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Fri Aug 25 14:40:18 2006
A Finkelstein
Nodes: 9, Authors: 26, Journals: 7, Cited References: 203, Words: 51
Yearly output  |  Document Type  |  Language  |  Institution  |  Institution with Subdivision  |  Country
Grand TLCS: 3, Grand TGCS: 28
View: Overview   Sorted by number of publications (Pubs).
1Finkelstein A9328
2Poterba J2114
3Acemoglu D100
4Burruss JR102
5Cutler D100
6Flanagan SM102
7Foster IT102
8Fredian TW102
9Greenwald MJ102
10Johnson CR102
11Keahey K102
12Klasky SA102
13Li K102
14Linn J100
15McCune DC102
16McGarry K100
17Papka M102
18Peng Q102
19Randerson L102
20Sanderson A102
21Schissel DP102
22Stevens R102
23Stillerman J102
24Sufi A100
25Thompson MR102
26Wallace G102