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Mon Jul 31 15:49:42 2006

Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium
Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat
yields insights into mammalian evolution
NATURE 428 (6982): 493-521 APR 1 2004
and the citing papers
Nodes: 353, Authors: 2563, Journals: 153, Outer References: 13847, Words: 1363
Yearly output  |  Document Type  |  Language  |  Institution  |  Institution with Subdivision  |  Country
Collection span: 2004 - 2006
View: Overview   Sorted by journal name.

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#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
101183145 2005 EXPERT REVIEW OF PROTEOMICS 2 (1): 27-39
Kislinger T; Emili A
Multidimensional protein identification technology: current status and future prospects
1021145146 2005 FASEB JOURNAL 19 (12): 1602-1616
Mutch DM; Wahli W; Williamson G
Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics: the emerging faces of nutrition
103154147 2005 FEBS JOURNAL 272 (19): 4884-4898
Mujica AO; Brauksiepe B; Saaler-Reinhardt S; Reuss S; Schmidt ER
Differential expression pattern of the novel serine/threonine kinase, STK33, in mice and men
10414322 2004 FEBS LETTERS 573 (1-3): 214-218
Suzuki H; Okunishi R; Hashizume W; Katayama S; Ninomiya N; et al.
Identification of region-specific transcription factor genes in the adult mouse brain by medium-scale real-time RT-PCR
105117123 2004 FOLIA BIOLOGICA 50 (2): 43-57
Seda O
Comparative gene map of hypertriglyceridaemia
10613324 2004 GENE 340 (2): 303-312
Grus WE; Zhang JZ
Rapid turnover and species-specificity of vomeronasal pheromone receptor genes in mice and rats
10712625 2004 GENE 343 (2): 239-244
Leeb T; Muller M
Comparative human-mouse-rat sequence analysis of the ICAM gene cluster on HSA 19p13.2 and a 185-kb porcine region from SSC 2q
108133148 2005 GENE 345 (1): 113-118
Hancock JM; Simon M
Simple sequence repeats in proteins and their significance for network evolution
109115149 2005 GENE 346: 23-28
Niimura Y; Nei M
Evolutionary changes of the number of olfactory receptor genes in the human and mouse lineages
110130150 2005 GENE 346: 51-61
Santini S; Bernardi G
Organization and base composition of tilapia Hox genes: implications for the evolution of Hox clusters in fish
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
111277151 2005 GENE 359: 1-17
Edelstein LC; Collins T
The SCAN domain family of zinc finger transcription
112242152 2005 GENE 363: 51-60
Makarova JA; Kramerov DA
Noncoding RNA of U87 host gene is associated with ribosomes and is relatively resistant to nonsense-mediated decay
113226153 2005 GENE 364: 45-52
Fujii Y; Itoh T; Sakate R; Koyanagi KO; Matsuya A; et al.
A web tool for comparative genomics: G-compass
114342309 2006 GENE 365: 130-136
Noda AO; Ikeo K; Gojobori T
Comparative genome analyses of nervous system-specific genes
115241310 2006 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 20 (10): 1365-1377
Davey MG; Paton IR; Yin Y; Schmidt M; Bangs FK; et al.
The chicken talpid(3) gene encodes a novel protein essential for Hedgehog signaling
116149154 2005 GENETICAL RESEARCH 86 (2): 127-138
Anisimov SV
A large-scale screening of the normalized mammalian mitochondrial gene expression profiles
11711926 2004 GENETICS 168 (2): 1077-1080
Robertson HM
Genes encoding vitamin-K epoxide reductase are present in Drosophila and trypanosomatid protists
118147155 2005 GENETICS 169 (4): 2179-2188
Wu Q
Comparative genomics and diversifying selection of the clustered vertebrate protocadherin genes
119144156 2005 GENETICS 170 (4): 1887-1896
Smits BMG; Peters TA; Mul JD; Croes HJ; Fransen JAM; et al.
