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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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15001Pickel A225
15002PICKETT G104
15003Pickett SA1023
15004Pickett STA2132
15005Pickle LW1034
15006Pickren WE103
15007PICOT A100
15008Picou JS82292
15009PICTON C101
15010Piderit SK14134
15011PIEL G107
15012PIELE PK107
15013Pielke RA1122
15014PIEPE A101
15015PIERCE SJ3631
15017Pieris R213
15018Pierro A1171
15019Pierru F100
15020PIES CA103
15021Pieters T100
15022PIETILA V200
15023Pietraszko A100
15024Pietrobon R100
15026Pietrzak J15151
15027PIETTE MJ129
15028Piggott J101
15029Piguet V102
15030PIKER S105
15031Piketty T108
15032Pilati K100
15033Pilhammar E100
15034PILIAVIN I1011
15036PILL R102
15037Pillai VK2111
15038Pillemer K1144270
15039Pillermer K101
15040Pilnick A1010
15041Pilotto L1016
15042Pimple KD1018
15043Pin R200
15044PINARD M116
15045Pinch T329
15046PINCH TJ2611
15047PINCUS HA1013
15048PINDER CC11162
15049Pinderhughes EE1173
15050Pine R108
15051PINEAULT R2079
15052PINELL P103
15053PINERO JML1130
15054Ping CJ102
15055PINGS VM100
15056PINHEY TK1427
15057Pini-Prato G115
15058PINK WT2322
15059PINKHAM KM1212
15060PINNA L1322
15061PINNEL CW100
15062Pinnock C1026
15063Pino NW107
15064Pinquart M2217
15065PINTO JV106
15066Pinto RM103
15068Piolat A104
15069PIOLAT M1013
15070PIORO Z101
15071PIPKIN RM1023
15072Piquee C127
15073Piquero A250110
15074Piquero AR41645
15075Piquero NL63992
15076Piredda M104
15077Piro F100
15078Pisano GP101
15079Pisarik CT101
15080Pislyakov V222
15081PISONI DB102
15083PISTOI P100
15084Pitchford SR11653
15085Pitchforth E104
15087Pitney WA102
15088Pittinsky TL208
15089Pittman D101
15090PITTMAN DJ1075
15091PITTMAN RJ100
15092Pitts RH100
15093Piva E106
15094PIVEN H100
15095Pivetti M201
15096PIVINSKI F218
15097PIZZORNO A121
15098PLACEK JH1212
15099PLACEK PJ106
15100Plambeck N203
15101PLANK DN104
15102Plant MA101
15103PLAPP J102
15104Platoff J102
15105PLATOU RV1818
15106PLATT GM2424
15107Platt J81673
15108Platt JJ103
15109Platt RW106
15110PLATT S1024
15111Platteborze N101
15112PLAUT SM223
15113Pleasant A1020
15114PLECAS DB113
15115Pleimann M100
15116Plener PL101
15117Pless NM1023
15118Plessner H1019
15119Ploeger M1639
15120PLOMP R1219
15121Plos KAE61152
15122PLOTKIN J1162
15123PLOTNICK H101
15125Plowman KD101
15126Plows A1014
15127Ployhart RE101
15128Pluss C100
15129Poblete FC106
15130POCOCK DCD219
15131PODELL L206
15133Podolny JM6137818
15134Podsakoff NP1517
15135Podsakoff PM1517
15136Podvoisky D100
15137POGGI G100
15138Pogliano C111
15140POGUE GA1013
15141POHLEN M102
15142Pohlman L104
15143Pohoryles RJ100
15144Pohulak-Zoledowska E100
15145Poirier S101
15146Poirson M100
15147POISSON B111
15148POITOU D100
15149POKOL B114
15150Pokrovskii NE200
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