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Nodes: 7733,
Authors: 11743,
Journals: 1016,
Outer References: 177526,
Words: 7526
Collection span: 1976 - 2005
View: Overview. Sorted by year, source, volume, issue, page.
Page 14: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3901 | 5 | 78 | 3901 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (1): 35-49 Toni I; Schluter ND; Josephs O; Friston K; Passingham RE Signal-, set-and movement-related activity in the human brain: An event-related fMRI study | 7 | 64 |
3902 | 17 | 39 | 3902 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (2): 168-178 Fletcher P; Buchel C; Josephs O; Friston K; Dolan R Learning-related neuronal responses in prefrontal cortex studied with functional neuroimaging | 11 | 24 |
3903 | 3 | 53 | 3903 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (3): 300-305 Trepel C; Racine RJ Blockade and disruption of neocortical long-term potentiation following electroconvulsive shock in the adult, freely moving rat | 0 | 3 |
3904 | 14 | 60 | 3904 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (4): 379-391 Opitz B; Mecklinger A; Friederici AD; von Cramon DY The functional neuroanatomy of novelty processing: Integrating ERP and fMRI results | 13 | 49 |
3905 | 3 | 94 | 3905 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (5): 445-458 Puce A; Allison T; McCarthy G Electrophysiological studies of human face perception. III: Effects of top-down processing on face-specific potentials | 29 | 90 |
3906 | 27 | 80 | 3906 1999 CEREBRAL CORTEX 9 (8): 805-814 Grady CL; McIntosh AR; Rajah MN; Beig S; Craik FIM The effects of age on the neural correlates of episodic encoding | 20 | 36 |
3907 | 2 | 20 | 3907 1999 CHEMICAL SENSES 24 (3): 317-325 Degel J; Koster EP Odors: Implicit memory and performance effects | 6 | 23 |
3908 | 10 | 61 | 3908 1999 CHEMICAL SENSES 24 (3): 337-346 Lehrner JP; Gluck J; Laska M Odor identification, consistency of label use, olfactory threshold and their relationships to odor memory over the human lifespan | 4 | 19 |
3909 | 9 | 137 | 3909 1999 CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 23 (8): 715-727 Joseph R The neurology of traumatic "dissociative" amnesia: Commentary and literature review | 3 | 16 |
3910 | 3 | 14 | 3910 1999 CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 23 (12): 1221-1224 Leavitt F Manufactured memory, altered belief and self report mirage: The alleged false memory of Jean Piaget revisited | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3911 | 6 | 21 | 3911 1999 CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 110 (7): 1204-1209 Dietl T; Dirlich G; Vogl L; Lechner C; Strian F Orienting response and frontal midline theta activity: a somatosensory spectral perturbation study | 1 | 3 |
3912 | 3 | 100 | 3912 1999 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 19 (7): 789-818 Tryon WW A bidirectional associative memory explanation of posttraumatic stress disorder | 1 | 5 |
3913 | 1 | 61 | 3913 1999 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE 6 (1): 80-94 Lang AJ; Craske MG; Bjork RA Implications of a new theory of disuse for the treatment of emotional disorders | 0 | 3 |
3914 | 19 | 46 | 3914 1999 COGNITION & EMOTION 13 (4): 435-456 Russo R; Fox E; Bowles RJ On the status of implicit memory bias in anxiety | 1 | 8 |
3915 | 7 | 52 | 3915 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 7 (3): 379-387 Ohl F; Fuchs E Differential effects of chronic stress on memory processes in the tree shrew | 0 | 34 |
3916 | 17 | 44 | 3916 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 7 (4): 473-479 Hirshman E; Passanante A; Arndt J The effect of midazolam on the modality-match effect in implicit memory | 10 | 15 |
3917 | 33 | 93 | 3917 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 7 (4): 519-531 Paller KA; Bozic VS; Ranganath C; Grabowecky M; Yamada S Brain waves following remembered faces index conscious recollection | 16 | 22 |
3918 | 12 | 30 | 3918 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 8 (1): 1-16 Donaldson DI; Rugg MD Event-related potential studies of associative recognition and recall: electrophysiological evidence for context dependent retrieval processes | 13 | 24 |
3919 | 13 | 54 | 3919 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 8 (3): 259-269 Rajah MN; McIntosh AR; Grady CL Frontotemporal interactions in face encoding and recognition | 1 | 3 |
3920 | 29 | 64 | 3920 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 8 (3): 271-288 Cycowicz YM; Friedman D ERP recordings during a picture fragment completion task: effects of memory instructions | 1 | 2 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3921 | 3 | 88 | 3921 1999 COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH 8 (3): 373-392 Federmeier KD; Kutas M Right words and left words: electrophysiological evidence for hemispheric differences in meaning processing | 3 | 30 |
3922 | 15 | 99 | 3922 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (1): 1-48 Young AW; Burton AM Simulating face recognition: Implications for modelling cognition | 4 | 31 |
3923 | 6 | 13 | 3923 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 193-195 Schacter DL The Cognitive Neuropsychology of false memories: Introduction | 2 | 2 |
3924 | 29 | 114 | 3924 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 197-214 Kopelman MD Varieties of false memory | 14 | 14 |
3925 | 21 | 86 | 3925 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 215-242 Dab S; Claes T; Morais J; Shallice T Confabulation with a selective descriptor process impairment | 6 | 9 |
3926 | 18 | 60 | 3926 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 243-265 Parkin AJ; Ward J; Bindschaedler C; Squires EJ; Powell G False recognition following frontal lobe damage: The role of encoding factors | 16 | 19 |
3927 | 23 | 95 | 3927 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 267-292 Rapcsak SZ; Reminger SL; Glisky EL; Kaszniak AW; Comer JF Neuropsychological mechanisms of false facial recognition following frontal lobe damage | 15 | 20 |
3928 | 12 | 97 | 3928 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 293-315 Ward J; Parkin AJ; Powell G; Squires EJ; Townshend J; et al. False recognition of unfamiliar people: "Seeing film stars everywhere" | 6 | 12 |
3929 | 29 | 60 | 3929 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 317-341 Koutstaal W; Schacter DL; Verfaellie M; Brenner C; Jackson EM Perceptually based false recognition of novel objects in amnesia: Effects of category size and similarity to category prototypes | 16 | 16 |
3930 | 24 | 45 | 3930 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 343-359 Melo B; Winocur G; Moscovitch M False recall and false recognition: An examination of the effects of selective and combined lesions to the medial temporal lobe diencephalon and frontal lobe structures | 27 | 27 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3931 | 23 | 66 | 3931 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 361-384 Balota DA; Cortese MJ; Duchek JM; Adams D; Roediger HL; et al. Veridical and false memories in healthy older adults and in dementia of the Alzheimer's type | 60 | 63 |
3932 | 12 | 50 | 3932 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 385-398 Dalla Barba G; Nedjam Z; Dubois B Confabulation, executive functions, and source memory in Alzheimer's disease | 13 | 16 |
3933 | 27 | 49 | 3933 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 399-415 Kensinger EA; Schacter DL When true memories suppress false memories: Effects of ageing | 44 | 44 |
3934 | 20 | 60 | 3934 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 417-436 Jacoby LL Deceiving the elderly: Effects of accessibility bias in cued-recall performance | 9 | 12 |
3935 | 33 | 97 | 3935 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 437-458 Mather M; Johnson MK; De Leonardis DM Stereotype reliance in source monitoring: Age differences and neuropsychological test correlates | 16 | 34 |
