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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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19351Lawrence-Jacobson A100
19352LAWSON WD100
19353LAYNG A100
19354Laznjak J200
19355Le Bianic T100
19356LEAKE CD100
19357Lebel U100
19358LECA J110
19360Leclerc G100
19361Lee AYP100
19362Lee CA100
19363Lee CJ100
19364Lee CS100
19365LEE D100
19366Lee E100
19367Lee EK100
19368Lee G100
19369Lee HF100
19370Lee I100
19371Lee PY100
19372Lee SH100
19373LEE SR100
19374Lee SW100
19375LEE YS100
19376LEFEVRE SR100
19377Lefgren L100
19378Legge S100
19379Lehmann I100
19380Lei Q100
19381Leibetseder B100
19383Leite P100
19384Leitzel J100
19385Leiva AJR100
19386Lejeune C100
19387Leliugiene I100
19389LEMIRE JM100
19390Lemmergaard J100
19391Lemon M100
19392LEMOYNE A100
19393Lemyre L100
19394LENK H100
19395LENK K100
19396Leon FJ200
19397Leon-Verdin M100
19398Leonelli S100
19399Leong CK100
19400LEONG HK100
19401Leong T100
19402Leopold L100
19403Lepori B100
19404Lerouge C100
19405LeRouge CM100
19406Lervag A100
19408LESER P100
19409Leta J100
19410Letrero IL100
19411LEUNE JMG100
19412Leung TKP100
19413Leutscher T100
19414Levashov VK100
19415Levchak P100
19416Levchenko IE100
19417LEVEL DA100
19418LEVIN ML100
19419LEVITOV ND100
19420Lewin AC100
19421Lewontin R100
19422LEYBURN JG100
19423Li B200
19424Li BL100
19425Li S100
19426Li XW100
19427Li XX100
19428Liao YY100
19429Libaers DP100
19430Liben LS100
19431Liberman V100
19432Libert Y100
19434Lifshitz H100
19435Light L100
19436Lilienfeld SO100
19437Lilti A100
19438Lim ETK100
19439Lim K100
19440Lin DKJ100
19441Lin G100
19442Lin HC100
19443Lin TY100
19444Lin YC100
19445Lin YT100
19446Lindberg L100
19447Linden T100
19449LINDER M100
19450Lindgren SA100
19451LINDSEY M100
19453LINS LJ100
19455Lippitt R100
19456Lipset D200
19457Lipu S100
19458Liska AJ100
19459Littlefield J100
19460Liu AMM100
19461Liu CR100
19462Liu WB100
19463Liu Yanping Tu R100
19464Liu YP100
19465Livingston RW100
19466Ljungar E100
19467Lloyd A100
19468LLOYD C100
19469LLOYD K100
19470lo Storto C100
19471LOCHER GW100
19472LOCKE KD100
19473Loconto DG100
19476Logan EL100
19477Logan J100
19478Lohr K100
19479Loland S100
19480Lomax EC100
19481LOMRANZ J100
19482LONDON J100
19483Long Chao-shuang Zhang GJ100
19484Long CS100
19485Long E100
19486Long J100
19487Lopes CA100
19488Lopez F100
19489LOPEZ HOD100
19490Lopez I100
19491Lopez-Munoz F100
19492Lopez-Ruiz L100
19494Lori M100
19495Losada L100
19496Lottick KV100
19497Lotz P100
19498Loureiro PRA100
19499Lovhoiden H100
19500LOW N100
Page 130 of 144  1  |  101   111 : [  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128  129  130 ]  131   141