Identification of a rat model for usher syndrome type 1B by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis-driven forward genetics
120184157 2005 GENETICS 171 (3): 1161-1171
Smith JJ; Kump DK; Walker JA; Parichy DM; Voss SR
A comprehensive expressed sequence tag linkage map for tiger salamander and Mexican axolotl: enabling gene mapping and comparative genomics in ambystoma
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
121142311 2006 GENETICS 172 (1): 425-436
Gautier M; Barcelona RR; Fritz S; Grohs C; Druet T; et al.
Fine mapping and physical characterization of two linked quantitative trait loci affecting milk fat yield in dairy cattle on BTA26
1221827 2004 GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (5): Art. No. 221
Mullins LJ; Mullins JJ
Insights from the rat genome sequence
12314928 2004 GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (7): Art. No. R47
Huang H; Winter EE; Wang HJ; Weinstock KG; Xing HM; et al.
Evolutionary conservation and selection of human disease gene orthologs in the rat and mouse genomes
12415629 2004 GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (9): Art. No. R68
Miska EA; Alvarez-Saavedra E; Townsend M; Yoshii A; Sestan N; et al.
Microarray analysis of microRNA expression in the developing mammalian brain
125215158 2005 GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (2): Art. No. 207
Furlong RF
Insights into vertebrate evolution from the chicken genome sequence
126223159 2005 GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (4): Art. No. 216
DeCerbo J; Carmichael GG
SINEs point to abundant editing in the human genome
127439160 2005 GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (7): Art. No. 115
Aloni R; Lancet D
Conservation anchors in the vertebrate genome
128259161 2005 GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (8): Art. No. r67
Haddrill PR; Charlesworth B; Halligan DL; Andolfatto P
Patterns of intron sequence evolution in Drosophila are dependent upon length and GC content
129142162 2005 GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (10): Art. No. R83
Quignon P; Giraud M; Rimbault M; Lavigne P; Tacher S; et al.
The dog and rat olfactory receptor repertoires
130135312 2006 GENOME BIOLOGY 7 (4): Art. No. R33
Mularoni L; Guigo R; Alba MM
Mutation patterns of amino acid tandem repeats in the human proteome
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
131364313 2006 GENOME BIOLOGY 7 (5): Art. No. R43
Blomme T; Vandepoele K; De Bodt S; Simillion C; Maere S; et al.
The gain and loss of genes during 600 million years of vertebrate evolution
13216230 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (5): 802-811
Castillo-Davis CI; Kondrashov FA; Hartl DL; Kulathinal RJ
The functional genomic distribution of protein divergence in two animal phyla: Coevolution, genomic conflict, and constraint
13312731 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (5): 976-987
Eyras E; Caccamo M; Curwen V; Clamp M
ESTGenes: Alternative splicing from ESTs in Ensembl
13417532 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (8): 1516-1529
Emes RD; Riley MC; Laukaitis CM; Goodstadt L; Karn RC; et al.
Comparative evolutionary genomics of androgen-binding protein genes
13512233 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (8): 1610-1616
Ogurtsov AY; Sunyaev S; Kondrashov AS
Indel-based evolutionary distance and mouse-human divergence
13618534 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (10B): 2001-2009
Brasch MA; Hartley JL; Vidal M
ORFeome cloning and systems biology: Standardized mass production of the parts from the parts-list
13715735 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (10B): 2010-2014
Hill DE; Brasch MA; del Campo AA; Doucette-Stamm L; Garrels JI; et al.
Academia-industry collaboration: An integral element for building "omic" resources
13813336 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (10B): 2121-2127
Gerhard DS; Wagner L; Feingold EA; Shenmen CM; Grouse LH; et al.
The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: The Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC)
13913937 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (10B): 2128-2135
Rual JF; Hirozane-Kishikawa T; Hao T; Bertin N; Li SM; et al.
Human ORFeome version 1.1: A platform for reverse proteomics
14016238 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (10A): 1851-1860
Zhao SY; Shetty J; Hou LH; Delcher A; Zhu BL; et al.
Human, mouse, and rat genome large-scale rearrangements: Stability versus speciation
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
14125039 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (11): 2235-2244
Blakesley RW; Hansen NF; Mullikin JC; Thomas PJ; McDowell JC; et al.