3936 | 44 | 112 | 3936 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 459-488 Rubin SR; Van Petten C; Glisky EL; Newberg WN Memory conjunction errors in younger and older adults: Event-related potential and neuropsychological data | 17 | 23 |
3937 | 18 | 45 | 3937 1999 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (3-5): 489-508 Dodhia RM; Metcalfe J False memories and source monitoring | 4 | 6 |
3938 | 13 | 56 | 3938 1999 COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH 23 (1): 21-38 McCabe RE Implicit and explicit memory for threat words in high-and low-anxiety-sensitive participants | 1 | 3 |
3939 | 3 | 56 | 3939 1999 COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH 23 (3): 285-306 Williams JMG; Stiles WB; Shapiro DA Cognitive mechanisms in the avoidance of painful and dangerous thoughts: Elaborating the assimilation model | 1 | 10 |
3940 | 1 | 80 | 3940 1999 COLLEGE ENGLISH 62 (1): 11-29 Francoz MJ Habit as memory incarnate | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3941 | 17 | 77 | 3941 1999 COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY 40 (2): 160-171 Allen JG; Console DA; Lewis L Dissociative detachment and memory impairment: Reversible amnesia or encoding failure? | 2 | 4 |
3942 | 2 | 20 | 3942 1999 COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY 40 (3): 221-225 Schiffer F; Anderson CM; Teicher MH Electroencephalogram, bilateral ear temperature, and affect changes induced by lateral visual field stimulation | 0 | 4 |
3943 | 8 | 61 | 3943 1999 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 8 (1): 62-93 Cook ND Simulating consciousness in a bilateral neural network: "Nuclear" and "fringe" awareness | 1 | 11 |
3944 | 19 | 29 | 3944 1999 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 8 (3): 271-284 Richardson-Klavehn A; Clarke AJB; Gardiner JM Conjoint dissociations reveal involuntary "perceptual" priming from generating at study | 10 | 10 |
3945 | 2 | 81 | 3945 1999 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 8 (3): 319-337 Cheyne JA; Rueffer SD; Newby-Clark IR Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations during sleep paralysis: Neurological and cultural construction of the night-mare | 3 | 13 |
3946 | 15 | 114 | 3946 1999 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 8 (4): 529-565 Sun R Accounting for the computational basis of consciousness: A connectionist approach | 3 | 4 |
3947 | 2 | 14 | 3947 1999 CORTEX 35 (1): 73-87 Cermak LS; Wong BM The effects of divided attention during encoding and retrieval on amnesic patients' memory performance | 0 | 0 |
3948 | 12 | 77 | 3948 1999 CORTEX 35 (2): 219-230 Markowitsch HJ; Kessler J; Russ MO; Frolich L; Schneider B; et al. Mnestic block syndrome | 4 | 13 |
3949 | 13 | 38 | 3949 1999 CORTEX 35 (5): 615-627 Delazer M; Girelli L; Benke T Arithmetic reasoning and implicit memory: A neuropsychological study on amnesia | 1 | 1 |
3950 | 12 | 28 | 3950 1999 CURRENT BIOLOGY 9 (13): R482-R484 Eichenbaum H The hippocampus: The shock of the new | 0 | 5 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3951 | 4 | 14 | 3951 1999 CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8 (1): 23-27 Engel SA Using neuroimaging to measure mental representations: Finding color-opponent neurons in visual cortex | 0 | 1 |
3952 | 5 | 17 | 3952 1999 CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8 (3): 80-85 Rovee-Collier C The development of infant memory | 0 | 13 |
3953 | 1 | 3 | 3953 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 9 (2): 155-157 Gallagher M; Schacter DL Cognitive neuroscience | 2 | 2 |
3954 | 1 | 82 | 3954 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 9 (2): 164-170 Kaas JH; Hackett TA; Tramo MJ Auditory processing in primate cerebral cortex | 4 | 95 |
3955 | 5 | 76 | 3955 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 9 (2): 171-177 Maguire EA; Burgess N; O'Keefe J Human spatial navigation: cognitive maps, sexual dimorphism, and neural substrates | 4 | 46 |
3956 | 10 | 54 | 3956 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 9 (2): 184-188 Hasselmo ME; McClelland JL Neural models of memory | 0 | 17 |
3957 | 22 | 50 | 3957 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 9 (2): 240-244 Fleischman DA; Gabrieli J Long-term memory in Alzheimer's disease | 3 | 13 |
3958 | 4 | 98 | 3958 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHIATRY 12 (3): 331-337 Markowitsch HJ Neuroimaging and mechanisms of brain function in psychiatric disorders | 2 | 5 |
3959 | 12 | 61 | 3959 1999 CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHIATRY 12 (3): 345-349 Ritchie K; Richards M Recent developments in neuropsychological assessment | 0 | 1 |
3960 | 11 | 53 | 3960 1999 DEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS 10 (2): 172-180 Thomas-Ollivier V; Reymann JM; Le Moal S; Schuck S; Lieury A; et al. Procedural memory in recent-onset Parkinson's disease | 0 | 7 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3961 | 1 | 21 | 3961 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 16 (1): 117-126 Silver CH; Elder WG; DeBolt AJ Social skills self-appraisal of children with specific arithmetic disabilities | 0 | 3 |
3962 | 21 | 39 | 3962 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 35 (2): 83-90 Collie R; Hayne H Deferred imitation by 6-and 9-month-old infants: More evidence for declarative memory | 10 | 21 |
3963 | 3 | 41 | 3963 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 35 (2): 91-102 Rovee-Collier C; Hartshorn K; DiRubbo M Long-term maintenance of infant memory | 4 | 11 |
3964 | 21 | 48 | 3964 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 35 (4): 276-290 Hildreth K; Rovee-Collier C Decreases in the response latency to priming over the first year of life | 5 | 9 |
3965 | 10 | 67 | 3965 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 35 (4): 318-327 Savage LM; Pitkin SR; Careri JM Memory enhancement in aged rats: The differential outcomes effect | 2 | 9 |
3966 | 32 | 72 | 3966 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 35 (1): 102-112 Lie E; Newcombe NS Elementary school children's explicit and implicit memory for faces of preschool classmates | 1 | 4 |
3967 | 5 | 51 | 3967 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 35 (4): 1113-1121 de Haan M; Nelson CA Brain activity differentiates face and object processing in 6-month-old infants | 0 | 22 |
3968 | 7 | 35 | 3968 1999 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 35 (6): 1462-1477 Powell MB; Roberts KP; Ceci SJ; Hembrooke H The effects of repeated experience on children's suggestibility | 5 | 22 |
3969 | 5 | 33 | 3969 1999 DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 21 (12): 548-554 Rose FD; Brooks BM; Attree EA; Parslow DM; Leadbetter AG; et al. A preliminary investigation into the use of virtual environments in memory retraining after vascular brain injury: indications for future strategy? | 3 | 15 |
3970 | 28 | 179 | 3970 1999 DRUGS & AGING 14 (3): 197-230 Simard M; van Reekum R Memory assessment in studies of cognition-enhancing drugs for Alzheimer's disease | 2 | 8 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3971 | 14 | 333 | 3971 1999 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 11 (1): 1-88 Dempster FN; Corkill AJ Interference and inhibition in cognition and behavior: Unifying themes for educational psychology | 3 | 25 |
3972 | 4 | 35 | 3972 1999 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 11 (2): 89-96 Bruning R; Flowerday T Response: Dempster and Corkill's "interference and inhibition in cognition and behavior: Unifying themes for educational psychology" | 1 | 1 |
3973 | 6 | 35 | 3973 1999 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 11 (2): 129-141 Dempster FN; Corkill AJ Interference and inhibition in cognition and behavior: Comments on the commentaries | 0 | 0 |
