Historiographs Grand Totals: LCS 231, GCS 540
Collection span: 2005 - 2007
Institution with Subdivision List (193)
Fri Apr 20 14:12:54 2007
Records: 119, Authors: 421, Journals: 57, Cited References: 4275, Words: 513
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1Acad Sinica, Inst Bot11340
2Acad Sinica, Inst Mol Biol101
3Adelphi Univ, Dept Biol100
4Agr Univ Vienna, Inst Appl Genet & Cell Biol100
5BASF Plant Sci LLC100
6Biol Res Ctr, Inst Plant Biol1112
7CALTECH, Div Biol100
8Carnegie Inst, Dept Plant Biol127
9Chem Genom Ctr, Plant Chemet Grp100
10Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Sch211
11Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Bot100
12Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Genet & Dev Biol111
13Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Microbiol111
14Chinese Acad Sci, Mol & Dev Biol Lab113
15Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Key Lab Plant Mol Genet100
16Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci, Inst Trop Biosci & Biotechnol100
17Chongqing Univ, Genet Engn Res Ctr115
18CNRS, Ctr Genet Mol103
19CNRS, Inst Biol Mol Plantes2217
20CNRS, ISV111
21CRA Expt Inst Cereal Res100
22CRA Expt Inst Cereal Res, Sect Fiorenzuola Arda100
23CRA Expt Inst Cereal Res, Sect Foggia100
24CSIC, Ctr Nacl Biotecnol101
25CSIC, Dept Genet Mol Plantas1011
26Ctr Plant Gene Express278
27Ctr Plant Mol Biol100
28Cytom Syst SA103
29Danish Inst Agr Sci, Dept Genet & Biotechnol100
30Dept Plant Mol Biol213
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
31Discovery Res, Dow AgroSci100
32Ewha Womans Univ, Dept Biol Sci100
33Ewha Womans Univ, Div Mol Life Sci100
35Exelixis Plant Sci100
36Flanders Interuniv Inst Biotechnol, Dept Plant Syst Biol1112
37Free Univ Berlin, Inst Biol101
38Grad Univ, Chinese Acad Sci113
39Gyeongsang Natl Univ, Environm Biotechnol Res Ctr100
40Harvard Univ, Sch Med100
41Hokkaido Univ, Grad Sch Sci100
42Hokkaido Univ, Res Inst Elect Sci100
43Hort Res Int100
44Howard Hughes Med Inst1231
45Human Agr Univ, Rice Genom Lab100
46Indiana Univ, Dept Biol6153180
47INRA, Inst JP Bourgin102
48INRA, Inst Natl Polytech115
49Inst Biol Bot 2122
50Inst Nacl Invest & Tecnol Agraria & Alimentaria, Dept Biotechnol100
51Japan Atom Energy Agcy, Res Grp Plant Resource Applicat100
52Japan Atom Energy Res Inst, Acad Sci Res Ctr100
53Japan Sci & Technol Agcy, ERATO111
54Japan Sci & Technol Agcy, SORST111
55John Innes Ctr Plant Sci Res, Sainsbury Lab1217
56Kobe Univ, Ctr Supports Res & Educ Act100
57Louisiana State Univ, Ctr Agr1011
58Lund Univ, Dept Theoret Phys100
59Masaryk Univ, Dept Funct Genom & Proteom100
60Max Planck Inst Plant Breeding101
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
61Max Planck Inst Plant Breeding Res100
62Max Planck Inst Plant Breeding Res, GABI Kat100
63Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Dept Plant Biol100
64Michigan State Univ, Dept Energy102
65Michigan State Univ, Dept Forestry102
66MIT, Whitehead Inst Biomed Res1231
67Mt Sinai Hosp, Samuel Lunenfeld Res Inst103
68N Carolina State Univ, Dept Genet2214
69Nagoya Univ, Biosci & Biotechnol Ctr31347
70Nanjing Agr Univ, Dept Agron100
71Nara Inst Sci & Technol, Grad Sch Biol Sci3412
72Natl Ctr Plant Gene Res224
73Natl Inst Agrobiol Sci, Dept Biochem21347
74Natl Inst Environm Studies, Tsukuba111
75Natl Res Council Canada, Biotechnol Res Inst101
76Natl Res Council Canada, Inst Biol Sci100
77Natl Res Council Canada, Inst Plant Biotechnol1643
78Natl Taiwan Univ, Coll Med101
79Ohio State Univ, Dept Plant Pathol100
80Ohio State Univ, Plant Mol Biol & Biotechnol Program100
81Okayama Univ Sci, Dept Biochem236
82Oregon State Univ, Dept Forest Sci101
83Oregon State Univ, Dept Hort101
84Partner Grp Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol Pla100
85Peking Univ, Coll Life Sci100
86Penn State Univ, Dept Biol100
87Penn State Univ, Huck Inst Life Sci100
88Purdue Univ, Ctr Plant Environm Stress Physiol100
89Rice Univ, Dept Biochem & Cell Biol2438
90RIKEN, BioResources Ctr21347
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
91RIKEN, Discovery Res Inst136
92RIKEN, Plant Sci Ctr236
93Rockefeller Univ, Plant Mol Biol Lab100
94Rothamsted Res, Harpenden AL5 2JQ100
