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Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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16501PEGELOW C101
16502Peng SL101
16504PERROT JC101
16505PETERS BG111
16507PETROV MK101
16508PEUCKERT R101
16509Pfeffer G201
16510PFETSCH F101
16511Pfiester RA101
16512Phelps ES101
16513Phillips BJ101
16516PICTON C101
16517PIEPE A101
16518Piggott J101
16519Pillermer K101
16520PIORO Z101
16521Pisano GP101
16522Pisarik CT101
16523Pittman D101
16524Pivetti M201
16525PIZZORNO A121
16526Plant MA101
16527Platteborze N101
16528Plener PL101
16529PLOTNICK H101
16530Plowman KD101
16531Ployhart RE101
16532Pogliano C111
16533Poirier S101
16534POISSON B111
16535Pokrovskiy NE301
16536Polgar M101
16537POLLAK O201
16538POLLAK PB101
16539POLTORAK Y101
16540Ponti G101
16541Poon A101
16542Pope RC101
16543POPPER SH101
16544PORTNOY BM101
16546POTVIN RH111
16547Pouyat RV101
16548POWARS D101
16549Powell B101
16550POWELL BR101
16551Power A101
16552POWERS GT101
16553PRASAD SN111
16554PRATT M101
16555Preisendorfer P101
16556PRESTON DL111
16557Preteur Y101
16558PRICE DA101
16559Pride J101
16560Prideaux B101
16561Prince CH111
16563Prochnow JE101
16564PROVOST WH101
16565PRUTHI S101
16566PRYLUCK C101
16567PRYOR EB101
16568PRZYBOS J101
16569Pudsey J101
16570Pullum TW101
16571Puzzi S101
16572Pyrooz DC201
16573Quatman C101
16574QUESADA G111
16575Quigley A111
16576QUINN JF101
16577QURESHI MA101
16578RAE ID101
16579RAINEY GW101
16581RAMANAN M101
16582RANDALL RG101
16583RAPP F101
16584RASH JD101
16585Rashotte LS101
16586Rastov JE101
16587RAWSKI CH101
16588RAY DM101
16589RAY R101
16590RE MA101
16591REBNE D101
16592REDEKOP P101
16593Redman S101
16594REED JA101
16595REES TB101
16596Reese HW101
16597REEVES EB101
16598REHFUSS J101
16599REID R101
16600REIMANN BC101
16601REINGOLD J101
16602REISMAN WM101
16603Reitz T101
16605Ren WT101
16606RETTIG RP101
16607REUTER P101
16608Reyna JL101
16609Rezai-Rashti GM101
16610Rhinard M101
16611RHOADS JK101
16612RHODES AA101
16613Ribeiro CAC101
16614RICE A201
16615RICE DG101
16616RICE GH101
16617Rich DP101
16618Richards JS101
16619Richardson KK101
16620Richmond DA101
16621RICHTA R101
16622RIDDER P101
16623Rider CI101
16624RIDKER RG101
16625RIEGER E101
16626Ring J101
16627RISKA EK101
16628Rivero DE101
16629Rizzuto TE101
16630ROBERGE P101
16631ROBIN S101
16633ROBSON MC101
16634Robson WA101
16635Rocque M101
16636Rodwin MA101
16637Roger A101
16638ROGER J111
16639Rogge N101
16640Rohan E101
16641ROIG C101
16642Rojas M211
16643ROLAND A101
16644Rollag K101
16645Romaioli D101
16646Romano A101
16647ROOKE PT101
16648Rosado C101
16649ROSCOE B101
16650ROSE HA101
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