3974 | 2 | 84 | 3974 1999 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 11 (4): 291-324 Rest J; Narvaez D; Bebeau M; Thoma S A neo-Kohlbergian approach: The DIT and schema theory | 0 | 8 |
3975 | 3 | 22 | 3975 1999 ENCEPHALE-REVUE DE PSYCHIATRIE CLINIQUE BIOLOGIQUE ET THERAPEUTIQUE 25 (6): 549-557 Eiber R; Puel M; Schmitt L Substance abuse, autobiographical memory and depression | 0 | 0 |
3976 | 4 | 49 | 3976 1999 EPILEPSIA 40 (4): 430-438 McGlone J; Black SE; Evans J; Parkin A; Sadler M; et al. Criterion-based validity of an intracarotid amobarbital recognition-memory protocol | 1 | 3 |
3977 | 3 | 20 | 3977 1999 ETHICS & BEHAVIOR 9 (1): 51-60 Loftus EF Lost in the mall: Misrepresentations and misunderstandings | 0 | 3 |
3978 | 14 | 44 | 3978 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 11 (1): 67-86 Richards A; French CC; Adams C; Eldridge M; Papadopolou E Implicit memory and anxiety: Perceptual identification of emotional stimuli | 0 | 8 |
3979 | 13 | 32 | 3979 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 11 (4): 555-570 Parker A; Gellatly A; Waterman M The effect of environmental context manipulation on memory: Dissociation between perceptual and conceptual implicit tests | 2 | 6 |
3980 | 11 | 65 | 3980 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 11 (9): 3293-3301 Krause BJ; Horwitz B; Taylor JG; Schmidt D; Mottaghy FM; et al. Network analysis in episodic encoding and retrieval of word-pair associates: a PET study | 12 | 18 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3981 | 14 | 42 | 3981 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 11 (9): 3312-3322 Marighetto A; Etchamendy N; Touzani K; Torrea CC; Yee BK; et al. Knowing which and knowing what: a potential mouse model for age-related human declarative memory decline | 4 | 14 |
3982 | 22 | 103 | 3982 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 11 (10): 3701-3714 Rosier AM; Cornette L; Dupont P; Bormans G; Mortelmans L; et al. Regional brain activity during shape recognition impaired by a scopolamine challenge to encoding | 7 | 13 |
3983 | 1 | 61 | 3983 1999 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 11 (11): 4024-4036 Larsson J; Amunts K; Gulyas B; Malikovic A; Zilles K; et al. Neuronal correlates of real and illusory contour perception: functional anatomy with PET | 4 | 35 |
3984 | 2 | 40 | 3984 1999 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE EUROPEENNE DE PSYCHOLOGIE APPLIQUEE 49 (2): 131-140 Luaute JP; Sansone S; Bidault E; Scheider P; Tiberghien G Face recognition and emotional information in delusional misidentification syndromes | 0 | 0 |
3985 | 22 | 82 | 3985 1999 EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 128 (3): 332-342 Mottaghy FM; Shah NJ; Krause BJ; Schmidt D; Halsband U; et al. Neuronal correlates of encoding and retrieval in episodic memory during a paired-word association learning task: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study | 20 | 29 |
3986 | 1 | 216 | 3986 1999 FORTSCHRITTE DER NEUROLOGIE PSYCHIATRIE 67 (11): 509-523 Ackermann H; Mathiak K Symptomatology, neuroanatomical correlates and pathomechanisms of central hearing disorders (pure word deafness, verbal/nonverbal auditory agnosia, cortical deafness) - A review | 0 | 4 |
3987 | 6 | 49 | 3987 1999 GERONTOLOGIST 39 (1): 25-35 Brod M; Stewart AL; Sands L; Walton P Conceptualization and measurement of quality of life in dementia: The dementia quality of life instrument (DQoL) | 0 | 55 |
3988 | 1 | 24 | 3988 1999 GREAT ISSUES FOR MEDICINE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 882: 68-89 Edelman GM Building a picture of the brain | 0 | 3 |
3989 | 5 | 16 | 3989 1999 HARVARD REVIEW OF PSYCHIATRY 7 (2): 119-122 Tsai GE; Condie D; Wu MT; Chang IW Functional magnetic resonance imaging of personality switches in a woman with dissociative identity disorder | 2 | 4 |
3990 | 44 | 86 | 3990 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 7-24 Schacter DL; Wagner AD Medial temporal lobe activations in fMRI and PET studies of episodic encoding and retrieval | 194 | 193 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
3991 | 19 | 40 | 3991 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 25-34 Dolan RJ; Fletcher PE Encoding and retrieval in human medial temporal lobes: An empirical investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) | 29 | 34 |
3992 | 21 | 80 | 3992 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 35-44 Fernandez G; Brewer JB; Zhao Z; Glover GH; Gabrieli JDE Level of sustained entorhinal activity at study correlates with subsequent cued-recall performance: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study with high acquisition rate | 30 | 43 |
3993 | 17 | 103 | 3993 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 45-53 Stern CE; Hasselmo ME Bridging the gap: Integrating cellular and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of the hippocampus | 4 | 11 |
3994 | 16 | 46 | 3994 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 54-61 Maguire EA; Mummery CJ Differential modulation of a common memory retrieval network revealed by positron emission tomography | 31 | 79 |
3995 | 24 | 57 | 3995 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 62-70 Martin A Automatic activation of the medial temporal lobe during encoding: Lateralized influences of meaning and novelty | 28 | 42 |
3996 | 40 | 75 | 3996 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 71-82 Tulving E; Habib R; Nyberg L; Lepage M; McIntosh AR Positron emission tomography correlations in and beyond medial temporal lobes | 22 | 36 |
3997 | 20 | 52 | 3997 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (1): 83-98 Cohen NJ; Ryan E; Hunt C; Romine L; Wszalek T; et al. Hippocampal system and declarative (relational) memory: Summarizing the data from functional neuroimaging studies | 37 | 61 |
3998 | 20 | 111 | 3998 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (2): 101-117 Wise SP; Murray EA Role of the hippocampal system in conditional motor learning: Mapping antecedents to action | 2 | 39 |
3999 | 10 | 18 | 3999 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (5): 495-499 Manns JR; Squire LR Impaired recognition memory on the doors and people test after damage limited to the hippocampal region | 22 | 49 |
4000 | 18 | 30 | 4000 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (5): 575-581 Schacter DL; Curran T; Reiman EM; Chen KW; Bandy DJ; et al. Medial temporal lobe activation during episodic encoding and retrieval: A PET study | 19 | 19 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4001 | 13 | 42 | 4001 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS 9 (6): 637-643 Rombouts SARB; Scheltens P; Machielsen WCM; Barkhof F; Hoogenraad FGC; et al. Parametric fMRI analysis of visual encoding in the human medial temporal lobe | 8 | 17 |
4002 | 0 | 41 | 4002 1999 HISTORICAL RESEARCH 72 (178): 127-139 Greenway DE Dates in history: Chronology and memory (Time, sequence, events) | 0 | 0 |
4003 | 1 | 33 | 4003 1999 HISTORY WORKSHOP JOURNAL (48): 41-63 Mouton M; Pohlandt-McCormick H Boundary crossings: Oral history of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa - a comparative perspective | 0 | 0 |
4004 | 2 | 30 | 4004 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 7 (2): 106-114 Birn RM; Bandettini PA; Cox RW; Shaker R Event-related fMRI of tasks involving brief motion | 10 | 47 |
4005 | 23 | 76 | 4005 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 7 (2): 115-135 Madden DJ; Turkington TG; Provenzale JM; Denny LL; Hawk TC; et al. Adult age differences in the functional neuroanatomy of verbal recognition memory | 38 | 92 |
4006 | 5 | 58 | 4006 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 8 (1): 60-71 Shen LM; Hu XP; Yacoub E; Ugurbil K Neural correlates of visual form and visual spatial processing | 5 | 16 |
4007 | 5 | 19 | 4007 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 8 (2-3): 109-114 Dale AM Optimal experimental design for event-related fMRI | 51 | 105 |
