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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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15601RATCLIFF C100
15602Ratcliff CD1010
15603RATCLIFF K1231
15604RATCLIFF RE1124
15605RATH RA100
15606Rathod S100
15607RATLIFFE TA1212
15608Ratner C109
15609RATTNER A2067
15610Rattner SL1011
15611Ratton JLD100
15612RAU W1020
15613Raub W312
15614Rauch J215
15615RAUCH JB105
15616RAUCH W1034
15618Raveis V1115
15619Raveis VH414271
15620RAVEN BH34133
15622Ravenna M104
15623Raver JL1148
15624Ravin JG100
15625Ravindranath V1226
15626Raviv A4280
15627Ravlic S100
15628RAW SD100
15629Rawl SM1014
15630RAWLING A1410
15631RAWSKI CH101
15632RAY DM101
15633RAY R101
15634Ray S103
15635RAYMAN P1219
15636RAYMOND FB100
15637RAYMOND RL100
15638Raynaud D302
15639RAYWARD WB119
15640RAZ JV100
15641RE MA101
15642Read AW118
15643READE E203
15644Reader D1112
15645READER GG7677708
15646READER JW100
15647Reagans R2123
15648Reagans RE1315
15649REAL MR115
15650Ream E104
15651REASONS CE4425
15652Reay D1138
15653Reay M100
15654Reay T2312
15655Rebellon CJ5535
15656Reber G106
15657REBNE D101
15658Recchioni M100
15660RECHTIEN W100
15661Reckdenwald A100
15662Recker N102
15663RECKOW F100
15664Reckwitz A103
15665RECORD JC100
15666RECORD W324
15667Red Mel-CYTED1014
15668REDDY BA100
15669REDDY SK100
15670REDDY TC200
15671REDEKOP P101
15672Redfern S103
15673REDFERN SJ1048
15674REDLICH FC3535
15675REDMAN DA104
15676Redman S101
15677Redner S11478
15678REDONDI P300
15679Reece EF1019
15680Reed A1014
15681REED FW1025
15682Reed I102
15683Reed J1049
15684REED JA101
15685Reed JS2110
15686Reed LL100
15687REED PG1159
15688REED PN11241
15689Reed S100
15690Reed V1032
15691Reed-Tsochas F2110
15692REEDER LG3038
15693Reedy C1111
15694REEDY WJ100
15695REES MW1212
15696REES R2358
15697Rees T100
15698REES TB101
15699Reese DD108
15700Reese HW101
15701Reese SD1011
15702REESE WA3533
15703REEVES C104
15704REEVES EB101
15705REEVES MM105
15706Reeves S108
15707REFINETTI R3114
15708REGAN MC108
15709Regan PC1022
15710Regan-Smith MG1015
15712Reger RK105
15713REGEV H1023
15714REGIER M1026
15715Regnerus MD100
15716REGOLI B129
15717REGOLI RM4239
15718Rehakova B100
15719REHBERG RA1612
15720Reher D100
15721Rehfeld A102
15722REHFUSS J101
15723REHM M102
15724Reich DA336
15725Reich J104
15726Reich W100
15728REICHEL PL100
15729REICHLER ML1110
15730Reichman JH2145
15731REICHMAN N106
15733REID A203
15734REID AE103
15735Reid I203
15736Reid L102
15737Reid LN1042
15738Reid LW1229
15739REID N1610
15740REID R101
15741REIDY MTV113
15742REIF F11021
15743Reif WE103
15744Reikowsky RC126
15745REILLY ME203
15746REIMANIS G51461
15747REIMANN BC101
15748REIMER E116
15749REIN M2048
15750Reinbacher P100
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