An intermediate grade of finished genomic sequence suitable for comparative analyses
14227740 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (12): 2412-2423
Blanchette M; Green ED; Miller W; Haussler D
Reconstructing large regions of an ancestral mammalian genome in silico
14313941 2004 GENOME RESEARCH 14 (12): 2439-2447
Abe K; Noguchi H; Tagawa K; Yuzuriha M; Toyoda A; et al.
Contribution of Asian mouse subspecies Mus musculus molossinus to genomic constitution of strain C57BL/6J, as defined by BAC-end sequence-SKIP analysis
144150163 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (1): 54-66
Florea L; Di Francesco V; Miller J; Turner R; Yao A; et al.
Gene and alternative splicing annotation with AIR
145128164 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (1): 98-110
Bourque G; Zdobnov EM; Bork P; Pevzner PA; Tesler G
Comparative architectures of mammalian and chicken genomes reveal highly variable rates of genomic rearrangements across different lineages
146138165 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (1): 111-119
Abril JF; Castelo R; Guigo R
Comparison of splice sites in mammals and chicken
147234166 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (1): 137-145
Ovcharenko I; Loots GG; Nobrega MA; Hardison RC; Miller W; et al.
Evolution and functional classification of vertebrate gene deserts
148144167 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (1): 166-173
Kellner WA; Sullivan RT; Carlson BH; Thomas JW
Uprobe: A genome-wide universal probe resource for comparative physical mapping in vertebrates
149135168 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (2): 292-301
Milosavljevic A; Harris RA; Sodergren EJ; Jackson AR; Kalafus KJ; et al.
Pooled genomic indexing of rhesus macaque
150663169 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (7): 901-913
Cooper GM; Stone EA; Asimenos G; Green ED; Batzoglou S; et al.
Distribution and intensity of constraint in mammalian genomic sequence
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
1511192170 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (8): 1034-1050
Siepel A; Bejerano G; Pedersen JS; Hinrichs AS; Hou MM; et al.
Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes
1524103171 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (8): 1051-1060
King DC; Taylor J; Elnitski L; Chiaromonte F; Miller W; et al.
Evaluation of regulatory potential and conservation scores for detecting cis-regulatory modules in aligned mammalian genome sequences
153249172 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (8): 1086-1094
Gaffney DJ; Keightley PD
The scale of mutational variation in the murid genome
154121173 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (8): 1127-1135
Vinson JP; Jaffe DB; O'Neill K; Karlsson EK; Stange-Thomann N; et al.
Assembly of polymorphic genomes: Algorithms and application to Ciona savignyi
155152174 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (8): 1136-1144
Harada JN; Bower KE; Orth AP; Callaway S; Nelson CG; et al.
Identification of novel mammalian growth regulatory factors by genome-scale quantitative image analysis
156149175 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (9): 1243-1249
van de Lagemaat LN; Gagnier L; Medstrand P; Mager DL
Genomic deletions and precise removal of transposable elements mediated by short identical DNA segments in primates
157140176 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (9): 1258-1264
Wang W; Zheng HK; Yang S; Yu HJ; Li J; et al.
Origin and evolution of new exons in rodents
158236177 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (9): 1307-1314
Woods IG; Wilson C; Friedlander B; Chang P; Reyes DK; et al.
The zebrafish gene map defines ancestral vertebrate chromosomes
159251178 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (11): 1519-1534
Smith AV; Thomas DJ; Munro HM; Abecasis GR
Sequence features in regions of weak and strong linkage disequilibrium
1606135179 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (12): 1717-1728
Lazar J; Moreno C; Jacob HJ; Kwitek AE
Impact of genomics on research in the rat
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
161470180 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (12): 1777-1786
Brent MR
Genome annotation past, present, and future: How to define an ORF at each locus
162260181 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (12): 1787-1797
Webber C; Ponting CP
Hotspots of mutation and breakage in dog and human chromosomes
163280182 2005 GENOME RESEARCH 15 (12): 1809-1819
Pollinger JP; Bustamante CD; Fledel-Alon A; Schmutz S; Gray MM; et al.
Selective sweep mapping of genes with large phenotypic effects
164330314 2006 GENOME RESEARCH 16 (2): 173-181
Wilson GM; Flibotte S; Missirlis PI; Marra MA; Jones S; et al.