4008 | 16 | 46 | 4008 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 8 (4): 157-169 Heun R; Klose U; Jessen F; Erb M; Papassotiropoulos A; et al. Functional MRI of cerebral activation during encoding and retrieval of words | 8 | 18 |
4009 | 5 | 47 | 4009 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 8 (4): 259-271 Kruggel F; von Cramon DY Temporal properties of the hemodynamic response in functional MRI | 7 | 21 |
4010 | 5 | 40 | 4010 1999 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 8 (4): 272-284 Fischl B; Sereno MI; Tootell RBH; Dale AM High-resolution intersubject averaging and a coordinate system for the cortical surface | 11 | 99 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4011 | 19 | 50 | 4011 1999 HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 14: S72-S79 Curran HV Effects of anxiolytics on memory | 0 | 0 |
4012 | 18 | 37 | 4012 1999 HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 14 (3): 189-201 Volkerts ER; Van Laar MW; Verbaten MN; Mulder G; Maes RAA Neurochemical manipulation of procedural memory: Sequential stimuli learning under influence of phentermine and pentobarbital | 0 | 1 |
4013 | 6 | 25 | 4013 1999 HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 14 (4): 263-269 Tiplady B; Harding C; McLean D; Ortner C; Porter K; et al. Effects of ethanol and temazepam on episodic and semantic memory: A dose-response comparison | 1 | 12 |
4014 | 32 | 58 | 4014 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT 23 (1): 1-17 Anooshian LJ Understanding age differences in memory: Disentangling conscious and unconscious processes | 1 | 1 |
4015 | 3 | 52 | 4015 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT 23 (1): 19-36 Bonino S; Cattelino E The relationship between cognitive abilities and social abilities in childhood: A research on flexibility in thinking and co-operation with peers | 0 | 2 |
4016 | 4 | 67 | 4016 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS 47 (4): 346-365 Barnier AJ; McConkey KM Autobiographical remembering and forgetting: What can hypnosis tell us? | 0 | 1 |
4017 | 18 | 72 | 4017 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY 14 (12): 1019-1030 Derouesne C; Thibault S; Lagha-Pierucci S; Baudouin-Madec V; Ancri D; et al. Decreased awareness of cognitive deficits in patients with mild dementia of the Alzheimer type | 6 | 20 |
4018 | 2 | 32 | 4018 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 22 (3-4): 199-212 Swihart G; Yuille J; Porter S The role of state-dependent memory in "red-outs" | 4 | 10 |
4019 | 2 | 37 | 4019 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 22 (3-4): 323-336 Yuille JC; Marxsen D; Cooper B Training investigative interviewers: Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter | 0 | 1 |
4020 | 4 | 16 | 4020 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 47 (2): 157-164 Boudia B; Koenig O; Bedoin N; Collet L Phonological representations in postlingual deaf subjects using a multichannel cochlear implant | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4021 | 8 | 70 | 4021 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 80: 215-223 Fonagy P Memory and therapeutic action | 12 | 46 |
4022 | 4 | 133 | 4022 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 80: 961-978 Fonagy I The process of remembering: Recovery and discovery | 0 | 1 |
4023 | 12 | 47 | 4023 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 31 (3): 261-274 Cansino S; Ruiz A; Lopez-Alonso V What does the brain do while playing scrabble?: ERPs associated with a short-long-term memory task | 0 | 1 |
4024 | 3 | 26 | 4024 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 32 (2): 107-118 Wilson GF; Swain CR; Ullsperger P EEG power changes during a multiple level memory retention task | 1 | 5 |
4025 | 1 | 67 | 4025 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 34 (3): 225-236 Kaiser J; Gruzelier JH Effects of pubertal timing on EEG coherence and P3 latency | 0 | 3 |
4026 | 1 | 43 | 4026 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 34 (3): 293-301 Galderisi S; Mucci A; Mignone ML; Bucci P; Maj M Hemispheric asymmetry and psychopathological dimensions in drug-free patients with schizophrenia | 2 | 9 |
4027 | 3 | 26 | 4027 1999 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 75 (1): 121-127 Sienkiewicz ZJ; Haylock RGE; Saunders RD Differential learning impairments produced by prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation in mice | 0 | 6 |
4028 | 9 | 185 | 4028 1999 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION, VOL 22 22: 137-173 Nettelbeck T; Young R Savant syndrome | 0 | 3 |
4029 | 3 | 66 | 4029 1999 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 40 (2): 435-442 Plummer DJ; Marcotte TD; Sample PA; Wolfson T; Heaton RK; et al. Neuropsychological impairment-associated visual field deficits in HIV infection | 0 | 1 |
4030 | 4 | 34 | 4030 1999 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 281 (13): 1197-1202 Shaywitz SE; Shaywitz BA; Pugh KR; Fulbright RK; Skudlarski P; et al. Effect of estrogen on brain activation patterns in postmenopausal women during working memory tasks | 6 | 140 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4031 | 13 | 32 | 4031 1999 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 69 (6): 449-458 Ohira H The underlying mechanism for process dissociation in recognition: Performance, response latency, and eyeblink in a three-process model | 0 | 1 |
4032 | 16 | 26 | 4032 1999 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 70 (3): 177-185 Imai H; Yutani M; Takano Y Effects of rotation and distortion on perceptual priming | 0 | 0 |
4033 | 14 | 20 | 4033 1999 JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 41 (3): 179-185 Matsukawa J Physical and conceptual priming effects on picture and word identification | 0 | 0 |
4034 | 18 | 57 | 4034 1999 JOURNAL OF ADULT DEVELOPMENT 6 (1): 1-10 Rybash JM Aging and autobiographical memory: The long and bumpy road | 0 | 1 |
4035 | 2 | 31 | 4035 1999 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY 44 (4): 511-530 Knox J The relevance of attachment theory to a contemporary Jungian view of the internal world: internal working models, implicit memory and internal objects | 0 | 7 |
4036 | 3 | 37 | 4036 1999 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY 30 (4): 273-288 Kallai J; Kosztolanyi P; Osvath A; Jacobs WJ Attention fixation training: training people to form cognitive maps help to control symptoms of panic disorder with agoraphobia | 0 | 2 |
4037 | 2 | 37 | 4037 1999 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE 6 (6): 409-417 Wu SP; Lu KT; Chang WC; Gean PW Involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase in hippocampal long-term potentiation | 0 | 8 |
4038 | 10 | 26 | 4038 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (1): 59-69 Hanley JR; Baker GA; Ledson S Detecting the faking of amnesia: A comparison of the effectiveness of three different techniques for distinguishing simulators from patients with amnesia | 0 | 4 |
4039 | 11 | 23 | 4039 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (2): 149-158 Shum D; Jamieson E; Bahr M; Wallace G Implicit and explicit memory in children with traumatic brain injury | 3 | 5 |
4040 | 16 | 37 | 4040 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (3): 325-340 Chan AS; Salmon DP; DeLaPena J Conceptual and perceptual contributions to the acquisition and retention of text-specific reading skill in Alzheimer's disease | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4041 | 16 | 32 | 4041 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (4): 535-546 Rich JB; Yaster M; Brandt J Anterograde and retrograde memory in children anesthetized with propofol | 0 | 5 |
4042 | 4 | 51 | 4042 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (5): 585-605 Spikman JM; Timmerman ME; van Zomeren AH; Deelman BG Recovery versus retest effects in attention after closed head injury | 0 | 14 |
