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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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751Caspi A216198
752CLARK PB116256
754Davison WP416290
755Faulkner RR616113
756FAVER CA21663
757Ferraro F216181
758Ferraro KF41686
759FIREBAUGH G216215
760Freudenburg WR1216155
761GREENBERG J116354
762Hollinger DA31646
763HYLTON LF116180
764Jauch LR51686
765KING AS11634
766KOCHEN M61644
767Kogut B11685
768LADD EC11652
769Lariviere V81665
770Law J41653
771LAWANI SM31664
772LEVINGER RL116100
773Lewis R61650
774MARTIN SS316345
775MASKIN E11663
776Maume MO21637
777MAYHEW BH316108
778McMillan GS516125
779Merkens H31667
780Mestrovic SG71637
781Mirowsky J716256
782Moffitt TE216198
784PAYNE RL216124
785Piquero AR41645
786Pitchford SR11653
787Platt J81673
788ROKOFF G11696
789ROSOW I51677
790SAUER RD21675
791Shaw D21653
792Silva PA11660
793SIMMONS JL11677
794Smith DM51639
795Sorenson O41672
796TURNER JH61631
797Vinkler P51665
798Watts DJ516221
799Willower DJ151672
800WILSON TP21689
801Wright BRE21660
802WRIGHT CR41666
803AIKEN M215233
804BAUIN S115141
805BENIGER JR41579
806Berk R31548
807Brown RH815150
808CARROLL GR215183
809Colyvas JA51549
810COOK KS215189
811COOPER R215318
812Courtial JP215143
813CRONBACH LJ115710
814Ding WW21545
817Flaherty MG71546
818FRANKS R115347
819Freitas AL315347
820GECAS V115262
821GOFFMAN E11598
822Guarnizo LE315483
823Gulbrandsen M21559
824GUSTIN BH11522
825HAMMOND PE51570
826HERTING JR21535
827Hughes JW11542
829La Barre K11542
830Laband DN31580
831Labov TG11533
832MACHALEK R21569
833MACKE AS11547
834Marjoribanks K2315100
835Melin G21572
836Meyer AD215387
837MILES RH21591
838MIXON AJ11530
839NEAL AG11568
840Neiman LJ11542
841OLSEN ME21576
842Passas N51542
843Pentland BT115267
844POTTER J31554
845Rafaeli A415429
846RETTIG S31581
847RICE K11550
848Rier DA61532
849ROBBINS C215269
850ROSENBERG M615277
851Rynes SL41579
852SCOTT JF21548
853Smeby JC21565
854STRAUSS AL31579
855SWIDLER A21577
856Tollison RD31577
857TRAVIS GDL11533
858TURNER WA215143
859Uggen C515198
860von Hippel E215212
861WAGNER DG11567
862Zilsel E11531
863Adler PS314305
864Agnew RS31425
865Albrecht SL31439
866ASBURY JE11495
867Ashley-Montagu MF21416
868BARON JN214189
869Bensman SJ514104
870BEVINS GM11455
871BONJEAN CM61464
872Braithwaite J91492
873BUCHER R21431
874CLARK SM214105
875Connidis IA11478
876CORCORAN M214105
877Dannefer D21493
878Downey G214299
879Fein LC114141
880GEER B11430
881GLUECK WF41472
882GOSS MEW51498
883Greenwood R414291
884HACKLER JC51470
885HALL DT314290
886HILBERT RA31433
887HININGS B114260
888JACOB JR41462
889Jacobs D41467
890KATZ FE61463
891Laub JH31489
892MacKenzie D514248
893Martin JL51499
894Mayntz R51458
895McLaughlin N51453
896McMullin JA11478
897Moed HF41458
898RANSON S114260
899Raveis VH414271
900Redner S11478
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