Identification by full-coverage array CGH of human DNA copy number increases relative to chimpanzee and gorilla
165364315 2006 GENOME RESEARCH 16 (7): 922-933
Sun M; Hurst LD; Carmichael GG; Chen J
Evidence for variation in abundance of antisense transcripts between multicellular animals but no relationship between antisense transcription and organismic complexity
16612542 2004 GENOMICS 84 (5): 785-795
Zhang FK; Zhao ZM
The influence of neighboring-nucleotide composition on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the mouse genome and its comparison with human SNPs
16713843 2004 GENOMICS 84 (5): 806-813
Smith NGC; Brandstrom M; Ellegren H
Evidence for turnover of functional noncoding DNA in mammalian genome evolution
16814444 2004 GENOMICS 84 (5): 814-823
Mortlock DP; Portnoy ME; Chandler RL; Green ED
Comparative sequence analysis of the Gdf6 locus reveals a duplicon-mediated chromosomal rearrangement in rodents and rapidly diverging coding and regulatory sequences
16911345 2004 GENOMICS 84 (5): 867-875
Yamashita T; Honda M; Takatori H; Nishino R; Hoshino N; et al.
Genome-wide transcriptome mapping analysis identifies organ-specific gene expression patterns along human chromosomes
17013846 2004 GENOMICS 84 (6): 1051-1059
Pall GS; Wallis J; Axton R; Brownstein DG; Gautier P; et al.
A novel transmembrane MSP-containing protein that plays a role in right ventricle development
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
171150183 2005 GENOMICS 85 (2): 208-220
Cho S; Beintema JJ; Zhang JZ
The ribonuclease A superfamily of mammals and birds: identifying new members and tracing evolutionary histories
172128184 2005 GENOMICS 85 (3): 322-329
Koelsch BU; Rajewsky MF; Kindler-Rohrborn A
A 6-Mb contig-based comparative gene and linkage map of the rat schwannoma tumor suppressor region at 10q32.3
173133185 2005 GENOMICS 86 (3): 271-279
Tsuji AB; Sugyo A; Ogiu T; Sagara M; Kimura T; et al.
Fine mapping of radiation susceptibility and gene expression analysis of LEC congenic rat lines
174444186 2005 GENOMICS 86 (3): 295-305
Portnoy ME; McDermott KJ; Antonellis A; Margulies EH; Prasad AB; et al.
Detection of potential GDF6 regulatory elements by multispecies sequence comparisons and identification of a skeletal joint enhancer
175459187 2005 GENOMICS 86 (3): 306-315
Yang H; Shi P; Zhang YP; Zhang JZ
Composition and evolution of the V2r vorneronasal receptor gene repertoire in mice and rats
176259188 2005 GENOMICS 86 (6): 638-647
Puente XS; Gutierrez-Fernandez A; Ordonez GR; Hillier LDW; Lopez-Otin C
Comparative genomic analysis of human and chimpanzee proteases
177221189 2005 GENOMICS 86 (6): 759-766
Raymond CK; Subramanian S; Paddock M; Qiu RL; Deodato C; et al.
Targeted, haplotype-resolved resequencing of long segments of the human genome
178141316 2006 GENOMICS 87 (2): 208-217
Woon PY; Curtis AM; Kaisaki PJ; Argoud KN; Wallace KJ; et al.
Genomic organization of the rat Clock gene and sequence analysis in inbred rat strains
179228317 2006 GENOMICS 87 (2): 236-242
Tsuji AB; Sugyo A; Sudo H; Sagara M; Ishikawa A; et al.
Defective repair of radiation-induced DNA damage is complemented by a CHORI-230-65K18 BAC clone on rat chromosome 4
180118318 2006 GENOMICS 87 (6): 772-776
Leeb T; Vogl C; Zhu BL; de Jong PJ; Binns MM; et al.
A human-horse comparative map based on equine BAC end sequences
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
181338319 2006 GENOMICS 88 (1): 34-43
Wang XX; Zhang JZ
Remarkable expansions of an X-linked reproductive homeobox gene cluster in rodent evolution
182123190 2005 GLYCOBIOLOGY 15 (6): 615-624
Hamilton SR; Li HJ; Wischnewski H; Prasad A; Kerley-Hamilton JS; et al.