4043 | 6 | 40 | 4043 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (6): 737-756 Rourke SB; Halman MH; Bassel C Neurocognitive complaints in HIV-infection and their relationship to depressive symptoms and neuropsychological functioning | 7 | 19 |
4044 | 6 | 42 | 4044 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (6): 757-768 Rourke SB; Halman MH; Bassel C Neuropsychiatric correlates of memory-metamemory dissociations in HIV-infection | 7 | 8 |
4045 | 7 | 28 | 4045 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 21 (6): 798-815 Thone AIT; Zysset S; von Cramon DY Retrieval of long-term memory in patients with brain injuries | 0 | 1 |
4046 | 5 | 41 | 4046 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 6 (6): 511-515 Wright RA; Boeve BF; Malec JF Amnesia after basal forebrain damage due to anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture | 1 | 2 |
4047 | 2 | 73 | 4047 1999 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS 24 (4): 241-248 Akhondzadeh S Hippocampal synaptic plasticity and cognition | 0 | 7 |
4048 | 0 | 0 | 4048 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 17-18 Budson AE; Daffner KR; Desikan R; Schacter DL False recognition in Alzheimer's disease. | 0 | 0 |
4049 | 0 | 0 | 4049 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 18-19 Cabeza R; Rao SM; Wagner AD; Bischof WF; Schacter DL Event-related FMRI of veridical and illusory recognition memory. | 0 | 0 |
4050 | 0 | 0 | 4050 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 38-38 Koutstaal W; Wagner AD; Rotte M; Maril A; Buckner RL; et al. An event-related fMRI study of perceptual specificity effects in visual object priming. | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4051 | 0 | 0 | 4051 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 38-38 Wagner AD; Meril A; Dale AM; Rosen BR; Schacter DL Negative consequences of priming for new episodic learning: An fMRI study of the spacing effect | 0 | 0 |
4052 | 0 | 0 | 4052 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 39-39 Badgaiyan RD; Schacter DL; Alpert NM Deactivation of extrastriate cortex in unimodal auditory priming but not in cross modal priming. | 0 | 0 |
4053 | 0 | 0 | 4053 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE : 62-62 Wiseman AL; Wagner AD; Koutstaal W; Maril A; Simons DJ; et al. The subjective perception of novelty: An event-related fMRI study. | 0 | 0 |
4054 | 4 | 66 | 4054 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (1): 52-66 Scharli H; Harman AM; Hogben JH Blindsight in subjects with homonymous visual field defects | 0 | 15 |
4055 | 3 | 64 | 4055 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (1): 94-109 Royet JP; Koenig O; Gregoire MC; Cinotti L; Lavenne F; et al. Functional anatomy of perceptual and semantic processing for odors | 6 | 62 |
4056 | 2 | 64 | 4056 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (2): 182-193 Stickgold R; Scott L; Rittenhouse C; Hobson JA Sleep-induced changes in associative memory | 5 | 37 |
4057 | 36 | 73 | 4057 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (4): 337-348 Badgaiyan RD; Schacter DL; Alpert NM Auditory priming within and across modalities: Evidence from positron emission tomography | 40 | 39 |
4058 | 5 | 47 | 4058 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (4): 424-436 Tesche CD; Karhu J Interactive processing of sensory input and motor output in the human hippocampus | 0 | 3 |
4059 | 14 | 43 | 4059 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (5): 511-520 Madden DJ; Gottlob LR; Denny LL; Turkington TG; Provenzale JM; et al. Aging and recognition memory: Changes in regional cerebral blood flow associated with components of reaction time distributions | 12 | 16 |
4060 | 20 | 76 | 4060 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (6): 598-609 Ranganath C; Paller KA Frontal brain activity during episodic and semantic retrieval: Insights from event-related potentials | 9 | 13 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4061 | 27 | 56 | 4061 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (6): 631-640 McDermott KB; Buckner RL; Petersen SE; Kelley WM; Sanders AL Set-and code-specific activation in the frontal cortex: An fMRI study of encoding and retrieval of faces and words | 50 | 69 |
4062 | 25 | 86 | 4062 1999 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 11 (6): 682-697 Henke K; Kroll NEA; Behniea H; Amaral DG; Miller MB; et al. Memory lost and regained following bilateral hippocampal damage | 8 | 16 |
4063 | 6 | 55 | 4063 1999 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY 113 (4): 426-434 Menzel CR Unprompted recall and reporting of hidden objects by a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) after extended delays | 2 | 20 |
4064 | 2 | 47 | 4064 1999 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY 23 (5): 767-775 Levy LM; Henkin RI; Lin CS; Finley A Rapid imaging of olfaction by functional MRI (fMRI): Identification of presence and type of hyposmia | 0 | 6 |
4065 | 5 | 56 | 4065 1999 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH 25 (4): 319-334 Braun KA Postexperience advertising effects on consumer memory | 4 | 15 |
4066 | 4 | 35 | 4066 1999 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH 26 (2): 115-127 Lee AY; Sternthal B The effects of positive mood on memory | 1 | 18 |
4067 | 2 | 43 | 4067 1999 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 91 (4): 644-659 Rest JR; Narvaez D; Thoma SJ; Bebeau MJ DIT2: Devising and testing a revised instrument of moral judgment | 0 | 14 |
4068 | 4 | 56 | 4068 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 72 (4): 305-328 Cherney ID; Ryalls BO Gender-linked differences in the incidental memory of children and adults | 0 | 7 |
4069 | 12 | 43 | 4069 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 73 (1): 72-91 Gulya M; Sweeney B; Rovee-Collier C Infants' memory processing of a serial list: List length effects | 2 | 7 |
4070 | 4 | 63 | 4070 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL BEHAVIOR PROCESSES 25 (3): 284-296 Wright AA Auditory list memory and interference processes in monkeys | 0 | 3 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4071 | 3 | 19 | 4071 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL BEHAVIOR PROCESSES 25 (3): 389-395 Inman A; Shettleworth SJ Detecting metamemory in nonverbal subjects: A test with pigeons | 3 | 15 |
4072 | 8 | 24 | 4072 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED 5 (3): 250-264 Perfect TJ; Hollins TS Feeling-of-knowing judgments do not predict subsequent recognition performance for eyewitness memory | 3 | 6 |
4073 | 9 | 114 | 4073 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL 128 (1): 56-77 Romani C; Martin R A deficit in the short-term retention of lexical-semantic information: Forgetting words but remembering a story | 3 | 20 |
4074 | 56 | 107 | 4074 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL 128 (4): 479-498 Gabrieli JDE; Vaidya CJ; Stone M; Francis WS; Thompson-Schill SL; et al. Convergent behavioral and neuropsychological evidence for a distinction between identification and production forms of repetition priming | 28 | 33 |
4075 | 5 | 61 | 4075 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE 25 (1): 243-255 Henderson JM; Siefert ABC The influence of enantiomorphic transformation on transsaccadic object integration | 0 | 16 |
4076 | 36 | 74 | 4076 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE 25 (3): 815-836 Marsolek CJ; Field JE Perceptual-motor sequence learning of general regularities and specific sequences | 3 | 6 |
4077 | 2 | 87 | 4077 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE 25 (6): 1495-1516 Giraudo MD; Pailhous J Dynamic instability of visuospatial images | 0 | 2 |
4078 | 30 | 74 | 4078 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (1): 3-22 Jacoby LL Ironic effects of repetition: Measuring age-related differences in memory | 36 | 50 |
