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Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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15901Iyer R101
15902JACKSON PW101
15903JACKSON RH101
15904Jackson SJ101
15905Jacob M101
15906Jacobs LG101
15907JACOBS M201
15908JACOBSEN R101
15909JAKES P101
15910Jakku E101
15911JAMAL M101
15912Jamieson R101
15913JANSEN TB101
15914Jenne KC101
15915Jensen C101
15916JENSSEN AT101
15917Jeon DS111
15918Jeon S101
15919Jepperson R101
15920Jha SR101
15921Jiang Jian Shen XJ101
15922JOHNSON C101
15923Johnson KR101
15924JOHNSON MM101
15925Johnson-Cramer ME101
15926Johnston LD101
15927Jolley J101
15928Jonason PK101
15929Jones DE101
15930JONES JM101
15931JONES RL101
15932Jonson H101
15933Jonsson S101
15934Joo SH101
15935Jordan E101
15936Jorg T101
15937Joyce K101
15938JREISAT JE101
15939JULIANI RN101
15940JURDANT B101
15941Kachanov Y101
15942KAIL BL101
15943KAISER C101
15944KAISER HL101
15946Kalekin-Fishman D201
15947KALLOS P101
15948KAMEN CS101
15949Kanduc Z101
15950Kao FC101
15951Kaplan C101
15952Kapustin BG101
15953Karlawish J101
15954Karlsson JC101
15955KARMEN A111
15956Karnik NS101
15957KARSTEN SG101
15958Kartseva LV101
15959Kashima Y101
15960Kasiborski N101
15961Kasner SE101
15962KAUFERT J111
15963KAUPEN W101
15964Kaushal SS101
15965KAVIRAJ S101
15966Kazemi A101
15968KEANE C101
15969Kebede A101
15970KEDWARD HB101
15971Kefi H101
15972Kehoe AB101
15973KEHOE DA111
15974Kelchtermans S111
15976Keller AC101
15977Kellerman A101
15978KELLEY D201
15979KELLY HS101
15980KELLY MA101
15981Kennedy AC101
15982Kennedy S101
15983Kenny K101
15984Kenny RW101
15985Kenny W101
15986Kerexeta GE101
15987KERR CM101
15988KERR MM101
15989KESSIN K101
15990Kester L101
15991KEUNING HJ101
15992Keynan A101
15993KHAN MZ101
15994Kheimets NG101
15995KHORUTS LE101
15996Kici G101
15997KIGER G101
15998KILGOUR FG101
15999KIM JA101
16000Kim SK101
16001Kimura K101
16002Kincaid H111
16003Kinderlerer J111
16004KING JA201
16005Kiopa A101
16007KIYAK AH101
16008KLAGES H101
16009KLAUSNER M101
16010KLEIN GC101
16011KLEIN J101
16012KLEY R101
16013Klimovsky D101
16014KLINE RL101
16015Klingemann HKH101
16016Klitkou A101
16017Klopfer E101
16018KLUGL J101
16019KNAPP DA101
16020KNAPP PB101
16021Kneer G101
16023KNEZEK LD101
16024KNITTEL RE101
16025KNODT EA101
16026KNOFF WF101
16027KNOWLES D111
16028KNUDSEN DD101
16029Knudsen M211
16030Kobin C101
16031KOEHLER BM111
16032Kogan BA101
16033Kohlhepp PM101
16034Kojevnikov A101
16035KOLAJA J101
16036KOLARSKA L101
16037Kolch M101
16038KONECNY L101
16040Koops BJ101
16041Kopelowicz A101
16042KOPP M111
16043Koppl R101
16044KOPTEFF PJ101
16045KORTE C101
16046Korte RF101
16049Kovacs K101
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