95Royal Holloway Univ London, Sch Biol Sci1112
96Salk Inst Biol Studies178
97Salk Inst Biol Studies, Howard Hughes Med Inst102
98Salk Inst Biol Studies, Plant Biol Lab102
99Shihezi Univ, Coll Life Sci100
100Sookmyung Womens Univ, Dept Biol Sci100
101State Univ Ghent VIB, Dept Plant Syst Biol1412
102Sungkyunkwan Univ, Basic Sci Res Inst101
103Sungkyunkwan Univ, Dept Biol Sci101
104Swedish Univ Agr Sci, Dept Forest Genet & Plant112
105Swedish Univ Agr Sci, Dept Forest Genet & Plant Physiol1412
106Swiss Fed Inst Technol, Inst Plant Sci1412
107Syngenta Biotechnol Inc100
108Tech Univ Dresden, Inst Bot101
109Tech Univ Dresden, Zentrum Hochleistungsrechnen101
110Texas A&M Univ, Dept Biol100
111Texas A&M Univ, Inst Plant Genom & Biotechnol100
112Tohoku Univ, Grad Sch Life Sci100
113Turku Univ, Dept Biol112
114Umea Plant Sci Ctr, Dept Forest Genet & Plant Physiol127
115Umea Univ, Umea Plant Sci Ctr1112
116Univ Bayreuth, Dept Plant Physiol102
117Univ Bielefeld, Inst Genome Res Ctr100
118Univ Bristol, Sch Biol Sci100
119Univ Calif Davis, Coll Biol Sci102
120Univ Calif Davis, Plant Biol Grad Grp Program145
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
121Univ Calif Davis, Plant Biol Sect100
122Univ Calif Davis, Sect Mol & Cellular Biol249
123Univ Calif Riverside, Dept Chem100
124Univ Calif Riverside, Inst Integrat Genome Biol1021
125Univ Calif San Diego, Div Biol Sci112
126Univ Calif San Diego, Sect Cell & Dev Biol213
127Univ Calif Santa Barbara, Dept Mol Cellular & Dev Biol100
128Univ Cambridge, Dept Chem111
129Univ Cambridge, Inst Biotechnol100
130Univ Freiburg, Inst Biol 21011
131Univ Fribourg, Dept Biol114
132Univ Ghent VIB, Dept Plant Syst Biol101
133Univ Ghent, Inst Natl Rech Agron101
134Univ Guelph, Dept Environm Biol100
135Univ Hamburg, Biozentrum Klein Flottbek Physiol101
136Univ Helsinki, Inst Biotechnol112
137Univ Kiel, Bot Gardens101
138Univ Kiel, Inst Bot101
139Univ London Birkbeck Coll100
140Univ London Royal Holloway & Bedford New Coll, Sch Biol Sci100
141Univ Malaga, Dept Bioquim & Biol Mol100
142Univ Manitoba, Dept Plant Sci2643
143Univ Massachusetts, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol258
144Univ Massachusetts, Dept Biol100
145Univ Massachusetts, Mol & Cell Biol Program100
146Univ Massachusetts, Plant Biol Grad Program258
147Univ Miguel Hernandez, Div Genet100
148Univ Miguel Hernandez, Inst Bioingn100
149Univ Minnesota Twin Cities, Dept Plant Biol233
150Univ Minnesota, Dept Plant Biol101
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
151Univ Missouri, Dept Biochem100
152Univ Missouri, Dept Biol103
153Univ Missouri, Dept Stat127
154Univ Missouri, Div Biol Sci127
155Univ Molise, Dept Anim Plant & Environm Sci100
156Univ Montreal, Inst Rech Biol Vegetale100
157Univ Munich, Dept Biol 1101
158Univ N Carolina, Dept Biol100
159Univ Nat Resources & Appl Life Sci, Inst Appl Genet & Cell Biol1210
160Univ Nottingham, Queens Med Ctr100
161Univ Nottingham, Sch Biosci100
162Univ Ontario Inst Technol, Fac Sci101
163Univ Politecn Valencia, Inst Biol Mol & Celular Plantas100
164Univ Queensland, ARC Ctr Excellence Integrat Legume Res118
165Univ Queensland, Australian Res Council102
166Univ Queensland, Sch Integrat Biol102
167Univ Sheffield, Dept Anim & Plant Sci100
168Univ Tennessee, Dept Biochem Cellular & Mol Biol102
169Univ Texas, Inst Mol & Cellular Biol103
170Univ Texas, Sect Mol Cell & Dev Biol103
171Univ Tokyo, Biotechnol Res Ctr21347
172Univ Tokyo, Bot Gardens100
173Univ Tokyo, Dept Appl Biol Chem21347
174Univ Tokyo, Fac Med111
175Univ Tokyo, Grad Sch Sci300
176Univ Tokyo, Inst Mol & Cellular Biosci318
177Univ Toronto, Dept Bot201
178Univ Tsukuba, Grad Sch Life & Environm Sci211
179Univ Tsukuba, TARA Ctr111
180Univ Tubingen12935
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
181Univ Tubingen, Ctr Plant Mol Biol211
182Univ Tubingen, Zentrum Mol Biol Pflanzen101
183Univ Warwick, Warwick HRI334
184Univ Washington, Dept Genome Sci102
185Univ Washington, Sch Med111
186Univ Wurzburg, Bioctr112
187Univ York, Dept Biol4520
189Willamette Univ, Dept Biol100
190Yale Univ106
191Yale Univ, Dept Mol Cellular & Dev Biol111
192Zhejiang Univ, Coll Life Sci101
193Zurich Basel Plant Sci Ctr1412