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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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4501LYON WS3223
4502Maak T1023
4504MacKenzie R2123
4505MANDEL MJ1823
4506Manning J1023
4507Marshall VW2123
4509MCGEE ZT1223
4510MELEIS AI1023
4511Melnick MJ2023
4512MESSIAS D1023
4513MULLIS R1023
4514Murray J2023
4515NELSON B5423
4516NELSON M1023
4517Neuhaus C1123
4518Ogawa RT1123
4519Otto J1023
4520Penaranda-Ortega M1323
4521Perrin AJ4323
4522Pickett SA1023
4523PIPKIN RM1023
4524Pless NM1023
4525PROCTOR S1023
4526Quah SR2023
4527Quinones-Vidal E1323
4528Raphael D1023
4529Reagans R2123
4530REGEV H1023
4531RICHAN WC2223
4532Rosa JA1423
4533ROSNOW RL2123
4534Rousseau DM1023
4535Savasoglu S1023
4536SAWYER L1023
4537Schiele JH2023
4540SCHWENK CR2023
4542SEIDER MS2323
4543SHIM JP1023
4544Smith R3123
4545Speiglman A1123
4546STARK E1123
4548STEWART R1323
4549Strevens M2923
4550SWATEZ GM11023
4551Tach LM1023
4552THOMAS ED11023
4553TOMER C1223
4554Tortosa-Gil F1323
4555TOSI HL1123
4556Trovato F3123
4557ULEHLA ZJ1023
4559Wang BH1423
4560Wang FH2223
4561Wang WX1423
4562WANSBEEK T1323
4563Weisburd D2123
4564WEISS CS1823
4565WILLIAMS AT11823
4566Wright BE1423
4567Yearley S1323
4568YELLAND J1123
4569ADAMS BN2322
4570ARGYLE M2022
4571Bao WN2622
4572Barnes GM1022
4573BAUMAN R1022
4574BEIRNE P1122
4575Belkin GS1022
4576BENSON L2322
4577Biagioli M2622
4578BOLAS C1322
4579Bonaccorsi A1222
4580Bordons M2422
4581Buller DB1222
4582BURGOON JK1122
4583CAIDEN NJ1122
4584Campbell T1822
4585Carmeli A1122
4586CARO FG2022
4587Carrington B1122
4588Chaffee S2022
4589CLAYMAN SE1022
4590COBEN S1322
4591COLBURN K2122
4592Conant RT1122
4593Costas R2422
4594Cottrell WF11122
4595Czarnitzki D3722
4596da Cunha JV1022
4597Daraio C1222
4598Dekkers H1022
4599Demaine LT1322
4600DESPRES LA2122
4602DEWAR RD1422
4603Dietrich S1022
4604DRAKE SC2122
4605EAGLE J1022
4606Ellis M2422
4607FANTL B3022
4608Farrell MP1022
4609Fellmeth AX1322
4610FISHER E1422
4611FORD TR3522
4612Fortunati L1022
4613FRANK JD3122
4614GEIER JG1022
4615GODBEY GC1122
4616GOODY J1222
4617Goyette K1222
4618Guest AM2022
4619GUSTIN BH11522
4620Haas A2622
4622Hedgecoe AM1222
4623Helgesson CF1022
4624Hels T1122
4625Hendricks J4122
4626Hinings CR2222
4627Hoffman JH1022
4628Hoffmann JP2422
4629Holleman M1822
4630Holloway S2422
4632HOLSTI OR2022
4633Houston S2422
4634HOWARD A1122
4635HOWE DW1122
4636Howell FM3122
4637Hudson M2422
4638Hussinger K3722
4639Jackson S4022
4640Jakobsen CH1122
4641JARVIS P2122
4642Kaltenborn KF2022
4643Kamoche K1022
4644KELLEY DL1122
4645KELLY MPF1122
4646Kircz JG1322
4647Kitschelt H1122
4648Kjellberg H1022
4649Kuhn K2022
4650Kurzman PA4022
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