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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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10501DAVIES WKD102
10502DAVIS AB100
10503Davis AM2023
10504DAVIS DF100
10505DAVIS DL101
10506DAVIS FJ206
10507DAVIS J1018
10508Davis JE102
10509Davis L100
10510DAVIS LE108
10511Davis M5011
10512DAVIS MG108
10513DAVIS PC1016
10514Davis PL101
10515Davis PW100
10516Davis SW104
10517Davis TM102
10518Davis WE107
10519DAVOUST E2014
10520Davydov AA100
10521DAWES R1029
10522DAWKINS MP109
10523DAX EC101
10524DAY C100
10525DAY GS1084
10526Day R1023
10527DAY RD108
10528DAY SB100
10529DAYAL I100
10530De Angelis J100
10531De Arenas JL505
10532de Barros NF100
10533De Bere SR104
10534De Bie M102
10535de Boom J102
10536de Chernatony L100
10537De Clercq D202
10538De Craemer W103
10539de Faria JH100
10540de Figueiredo AM100
10541de Figueiredo RJP1039
10542de Freitas MM101
10543de Freitas RS100
10544de Gasparis AA1019
10545de Graaf ND103
10546De Greiff A100
10547de Haan J100
10548de Jong G100
10549de Jong PTVM100
10550de Kemp RAT100
10551de la Fe TG100
10552de la Fuente E103
10553de la Mothe J100
10554de la Puente-Martorell ML100
10555de la Rosa GV100
10556de Lacey S101
10557de Lara PZM308
10558de Leede J101
10559de Leonardis M101
10560De Maio G1021
10561De Marchi B104
10562De Marinis MG104
10563de Mattos PLCL100
10564de Mello R101
10565de Mendonca MJC100
10566de Miguel CR100
10567de Morais JV100
10568de Moura AF100
10569de Moura APS101
10570de Nijs WF100
10571DE NR100
10572de Palma A200
10573de Ridder WJ100
10574de Rond M2010
10575de Sousa ICF100
10576de Valk H100
10577de Vaujany FX101
10578De Vreese L100
10579de Vries RE102
10580De Witte H100
10581De Witte K101
10582de Zwart F109
10583Dean JP102
10584Dean K2015
10585DEAN LR100
10586Deans K107
10588DEARMAN M106
10589DEBECK P100
10590DEBEURS E104
10591DeBolt JW100
10592DEBONT W200
10593Debrauwer L1014
10594Debreceny R100
10595DeCesare M103
10596deChumaceiro CLD101
10597DECKARD BS1015
10598Decker O109
10599Decker SH201
10600DECKRO RF105
10601DECOUFLE A100
10602Dedieu F100
10603DEDIJER S100
10604DEDMON RE101
10605DEE J101
10606DEEGAN AX100
10607DEEGAN MJ102
10608DEEKENS A103
10609Deelstra G1015
10610Deem R101
10611Deeming C100
10612Deephouse DL1025
10613Deets C100
10614Defazio D107
10615DeFina R100
10616DeFronzo JV101
10618Degloma T100
10619Degoey P1036
10620DEGROVE JM102
10621deGuzman TP100
10622deHaven-Smith L101
10623DEIPOLA E102
10624DEJAGER H101
10625DeJoseph JF1014
10627Dekker S100
10628Dekkers H1022
10629Del Castillo MNQ100
10630Del Pilar JA108
10631DELAAT PB108
10632Delalandre M100
10635Delaney AE102
10636DELANEY HR100
10637Delaney JA101
10638Delaney T1019
10641DELEON P2021
10642DELIMA VA100
10643Delisi M101
10644Della Sala S101
10645dellaPorta D101
10646Deller MA105
10647Deller SC105
10649Dellucci H100
10650DELLVA WL100
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