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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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17401Piketty T108
17402Pilati K100
17403Pilhammar E100
17404PILIAVIN I1011
17406PILL R102
17407Pillermer K101
17408Pilnick A1010
17409Pilotto L1016
17410Pimple KD1018
17411Pin R200
17412PINCUS HA1013
17413Pine R108
17414PINEAULT R2079
17415PINELL P103
17416Ping CJ102
17417PINGS VM100
17418PINNEL CW100
17419Pinnock C1026
17420Pino NW107
17421PINTO JV106
17422Pinto RM103
17424Piolat A104
17425PIOLAT M1013
17426PIORO Z101
17427PIPKIN RM1023
17428Piredda M104
17429Piro F100
17430Pisano GP101
17431Pisarik CT101
17432PISONI DB102
17434PISTOI P100
17435Pitchforth E104
17437Pitney WA102
17438Pittinsky TL208
17439Pittman D101
17440PITTMAN DJ1075
17441PITTMAN RJ100
17442Pitts RH100
17443Piva E106
17444PIVEN H100
17445Pivetti M201
17446PLACEK PJ106
17447Plambeck N203
17448PLANK DN104
17449Plant MA101
17450PLAPP J102
17451Platoff J102
17452Platt JJ103
17453Platt RW106
17454PLATT S1024
17455Platteborze N101
17456Pleasant A1020
17457Pleimann M100
17458Plener PL101
17459Pless NM1023
17460Plessner H1019
17461PLOTNICK H101
17462Plowman KD101
17463Plows A1014
17464Ployhart RE101
17465Pluss C100
17466Poblete FC106
17467PODELL L206
17468Podvoisky D100
17469POGGI G100
17471POGUE GA1013
17472POHLEN M102
17473Pohlman L104
17474Pohoryles RJ100
17475Pohulak-Zoledowska E100
17476Poirier S101
17477Poirson M100
17478POITOU D100
17479Pokrovskii NE200
17480Pokrovskiy NE301
17481POLANCO HD100
17482Polgar M101
17483Poliakova VV100
17484Polich G100
17485Polizzi D100
17486POLLACK L109
17487POLLAK M309
17488POLLAK O201
17489POLLAK PB101
17490POLSKY HW102
17491POLTORAK Y101
17492Poma FP100
17493Pomey MP100
17494Ponemon LA103
17495Ponomariov BL1011
17496Pons J100
17497Ponte D100
17498PONTELL HN208
17499Ponti G101
17500Pontikes E100
17501Pontille D202
17502Pontin D107
17503Poole K1014
17504Pooley JD100
17505Poon A101
17506Poor N100
17507POORKAJ H100
17508Poorman PB1012
17509Pope C200
17510POPE LA100
17511Pope LL103
17512Pope RC101
17513Popescu M100
17514POPIEL E100
17515Popova EP100
17516Popovic R100
17517Poppelaars C104
17518POPPER SH101
17519POPS GM100
17520PORKET JL100
17521Porr C100
17522Porro I103
17523Portelli I100
17524Porter JR1042
17525PORTER RH109
17526PORTER S1030
17528PORTIS B100
17529PORTNOY BM101
17530POSNER GJ100
17531Posner R104
17532Potischman N102
17533Potocan VV105
17534POTTER HR1012
17536Potvin L108
17538Pourtau L100
17540Poutsma E100
17541Pouyat RV101
17542POVEDA TG102
17543POWARS D101
17544Powe NR1020
17545POWELL A1026
17546Powell B101
17547POWELL BR101
17548Powell GN1081
17549Powell LA104
17550Powell RC103
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