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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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16051Messeri PA108
16052Messersmith EE100
16053MESSIAS D1023
16054Messias E100
16055Messikomer C107
16056Messikomer CM103
16057Messner BA100
16058Mesu VKBK107
16059Metais E200
16060METCALFE DH1032
16061Metiu A1012
16062METRAUX A104
16063Mets T101
16064METTLIN C102
16065METZCUS R100
16066METZGER MB2014
16068Mey G102
16069Meyen M100
16070MEYER AE103
16071Meyer ET100
16072MEYER HD104
16073MEYER HJ1011
16074Meyer KB1020
16075Meyer MW3014
16076MEYER WB2017
16078MEZEY ML109
16079Mezzetti C100
16080MIALET JP100
16081Miazhevich G103
16082Mica A100
16083Michael SM100
16084MICHAEL ST101
16085Michailakis D100
16086Michalec B100
16087Michalski JH102
16088Micheletto L101
16089Michelmann HJ100
16090Michels GJ107
16092Mickalian JD103
16093Mickelson RA1010
16094Middledorp J104
16095Middleton M103
16096Midtgarden T107
16097MIDTTUN A100
16098Mignon P107
16099Miguelez R200
16100Miguez D101
16101Mihelj S100
16102MIKAWA JK102
16103Mike V1013
16105Milburn LAS102
16106Miles A100
16107MILES AM1028
16108MILES E203
16109MILES MB101
16110MILETI DS101
16111Milhau V100
16112MILICH R1016
16113MILIO N208
16114MILLAR RH101
16115Millard WB100
16116MILLER AE106
16117Miller AN101
16118MILLER AS5013
16119MILLER BD100
16120Miller CR1021
16121MILLER DA1013
16122MILLER DE101
16123Miller DP404
16124Miller EA100
16125Miller FG1015
16126MILLER G100
16127MILLER GJ2010
16128MILLER HL108
16129MILLER IW100
16130Miller JA108
16131Miller JB100
16132Miller JD1011
16133Miller JK103
16134MILLER JL102
16135MILLER JS100
16136Miller KE1022
16137MILLER KS1045
16138MILLER L106
16139Miller LE100
16140MILLER MK205
16141MILLER MV207
16142Miller NJ100
16143MILLER R101
16144MILLER RB103
16145MILLER RL109
16146Miller S2020
16147Miller SI6019
16148MILLER SJ101
16149Miller VD105
16150MILLER WB1034
16151Millhollin TJ1026
16152MILLMAN EJ105
16153Mills AJ101
16154MILLS DL103
16155MILLS GE102
16156MILLS GG101
16157Mills J100
16158MILLS PR101
16159MILNER M107
16160MILNER NA106
16161MILOFSKY C100
16162Milojevic S102
16163Milonakis D102
16164Miltgen CL100
16165Milton LP105
16166MILWARD HB105
16167MINDEL CH101
16168MINDES MW100
16169MINER RA1076
16170MING Y100
16171Minkov M103
16172Mintz A101
16173MINTZ MA101
16175Miocevic D200
16176Miozzo M100
16177MIQUEL C100
16178Miramontes P1019
16179Miranda SM1010
16180Mirchandani R105
16182Mirik M107
16184MIRKOVIC D100
16185Miron LF100
16187Mirtaheri M100
16188Mirvis PH2020
16189Mische A106
16190Mischkowitz R100
16191Misheva V100
16192Mishler W1028
16193Mishra A106
16194Misikova J100
16195Misovic J101
16196Misztal BA100
16197Mit'kin AA100
16198Mitar M100
16199Mitchell C100
16200Mitchell DA100
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