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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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18901HOWELL JM100
18902Howlett M100
18903HOYT GC100
18904Hrehova D100
18905Hsieh TH100
18906HUANG HT200
18907Huang L100
18908Huang WL100
18909Huang YH100
18910Huang Zongyuan Wu Z100
18911Huang ZY200
18912Huentelmann AC100
18914HUGHES CE100
18915Hughes S100
18916Hughey MW100
18917Huising R100
18918Hull MS100
18919HULL RE100
18920Hulme C100
18921Hulme M100
18922HULSEN R100
18923Humbert-Gaudart A100
18924Hummelsheim D100
18926Hund J100
18927Hung KM100
18928HUNTER M100
18929Husu L100
18930Hutchinson B100
18931Huttermann J100
18932HUTTON C100
18933Huvila I100
18934HYDE AA100
18935Hyde L100
18936IADOV VA100
18937Iarskaia-Smirnova E100
18939IGGERS GG100
18940Iinuma K100
18941Ilan J100
18942Illa C100
18943Imran A100
18946INEICHEN B100
18947INFANTE EF200
18948INFIELD HF100
18949Ingersoll-Dayton B100
18950INGLES T100
18951Inglis T100
18952INGMAN S100
18953Insch A100
18954Irace E100
18955Irondelle B100
18956IRWIN J100
18957ISBELL M100
18958Isherwood I100
18959Ismail AI100
18960ISSLER K100
18961Iurevich AV100
18962Ivarsson A100
18963JACHIEL N100
18964JACKSON JS100
18965JACKSON MW100
18966Jacob BA100
18967Jacobs A100
18968Jacobs G100
18969Jacobs T100
18970Jacobson M100
18971Jacobsson K100
18972Jacoby JE100
18973JACOBY S100
18974Jaffe AB100
18975JAIDE W100
18976JAIN R100
18978James GW100
18979JAMOUS H100
18980JANCU R100
18981JANER JL100
18982Janicka K100
18983Jankvist UT100
18984Janne P100
18985Janneck M200
18986Janos AC100
18987JANSEN SC100
18988JAY M100
18990Jayaram N100
18991Jeanblanc M100
18992Jeang KT100
18993JECHT HH100
18994JEFFERS DW100
18995Jenemann D100
18996JENKINS CA100
18997Jenkins KE100
18998Jenkins MM100
18999Jenks AC100
19000Jenks D100
19001Jenner E100
19002Jenner LW100
19003Jennings B100
19004JENSEN AF100
19005Jensen WB100
19006Jenssen S100
19007JENSWOLD J100
19008Jeong HS100
19009JEREB R100
19010Ji W100
19011Jiang SH100
19012Jimenez TR100
19013Jin Wei Zhou YF100
19014Jing J100
19015Jing YJ100
19016Jipson A100
19017JODHKA S100
19018Johannesen JA100
19019JOHANSON E100
19021Johansson M100
19022JOHN ME100
19023John R200
19024Johnson KKP100
19025Johnson KM100
19026Johnson ND100
19027JOHNSON WF100
19028JOHNSON WL100
19029Johnson-Cramer M100
19030JONES HM100
19031Jones ME100
19032Jones MP100
19034Jonjic T100
19035Jonsson JO100
19036JORDAN GI100
19037JORDAN W100
19040Jorgensen DD100
19041Jorgensen-Earp CR100
19043Josephson E100
19044Jou S100
19045Jouvenet M100
19046Jover JN100
19047JOYNER C100
19048Joyner K100
19049Ju HW100
19050JULIUS R100
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