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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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15301Presse S102
15302PRESSMAN S117
15303PRESTAGE J106
15304PRESTHUS RV2527
15305Preston DB2135
15306PRESTON DL111
15307Preston FW305
15308PRESTON M1253
15309PRESTON T1124
15310Preteur Y101
15311Preus JS102
15312Preuss L104
15313Prevalakis N100
15314Prewitt K2434
15315PRICE AC1111
15316PRICE DA101
15317PRICE DD100
15318Price DH1113
15319PRICE DJD100
15320PRICE DJDS100
15321Price JL66105
15322PRICE KH1346
15323Price L2621
15324PRICE PH100
15325PRICE RH1011
15326PRICE RM100
15327Price S109
15328Price TM103
15329Pride J101
15330Prideaux B101
15331Prideaux S1112
15332Pridemore WA5738
15333Priebe S3039
15334Priem RL34140
15335PRIEST GL1041
15336PRIEST RF1339
15337Priest RJ102
15339Prieto L105
15340Prigent JL200
15341PRIMACK RB1111
15343Primus R1017
15344Prince CH111
15345PRINCE EO106
15346Prince M105
15348Pritchard R106
15350Prochaska JM1047
15351Prochaska JO1047
15352Prochnow JE101
15353PROCTOR S1023
15354Prodan I100
15355Profetto-McGrath J202
15357PROTHRO JW102
15358PROTTAS JM109
15360PROVOST GP100
15361PROVOST WH101
15362Prowse M100
15363Prpic K4725
15364PRUCHNO RA1117
15365PRUDEN HO105
15366PRUGER R4126
15367Pruss U215
15368PRUTHI S101
15369Pruvost J107
15370PRYLUCK C101
15371PRYOR EB101
15372PRYWES M109
15374PRZYBOS J101
15375PSATHAS G102
15376PUCKETT TC100
15377Puddephatt A100
15378Puddephatt AJ102
15379Pudovkin AI103
15380Pudsey J101
15381Puerta MLS100
15382PUGH D125
15383PUGH DL113
15384PUGH DS31776
15385PUGH LC1760
15386Pugh MD1026
15387PUGH SD16339
15388Pugsley L1114
15389Puligadda S100
15390Puljiz V100
15391PULLIAM JD100
15392Pullum TW101
15393PUMFREY S124
15395PUNCH KF113
15396Pundt A103
15397Punj G3657
15398PUNTIL J114
15399PURCELL FP105
15400Purdie VJ15151
15401PURRI DM102
15402PURSLEY RD114
15403PURVIS JE119
15404PUTNAM RH104
15405Putnam W1021
15406PUTNEY S2959
15407Putterill M100
15408Putzke J100
15409Puuska HM112
15410Puzzi S101
15411PYCIOR HM129
15412PYE LW1015
15413Pyenson L4422
15414PYM B124
15415Pyrooz DC201
15416Qi SH100
15417Qi XY100
15418Qian Z11228
15419Qian ZC675227
15420Qin H100
15421QIN J1317
15422Qin RQ100
15423Qu SQ100
15424Quack S100
15425QUADAGNO J2216
15426QUADREL MJ22139
15427Quah SR2023
15428QUALLS JH103
15429QUALLS SH109
15430Quan-Haase A16154
15434Quarrie KL2138
15435Quatman C101
15436Quatraro F102
15437Quenez MC14343
15438Quenza CJP100
15439QUERY JMN1016
15440QUESADA G111
15441QUESADA GM100
15442Quesada SGP100
15443QUICKER JC123
15444Quiggin J104
15445Quigley A111
15446Quillian L311223
15447Quinlan SM103
15448Quinn BA102
15449QUINN GJ116
15450QUINN JF101
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