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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 74 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61 : [  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80 ]  81   91  |  101 
10952DRESSER M1027
10953DREWE P100
10954Dreze J1014
10955Driakhlov NI101
10956Dribe M106
10957Driedger M100
10958DRISKELL JE1019
10959DRIVER ED208
10960DRIVER HE100
10961Drobnic S107
10962Droppe A100
10963DROR Y100
10964Drozdovitch V102
10965Drugge U100
10966DRULHE M101
10967Drummond H205
10968Drury DH100
10969DRYER BV301
10970Du HQ100
10971Du Hua-qiang Ge HL100
10972Duarte F103
10973Duberley J100
10974Dubet F305
10975DUBICK M100
10976DUBIEL H100
10977DUBIN ER1016
10978DUBOIS BL3012
10979DUBOIS JD100
10980Dubra J104
10981Ducharme F108
10982Duchesne S103
10983Ducibella JS103
10984Duclos JY1017
10985DUFF RS1024
10986DUFF RW1012
10987DUFFEE DE100
10988Duffin J100
10989Duffy LM102
10990Duffy P103
10991DUFOUR P100
10992DUFTY NF100
10993DUGUID S103
10994DUKES RL1020
10995DUKES WF1044
10996Duling DC104
10997DULLY FE101
10998Dumas ME1014
10999Dumitracu D100
11000Dumont K206
11001Duncan A2010
11002Duncan B201
11003Duncan FD104
11004DUNCAN K108
11005DUNCAN KJ108
11006DUNCAN MG101
11007DUNCAN OD100
11008Duncan WJ405
11009DUNFORD RW100
11010DUNHAM F100
11011Duniewicz K100
11012DUNIVIN KO104
11013Dunkake I1010
11015Dunkerley KJ101
11016Dunkle RE100
11017DUNLEAVY P105
11018Dunlop BD106
11019Dunn JR2024
11020Dunn RL1010
11021Dunne S101
11022Dunnick NR102
11023Dunning E200
11024Dupont H100
11025DUPREZ D100
11026DUPUY HJ104
11027Duque RB100
11028DURAJ L100
11029DURANT R109
11030DURBAN J109
11031DURBIN M107
11032Durfee W100
11033DURHAM EL100
11034DURHAM ML101
11035DURIG KR1033
11036Durisin B101
11037DURKIN R100
11038Durnova A100
11039Durocher A102
11040Durrheim K108
11041DURST R106
11043DUTT M102
11044Duxbury P100
11045Duysters G208
11046Dworkin J1012
11047DWORKIN N100
11048DWORKIN NE101
11049DWORKIN RJ100
11050DWORKIN Y100
11051Dyba T1015
11052DYCKMAN JW104
11053DYER WG1011
11054DYKSTRA R102
11055Dynes RR102
11056Dyson L202
11058Dzakpasu S205
11059Dzur AW100
11060EAGLE J1022
11061EARLE JR104
11062Earle R100
11063EARLY LW103
11064Earthy PJ1018
11065EASH MJ103
11066Easter MM1010
11067Easterling CH100
11068EASTMAN K101
11069Eastwood J209
11070EAVES GN1028
11071Ebbers JJ101
11072EBBESEN EB1033
11073EBBS P1015
11074Ebert U100
11075Eby CV102
11076Eccles M100
11077ECKEL K102
11078ECKERT JK105
11079ECKERT R101
11080ECKHARDT W100
11081Eckloff T107
11082Ecklund K100
11083ECKSTEIN S100
11084EDDY WB101
11085EDDY WP100
11086EDELSON M100
11088EDGE DO100
11089Edgman-Levitan S104
11090EDINGER JA1054
11091Edling C208
11092Edling CR100
11093EDMAN M106
11094Edmonston B104
11095Edvardsson B102
11096EDWARD JT104
11097Edwards C206
11098Edwards D103
11099EDWARDS JA1036
11100Edwards ME104
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