4079 | 20 | 76 | 4079 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (1): 23-40 Intons-Peterson MJ; Rocchi P; West T; McLellan K; Hackney A Age, testing at preferred or nonpreferred times (testing optimality), and false memory | 8 | 12 |
4080 | 26 | 58 | 4080 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (1): 208-235 Poldrack RA; Selco SL; Field JE; Cohen NJ The relationship between skill learning and repetition priming: Experimental and computational analyses | 10 | 14 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4081 | 21 | 35 | 4081 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (1): 275-283 Musen G; Szerlip JS; Szerlip NJ Role of familiarity and unitization on new-association priming | 4 | 5 |
4082 | 24 | 57 | 4082 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (3): 583-607 McBride DM; Dosher BA Forgetting rates are comparable in conscious and automatic memory: A process-dissociation study | 5 | 11 |
4083 | 55 | 104 | 4083 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (3): 644-663 Reales JM; Ballesteros S Implicit and explicit memory for visual and haptic objects: Cross-modal priming depends on structural descriptions | 7 | 17 |
4084 | 6 | 27 | 4084 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (4): 997-1010 Althoff RR; Cohen NJ Eye-movement-based memory effect: A reprocessing effect in face perception | 7 | 14 |
4085 | 9 | 32 | 4085 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (5): 1177-1194 McEvoy CL; Nelson DL; Komatsu T What is the connection between true and false memories? The differential roles of interitem associations in recall and recognition | 19 | 29 |
4086 | 16 | 42 | 4086 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (5): 1195-1209 Hicks JL; Marsh RL Attempts to reduce the incidence of false recall with source monitoring | 30 | 35 |
4087 | 30 | 55 | 4087 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (5): 1236-1255 Sommers MS Perceptual specificity and implicit auditory priming in older and younger adults | 10 | 10 |
4088 | 33 | 73 | 4088 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION 25 (6): 1415-1434 Yonelinas AP The contribution of recollection and familiarity to recognition and source-memory judgments: A formal dual-process model and an analysis of receiver operating characteristics | 13 | 40 |
4089 | 3 | 36 | 4089 1999 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 35 (6): 590-602 Macrae CN; Bodenhausen GV; Milne AB; Calvini G Seeing more than we can know: Visual attention and category activation | 0 | 6 |
4090 | 12 | 28 | 4090 1999 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 126 (1): 74-84 Multhaup KS; De Leonardis DM; Johnson MK Source memory and eyewitness suggestibility in older adults | 9 | 13 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4091 | 10 | 30 | 4091 1999 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 126 (1): 85-96 Rybash JM; Monaghan BE Episodic and semantic contributions to older adults' autobiographical recall | 2 | 7 |
4092 | 2 | 34 | 4092 1999 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 126 (3): 224-233 Baars BJ Attention versus consciousness in the visual brain: Differences in conception, phenomenology, behavior, neuroanatomy, and physiology | 0 | 6 |
4093 | 4 | 45 | 4093 1999 JOURNAL OF HEAD TRAUMA REHABILITATION 14 (3): 277-307 Carney N; Chesnut RM; Maynard H; Mann NC; Patterson P; et al. Effect of cognitive rehabilitation on outcomes for persons with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review | 11 | 42 |
4094 | 2 | 50 | 4094 1999 JOURNAL OF HEAD TRAUMA REHABILITATION 14 (4): 373-383 Warschausky S; Kewman D; Kay J Empirically supported psychological and behavioral therapies in pediatric rehabilitation of TBI | 0 | 3 |
4095 | 5 | 38 | 4095 1999 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH 36 (3): 299-312 Johar GV; Pham MT Relatedness, prominence, and constructive sponsor identification | 1 | 15 |
4096 | 32 | 67 | 4096 1999 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 40 (1): 1-24 Schacter DL; Israel L; Racine C Suppressing false recognition in younger and older adults: The distinctiveness heuristic | 107 | 107 |
4097 | 11 | 29 | 4097 1999 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 40 (1): 83-108 Sommers MS; Lewis BP Who really lives next door: Creating false memories with phonological neighbors | 20 | 28 |
4098 | 38 | 92 | 4098 1999 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 41 (2): 253-280 Mulligan NW; Stone M Attention and conceptual priming: Limits on the effects of divided attention in the category-exemplar production task | 6 | 9 |
4099 | 7 | 28 | 4099 1999 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 41 (3): 398-415 Guynn MJ; McDaniel MA Generate-sometimes recognize, sometimes not | 0 | 1 |
4100 | 19 | 155 | 4100 1999 JOURNAL OF MIND AND BEHAVIOR 20 (2): 117-132 Nachson I Self-deception in neurological syndromes | 0 | 0 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4101 | 1 | 51 | 4101 1999 JOURNAL OF NEGRO EDUCATION 68 (3): 382-396 Tredway L The art of juggling: Preparing preservice teachers for urban schools | 0 | 0 |
4102 | 14 | 46 | 4102 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY 66 (2): 148-154 Eustache F; Desgranges B; Laville P; Guillery B; Lalevee C; et al. Episodic memory in transient global amnesia: encoding, storage, or retrieval deficit | 6 | 11 |
4103 | 2 | 24 | 4103 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY 67 (1): 102-105 Yasuno F; Hirata M; Takimoto H; Taniguchi M; Nakagawa Y; et al. Retrograde temporal order amnesia resulting from damage to the fornix | 6 | 8 |
4104 | 1 | 31 | 4104 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 81 (6): 2956-2963 Apkarian AV; Darbar A; Krauss BR; Gelnar PA; Szeverenyi NM Differentiating cortical areas related to pain perception from stimulus identification: Temporal analysis of fMRI activity | 0 | 33 |
4105 | 3 | 84 | 4105 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 19 (4): 1437-1445 Otmakhova NA; Lisman JE Dopamine selectively inhibits the direct cortical pathway to the CA1 hippocampal region | 2 | 40 |
4106 | 42 | 72 | 4106 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 19 (10): 3962-3972 Henson RNA; Rugg MD; Shallice T; Josephs O; Dolan RJ Recollection and familiarity in recognition memory: An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study | 127 | 172 |
4107 | 4 | 41 | 4107 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 19 (14): 6183-6190 Guillou JL; Rose GM; Cooper DMF Differential activation of adenylyl cyclases by spatial and procedural learning | 1 | 16 |
4108 | 6 | 38 | 4108 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 19 (23): 10562-10574 Wiebe SP; Staubli UV Dynamic filtering of recognition memory codes in the hippocampus | 3 | 21 |
4109 | 5 | 21 | 4109 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 88 (2): 189-193 Ohl F; Michaelis T; Fujimori H; Frahm J; Rensing S; et al. Volumetric MRI measurements of the tree shrew hippocampus | 0 | 10 |
4110 | 2 | 44 | 4110 1999 JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 16 (2): 109-122 Dixon CE; Kochanek PM; Yan HQ; Schiding JK; Griffith RG; et al. One-year study of spatial memory performance, brain morphology, and cholinergic markers after moderate controlled cortical impact in rats | 0 | 52 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4111 | 1 | 22 | 4111 1999 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT 12 (5): 377-404 van der Bent J; Paauwe J; Williams R Organizational learning: an exploration of organizational memory and its role in organizational change processes | 0 | 0 |
4112 | 5 | 88 | 4112 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY 67 (1): 1-38 Schultheiss OC; Brunstein JC Goal imagery: Bridging the gap between implicit motives and explicit goals | 1 | 9 |
