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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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451GROSS PH125403
452GURIN P325618
453JOHNSTON R32564
454Judice TN52555
455KRAHN H22596
456Mallard G32544
457Menzel H125106
458MYERS CR125133
459Payne GL12553
460Rosenthal R825194
461STANOVICH KE1251252
462SUCHMAN EA625415
463WEIGERT AJ625116
464WILSON JD12567
465Alba R324291
466Babchuk N52477
467BEANE WE124133
468Brewer M124223
469CHAI L12455
470COKER RE42476
471Colvin M324107
472CRESSEY DR42458
473Fuchs S824101
474GLUCK ME12492
475HATANAKA H12455
476KING MD12435
477KIRTON M524545
478KUHN TS32496
479Liebeskind JP124223
480LUCKER GW124133
481MATTHEWS KA124133
482MENARD S32452
483Phillips DJ22498
484POOLE MS224609
485Sampson EE424260
486SIMPSON RL42497
487Sonnert G72495
488STOTO MA12492
489THIO A32449
490Wu CL124209
491YEUNG WT12455
492Zeitlin M624304
493Zucker L124223
494Bacharach SB323349
495BATES FL62394
497De Vries R623119
498DENTLER RA12384
499FERRELL OC323537
500Fu VK32357
502GERVER I32372
503GUSFIELD J223121
504Guyll M82338
505HAFFERTY FW423441
506HAN WS32345
507HEFFNER AG22367
508Henshel RL82353
509JAHODA M823371
510Levin SG52363
511Lichter DT323115
513Munch R102363
514PETERSON RA323277
515Rainey HG423122
516Rao H423235
517Restivo S102356
518RIVERA R22341
519Swedberg R1323175
521Tiryakian EA1523107
522TSAI SL12386
523TUCKER MB22379
524Weimann G52398
525Audretsch DB122257
526BEATTIE M222482
527Cable DM522173
528Case DO22254
530Epstein CF1422340
531Frank KA822162
532Goldthorpe JH722239
533GURIN G122480
534HAM TH52265
535Higgins GM12254
536Hull DL42281
537Jones BF322178
538Kilduff M822231
539LAO RC122480
540Lee SM32276
541LEVY MJ22290
542Manski CF322796
543Marsh HW52280
544Martinson BC52299
545McKinley W922171
546Nederhof AJ52283
547Picou JS82292
548POWELL EH222110
549Sherman LW522302
550Stern RN222202
551Sutton FX12286
552Wuchty S222169
553Akerlof GA421953
554BACK KW42168
556BOUDON R82135
557COTGROVE S32147
558EATON JW42178
559Evans R521273
560FERN EF221110
561Fleming L321106
562GARTNER R121121
563Goode E921208
564Gould RV12171
565Heaton TB72148
566HORTON D121285
567KOHN ML32177
568Koput KW221247
569LUHMANN N82181
570Rai AK121106
571RILEY MW421179
572Turner SP42125
573WALSTER E221566
574WELCH MR321163
575White DR121224
576WOHL RR121285
578Baumer EP42081
579Burris V12056
580Clark TN72084
581Diamond AM72085
582EFFREIN EA120133
583FALENDER VJ120133
584Gagnon JH32034
585Gingras Y132080
586Godsey TW22056
587GOVE WR320114
588GREENWOOD E420250
589Han SK22073
590Judge TA920192
591LEFTON M420107
592Lepper MR220907
593Lord CG220892
594Maahs J22065
595Miech RA220113
596MILLER N32077
597OGORMAN HJ32089
598PALMORE EB22053
599Pandey SK720150
600Parboteeah KP520106
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