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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
Page 86 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71 : [  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 ]  91  |  101 
12751KAPLAN BH103
12752KAPLAN H123
12753Kapp EA113
12754Karambayya R103
12755Kaskutas LA103
12756KASZA GJ103
12757Katai O103
12758KATZ AN103
12759KATZ MB103
12760Kaufman P203
12761Kawakami H103
12762KAY BR113
12763Kegels G213
12764KELLER GN103
12765Kelley TM303
12766Kelly JA103
12767KELLY JR203
12768Khaire M213
12769KIESER HP103
12770Kim H103
12771Kindervater A103
12772KING JP103
12773KING KM103
12774KING P123
12775KINLOCH GC103
12776KIRSCH W103
12777Kirschling J103
12778Kirshenbaum SB103
12779KITAHARA M203
12780Kittel L103
12781KLEES DM103
12782KLEIMAN R103
12783Klinger RL103
12784KNEEN P213
12785KNIGHT JA113
12786Knouse SB103
12787Kochan TA103
12788Koene BAS103
12789Kogan M103
12790KOHLI M103
12791Koller K103
12792KOPP MA113
12793KORMAN M113
12794Kozbelt A103
12795KRAUSE JD103
12796KRAUZE T103
12797Kravchenko SA303
12798Kress VE103
12799KRIEGER W103
12800KRISHNAN V103
12801Kroeber AL113
12802Krush M203
12803KUNCZIK M103
12804KUNZE M103
12805KUROKAWA M103
12806KURTZ RM113
12807Labissiere Y103
12808LADEWIG D103
12809Lado ME103
12810LAEGER E103
12811LAFOREST L113
12812Lammertsma AA103
12813LANAHAN J103
12814LANDAU J103
12815LANDON EL113
12816LANE M113
12817LARSEN DE103
12818Latham GP103
12819Lau CM103
12820Leach DK113
12821LEBLANC D103
12822Lee WP103
12823LEFEVRE C103
12824LEHMAN H133
12825Leighton K103
12826Lempens A103
12827LENZI MA103
12828LERMAN P113
12829LESSER P103
12830LEVINSON D103
12832Levy SJ103
12833LEWIN J113
12834LEWIS JF113
12835Li H103
12836Li W203
12837Li YJ103
12838Liefbroer AC103
12839Liefner I103
12840Lightfoot M103
12841Lilly R103
12842Lin SW103
12843Lin W203
12844LIND SD103
12845Lindenmann J203
12846Lindsay D103
12848LINN EL233
12849Liu RX203
12850Lizardo O203
12851Llewellyn GM103
12852Lobao W103
12853Locke EA203
12855Lomolino MV103
12856LOOMIS RA103
12857Lorenzi-Cioldi F103
12858Lowenstein A223
12859Lowney KS203
12860LUCAS RA203
12861LUCKEN D113
12862LUCKHAM AR103
12863Luconi S213
12864LUDZ PC213
12865LUEBKE P103
12868Lyles MA103
12869LYNCH RT103
12870LYNN NB103
12871Lyons JA123
12872MACAULAY S113
12874MACIAS P103
12875MACLEAN D113
12877Madfis E103
12878Major AM103
12879MANICAS PT103
12880Manley AJ213
12881MANSFELD Y103
12882Manzo AV103
12883Manzoni P103
12884Marchal B213
12885Marchant GE103
12886MARKEL M103
12888MARKSON EW103
12890Martens BVD123
12891MARTIN BL123
12892MARTIN CV203
12893MARTIN JD303
12894Martins E103
12895MARTINS H103
12896Martorana PV103
12897Martuccelli D103
12898MARWICK MG103
12899MAS I103
12900Massey DS103
Page 86 of 144  1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71 : [  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 ]  91  |  101