4113 | 15 | 90 | 4113 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 76 (2): 200-213 Macrae CN; Bodenhausen GV; Schloerscheidt AM; Milne AB Tales of the unexpected: Executive function and person perception | 7 | 20 |
4114 | 3 | 70 | 4114 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 76 (3): 498-510 Davis PJ Gender differences in autobiographical memory for childhood emotional experiences | 6 | 31 |
4115 | 17 | 132 | 4115 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 76 (4): 517-532 Sia TL; Lord CG; Blessum KA; Thomas JC; Lepper MR Activation of exemplars in the process of assessing social category attitudes | 0 | 5 |
4116 | 3 | 28 | 4116 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 76 (6): 877-892 Semin GR; Smith ER Revisiting the past and back to the future: Memory systems and the linguistic representation of social events | 3 | 12 |
4117 | 3 | 44 | 4117 1999 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 77 (3): 463-473 Macrae CN; MacLeod MD On recollections lost: When practice makes imperfect | 10 | 19 |
4118 | 7 | 92 | 4118 1999 JOURNAL OF PHONETICS 27 (4): 359-384 Johnson K; Strand EA; D'Imperio M Auditory-visual integration of talker gender in vowel perception | 0 | 5 |
4119 | 16 | 48 | 4119 1999 JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS 31 (12): 1601-1618 Giora R; Fein O On understanding familiar and less-familiar figurative language | 0 | 14 |
4120 | 5 | 43 | 4120 1999 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH 28 (1): 1-23 Johnson CJ; Giuliani IV Facilitation and inhibition in the superordinate and instance naming of pictures | 0 | 6 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4121 | 22 | 50 | 4121 1999 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 13 (1): 18-31 Mintzer MZ; Griffiths RR Selective effects of zolpidem on human memory functions | 0 | 12 |
4122 | 9 | 32 | 4122 1999 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 13 (4): 224-233 Jordan TR; Thomas SM Memory for normal and distorted pictures: Modulation of the ERP repetition effect | 0 | 0 |
4123 | 21 | 96 | 4123 1999 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 27 (2): 207-225 Monroe KB; Lee AY Remembering versus knowing: Issues in buyers' processing of price information | 2 | 23 |
4124 | 3 | 34 | 4124 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW 27 (1): 33-49 Husted JR Insight in severe mental illness: Implications for treatment decisions | 1 | 7 |
4125 | 2 | 28 | 4125 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW 27 (1): 101-113 Kirkish P; Sreenivasan S Neuropsychological assessment of competency to stand trial evaluations: A practical conceptual model | 0 | 4 |
4126 | 4 | 34 | 4126 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW 27 (3): 462-470 Beahrs JO Memory as power: Who is to decide? | 0 | 1 |
4127 | 3 | 72 | 4127 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION 47 (1): 153-186 Tuch RH The construction, reconstruction, and deconstruction of memory in the light of social cognition | 0 | 4 |
4128 | 16 | 144 | 4128 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION 47 (4): 1061-1106 Westen D The scientific status of unconscious processes: Is Freud really dead? | 8 | 20 |
4129 | 2 | 97 | 4129 1999 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH 93 (2): 167-197 Sherwood SJ Relationship between childhood hypnagogic, hypnopompic, and sleep experiences, childhood fantasy proneness, and anomalous experiences and beliefs: An exploratory WWW survey | 1 | 1 |
4130 | 2 | 20 | 4130 1999 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 5 (1): 41-47 Becker JT; Salthouse TA Neuropsychological test performance in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: Independent effects of diagnostic group on functioning | 1 | 5 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4131 | 37 | 66 | 4131 1999 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 5 (3): 175-190 Ostergaard AL Priming deficits in amnesia: Now you see them, now you don't | 10 | 12 |
4132 | 20 | 44 | 4132 1999 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 5 (5): 434-441 Jasiukaitis P; Fein G Differential association of HIV-related neuropsychological impairment with semantic versus repetition priming | 2 | 3 |
4133 | 6 | 45 | 4133 1999 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 5 (5): 462-471 Mattson SN; Riley EP Implicit and explicit memory functioning in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure | 1 | 27 |
4134 | 4 | 70 | 4134 1999 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 5 (7): 579-592 Marcotte TD; Heaton RK; Wolfson T; Taylor MJ; Alhassoon O; et al. The impact of HIV-related neuropsychological dysfunction on driving behavior | 3 | 12 |
4135 | 4 | 97 | 4135 1999 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 197 (1): 41-50 Dukas R Costs of memory: Ideas and predictions | 1 | 24 |
4136 | 10 | 71 | 4136 1999 JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS 12 (3): 437-453 Joseph S; Masterson J Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury: Are they mutually exclusive? | 1 | 6 |
4137 | 4 | 30 | 4137 1999 JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS 12 (3): 527-534 Stein MB; Hanna C; Vaerum V; Koverola C Memory functioning in adult women traumatized by childhood sexual abuse | 2 | 12 |
4138 | 7 | 24 | 4138 1999 JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS 12 (4): 559-569 Clancy SA; McNally RJ; Schacter DL Effects of guided imagery on memory distortion in women reporting recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse | 15 | 15 |
4139 | 5 | 71 | 4139 1999 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 54 (2): P75-P84 Park DC; Nisbett R; Hedden T Aging, culture, and cognition | 0 | 6 |
4140 | 17 | 48 | 4140 1999 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 54 (2): P100-P106 Zanetti O; Vallotti B; Frisoni GB; Geroldi C; Bianchetti A; et al. Insight in dementia: When does it occur? Evidence for a nonlinear relationship between insight and cognitive status | 0 | 3 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4141 | 6 | 52 | 4141 1999 LAW AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 23 (4): 397-412 Nestor PG; Daggett D; Haycock J; Price M Competence to stand trial: A neuropsychological inquiry | 0 | 2 |
4142 | 10 | 58 | 4142 1999 LAW AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 23 (5): 517-537 Porter S; Yuille JC; Lehman DR The nature of real, implanted, and fabricated memories for emotional childhood events: Implications for the recovered memory debate | 19 | 33 |
4143 | 11 | 37 | 4143 1999 M S-MEDECINE SCIENCES 15 (4): 467-474 Eustache F; Desgranges B; Baron JC The neural substrates of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease and normal aging: positron emission tomography studies | 6 | 8 |
4144 | 5 | 35 | 4144 1999 M S-MEDECINE SCIENCES 15 (4): 475-482 Mellet E; Petit L; Mazoyer B; Denis M; Tzourio N Brain imaging of mental imagery | 0 | 0 |
4145 | 1 | 10 | 4145 1999 M S-MEDECINE SCIENCES 15 (4): 515-518 Naccache L; Dehaene S Cerebral correlates of unconscious semantic priming | 0 | 0 |
4146 | 3 | 24 | 4146 1999 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE 42 (4): 631-635 Song AW; Mao H; Muthupillai R; Haist F; Dixon WT Segmented spin-echo pulses to increase fMRI signal: Repeated intrinsic diffusional enhancement | 1 | 1 |
4147 | 1 | 10 | 4147 1999 MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER-ASSISTED INTERVENTION, MICCAI'99, PROCEEDINGS 1679: 473-480 Tsai A; Fisher JW; Wible C; Wells WM; Kim J; et al. Analysis of functional MRI data using mutual information | 0 | 1 |
4148 | 2 | 31 | 4148 1999 MEDICINE SCIENCE AND THE LAW 39 (2): 105-112 Norfolk GA Physiological illnesses and their potential for influencing testimony | 0 | 1 |
4149 | 15 | 37 | 4149 1999 MEMORY 7 (2): 129-146 Dewhurst SA; Hitch GJ Cognitive effort and recollective experience in recognition memory | 4 | 7 |