Intact alpha-1,2-endomannosidase is a typical type II membrane protein
183241191 2005 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 14 (15): 2221-2229
Kryukov GV; Schmidt S; Sunyaev S
Small fitness effect of mutations in highly conserved non-coding regions
184689320 2006 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 15: R31-R43
Temple G; Lamesch P; Milstein S; Hill DE; Wagner L; et al.
From genome to proteome: developing expression clone resources for the human genome
185637321 2006 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 15: R51-R56
Dewey CN; Pachter L
Evolution at the nucleotide level: the problem of multiple whole-genome alignment
18613347 2004 HYPERTENSION 44 (5): 695-701
Bilusic M; Bataillard A; Tschannen MR; Gao L; Barreto NE; et al.
Mapping the genetic determinants of hypertension, metabolic diseases, and related phenotypes in the lyon hypertensive rat
187133192 2005 HYPERTENSION 45 (3): 451-459
Garrett MR; Meng HJ; Rapp JP; Joe B
Locating a blood pressure quantitative trait locus within 117 kb on the rat genome - Substitution mapping and renal expression analysis
188128193 2005 HYPERTENSION 45 (4): 557-564
Dutil J; Eliopoulos V; Tremblay J; Hamet P; Charron S; et al.
Multiple quantitative trait loci for blood pressure interacting epistatically and additively on Dahl rat chromosome 2
189135194 2005 HYPERTENSION 45 (4): 786-792
McBride MW; Brosnan MJ; Mathers J; McLellan LI; Miller WH; et al.
Reduction of Gstm1 expression in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertension rat contributes to increased oxidative stress
190129195 2005 HYPERTENSION 45 (5): 947-953
Iwai N; Yasui N; Naraba H; Tago N; Yamawaki H; et al.
Klk1 as one of the genes contributing to hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive rat
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
191438196 2005 HYPERTENSION 46 (6): 1300-1308
Charron S; Duong C; Menard A; Roy J; Eliopoulos V; et al.
Epistasis, not numbers, regulates functions of clustered Dahl rat quantitative trait loci applicable to human hypertension
192227322 2006 HYPERTENSION 47 (1): 1-5
Hubner N; Yagil C; Yagil Y
Novel integrative approaches to the identification of candidate genes in hypertension
19311848 2004 IMMUNOBIOLOGY 209 (7): 559-568
Bhole D; Stahl GL
Molecular basis for complement component 6 (C6) deficiency in rats and mice
19415949 2004 IMMUNOGENETICS 56 (5): 343-354
Hao L; Nei M
Genomic organization and evolutionary analysis of Ly49 genes encoding the rodent natural killer cell receptors: rapid evolution by repeated gene duplication
19516550 2004 IMMUNOGENETICS 56 (8): 585-596
Ettinger RA; Moustakas AK; Lobaton SD
Open reading frame sequencing and structure-based alignment of polypeptides encoded by RT1-Bb, RT1-Ba, RT1-Db, and RT1-Da alleles
1961951 2004 IMMUNOGENETICS 56 (9): 679-681
Hamann J
The EGF-TM7 family of the rat
197136197 2005 IMMUNOGENETICS 57 (10): 739-749
Rothenburg S; Haag F; Koch-Nolte F; Carter C; Graham M; et al.
Characterization of multiple alleles of the T-cell differentiation marker ART2 (RT6) in inbred and wild rats
19816652 2004 IMMUNOLOGY OF DIABETES III 1037: 41-58
Kutlu B; Naamane N; Berthou L; Eizirik DL
New approaches for in silico identification of cytokine-modified beta cell gene networks
199144198 2005 INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 45 (3): 405-415
Koch LG; Britton SL
Divergent selection for aerobic capacity in rats as a model for complex disease
Forte A; Galderisi U; De Feo M; Quarto C; Renzulli A; et al.
Carotid arteriotomy induces different temporal gene expression profiles in normotensive and hypertensive rat strains

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