SMIGEL EO2617
17879Smioski A100
17880SMIRCICH L18265
17881Smith A31039
17882Smith ADM104
17883Smith AE21944
17884Smith AF101
17885SMITH AG100
17886SMITH AM2114
17887Smith BE101
17888Smith BH100
17889SMITH BL202
17890SMITH BLR101
17891Smith C107
17892Smith CL100
17893SMITH CR1025
17894Smith CW3111
17895Smith D200
17896Smith DA477253
17897Smith DC104
17898Smith DE214
17899Smith DF104
17900SMITH DG127
17901Smith DH4219
17902Smith DJ2117
17903SMITH DL3849
17904Smith DM51639
17905Smith DP1013
17906SMITH DS1014
17907Smith E404
17908Smith EB324
17909SMITH EJ3224
17910SMITH EMJ1022
17911SMITH FR102
17912Smith G100
17913SMITH GM1211
17914SMITH GS104
17915Smith HJ2318
17916SMITH HL128
17917Smith J401
17918Smith JB56216
17919Smith JS102
17920Smith K2534
17921Smith KC102
17922SMITH KK1288
17923SMITH KM1410
17924SMITH KR104
17925SMITH KS100
17926SMITH KW1010
17927SMITH LC128146
17928Smith LD211
17929SMITH LM2211
17930SMITH M2117
17931SMITH MA116
17932SMITH MB51061
17933SMITH MC202
17934SMITH MD2016
17935Smith ME2021
17936Smith MJ2315
17937Smith MR100
17938SMITH MW2437
17939Smith MY101
17940Smith NG104
17941SMITH NR101
17942Smith P5540
17943Smith PA104
17944Smith PH112
17945Smith R3123
17946SMITH RA100
17947Smith RB13336
17948SMITH RJ1010
17949Smith RT2245
17950Smith RW2019
17951SMITH SA102
17952Smith SD100
17953Smith SLJ2510
17954Smith T2228
17955Smith TA2027
17956SMITH TC103
17957SMITH TF103
17958Smith V1024
17959SMITH VB100
17960SMITH VI100
17961SMITH W102
17962SMITH WP101
17963SMITH WR100
17964Smith-Doerr L2511
17965Smith-Lovin L124
17966SMITHSON M1520
17967Smithson S1021
17968Smits J3421
17969Smits REHM1280
17970SMOKLER H100
17971SMOLAR A100
17972SMOLICZ JJ203
17974Smolinsky LJ103
17975SMOLLER F107
17976SMUCKER J101
17977SMUSZ TD101
17978SMYER MA1117
17979Smyth J105
17980Smyth R200
17981Snape D1083
17982SNEDEN LE100
17983Snelders S100
17984Snell JC425
17985SNELL L1013
17986Snell RS107
17987SNELL SA1037
17989Snellman K1463
17990SNIDER DL101
17991Snijders TAB2337
17992Snipes JB1615
17993SNIZEK W116
17994SNIZEK WE122763
17995Snodgrass R126
17996Snodgrass RT114
17997Snodgrasse RM102
17998SNOEK JD11432
17999SNOKE PS1340
18000SNOW CC105
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