4150 | 22 | 70 | 4150 1999 MEMORY 7 (2): 147-174 Carver LJ; Bauer PJ When the event is more than the sum of its parts: 9-month-olds' long-term ordered recall | 6 | 21 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4151 | 11 | 68 | 4151 1999 MEMORY 7 (2): 233-256 Toglia MP; Neuschatz JS; Goodwin KA Recall accuracy and illusory memories: When more is less | 41 | 52 |
4152 | 2 | 15 | 4152 1999 MEMORY 7 (3): 279-292 Eacott MJ; Crawley RA Childhood amnesia: On answering questions about very early life events | 1 | 5 |
4153 | 19 | 28 | 4153 1999 MEMORY 7 (3): 323-343 Gooding PA; Mayes AR; van Eijk R; Meudell PR; MacDonald FL Do novel associative word stem completion and cued recall share the same memory retrieval processes? | 2 | 3 |
4154 | 30 | 44 | 4154 1999 MEMORY 7 (4): 385-404 Kinoshita S Priming for novel associations: Evidence for an attentional component | 2 | 2 |
4155 | 3 | 35 | 4155 1999 MEMORY 7 (4): 439-460 Crawley RA; Eacott MJ Memory for early life events: Consistency of retrieval of memories over a one-year interval | 0 | 1 |
4156 | 12 | 83 | 4156 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 523-548 McIntosh AR Mapping cognition to the brain through neural interactions | 14 | 56 |
4157 | 26 | 142 | 4157 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 561-583 Markowitsch HJ Functional neuroimaging correlates of functional amnesia | 7 | 12 |
4158 | 29 | 51 | 4158 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 585-597 Nyberg L Imaging episodic memory: Implications for cognitive theories and phenomena | 2 | 2 |
4159 | 45 | 102 | 4159 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 613-659 Mayes AR; Montaldi D The neuroimaging of long-term memory encoding processes | 9 | 12 |
4160 | 23 | 55 | 4160 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 661-678 McDermott KB; Ojemann JG; Petersen SE; Ollinger JM; Snyder AZ; et al. Direct comparison of episodic encoding and retrieval of words: An event-related fMRI study | 17 | 31 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4161 | 18 | 58 | 4161 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 679-702 Conway MA; Turk DJ; Miller SL; Logan J; Nebes RD; et al. A positron emission tomography (PET) study of autobiographical memory retrieval | 21 | 39 |
4162 | 12 | 42 | 4162 1999 MEMORY 7 (5-6): 715-732 Foster JK; Meikle A; Goodson G; Mayes AR; Howard M; et al. The hippocampus and delayed recall: Bigger is not necessarily better? | 2 | 9 |
4163 | 12 | 52 | 4163 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (1): 1-11 Rueckl JG; Mathew S Implicit memory for phonological processes in visual stem completion | 7 | 12 |
4164 | 45 | 70 | 4164 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (1): 12-25 Postle BR; Corkin S Manipulation of familiarity reveals a necessary lexical component of the word-stem completion priming effect | 7 | 7 |
4165 | 8 | 31 | 4165 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (1): 116-127 Sciama SC; Semenza C; Butterworth B Repetition priming in simple addition depends on surface form and typicality | 0 | 2 |
4166 | 3 | 32 | 4166 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (1): 139-151 Cabeza R; Bruce V; Kato T; Oda M The prototype effect in face recognition: Extension and limits | 1 | 9 |
4167 | 23 | 36 | 4167 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (2): 208-219 Brooks JO; Gibson JM; Friedman L; Yesavage JA How to drastically reduce priming in word stem completion and still present the words | 2 | 3 |
4168 | 19 | 41 | 4168 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (2): 267-275 Crabb BT; Dark VJ Perceptual implicit memory requires attentional encoding | 7 | 14 |
4169 | 25 | 64 | 4169 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (2): 328-338 Goldinger SD; Kleider HM; Shelley E The marriage of perception and memory: Creating two-way illusions with words and voices | 4 | 10 |
4170 | 8 | 48 | 4170 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (3): 478-493 Koutstaal W; Schacter DL; Johnson MK; Galluccio L Facilitation and impairment of event memory produced by photograph review | 13 | 13 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4171 | 12 | 20 | 4171 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (3): 494-500 Stadler MA; Roediger HL; McDermot KB Norms for word lists that create false memories | 53 | 64 |
4172 | 35 | 55 | 4172 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (3): 501-511 Reber PJ; Squire LR Relaxing decision criteria does not improve recognition memory in amnesic patients | 5 | 5 |
4173 | 50 | 82 | 4173 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (3): 512-525 Schmitter-Edgecombe M Effects of divided attention on perceptual and conceptual memory tests: An analysis using a process-dissociation approach | 12 | 15 |
4174 | 11 | 72 | 4174 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (3): 538-552 Searcy JH; Bartlett JC; Memon A Age differences in accuracy and choosing in eyewitness identification and face recognition | 8 | 20 |
4175 | 18 | 45 | 4175 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (4): 619-632 McKone E; Trynes K Acquisition of novel traces in short-term implicit memory: Priming for nonwords and new associations | 2 | 3 |
4176 | 28 | 41 | 4176 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (4): 633-647 Mulligan NW; Guyer PS; Beland A The effects of levels-of-processing and organization on conceptual implicit memory in the category exemplar production test | 10 | 16 |
4177 | 14 | 46 | 4177 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (4): 648-656 Jurica PJ; Shimamura AP Monitoring item and source information: Evidence for a negative generation effect in source memory | 4 | 16 |
4178 | 1 | 34 | 4178 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (4): 674-684 Lotto L; Job R; Rumiati R Visual effects in picture and word categorization | 0 | 3 |
4179 | 6 | 33 | 4179 1999 MEMORY & COGNITION 27 (6): 937-947 Bergman ET; Roediger HL Can Bartlett's repeated reproduction experiments be replicated? | 0 | 6 |
4180 | 5 | 20 | 4180 1999 METHODS AND FINDINGS IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 21 (7): 511-514 Yasuno F; Nishikawa T; Tokunaga H; Nakagawa Y; Ikejiri Y; et al. Perception and conception: Separate memory systems in the medial temporal lobe | 0 | 1 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4181 | 8 | 58 | 4181 1999 MIND & LANGUAGE 14 (2): 227-251 Hoerl C Memory, amnesia and the past | 0 | 1 |
4182 | 3 | 27 | 4182 1999 MIND & LANGUAGE 14 (2): 252-262 McCormack T Temporal concepts and episodic memory: A response to Hoerl | 0 | 0 |
4183 | 18 | 36 | 4183 1999 MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 4 (6): 508-511 Strange BA; Dolan RJ Functional segregation within the human hippocampus | 2 | 2 |
4184 | 14 | 29 | 4184 1999 NATURE 400 (6745): 671-675 Bontempi B; Laurent-Demir C; Destrade C; Jaffard R Time-dependent reorganization of brain circuitry underlying long-term memory storage | 21 | 103 |
4185 | 9 | 48 | 4185 1999 NATURE 402 (6762): 610-614 Hampson RE; Simeral JD; Deadwyler SA Distribution of spatial and nonspatial information in dorsal hippocampus | 6 | 74 |
4186 | 23 | 55 | 4186 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (4): 311-314 Buckner RL; Kelley WH; Petersen SE Frontal cortex contributes to human memory formation | 63 | 91 |
4187 | 6 | 35 | 4187 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (6): 568-573 Gauthier I; Tarr MJ; Anderson AW; Skudlarski P; Gore JC Activation of the middle fusiform 'face area' increases with expertise in recognizing novel objects | 31 | 179 |
4188 | 11 | 50 | 4188 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (6): 574-580 George N; Dolan RJ; Fink GR; Baylis GC; Russell C; et al. Contrast polarity and face recognition in the human fusiform gyrus | 24 | 70 |
4189 | 13 | 49 | 4189 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (7): 677-681 Schnider A; Ptak R Spontaneous confabulators fail to suppress currently irrelevant memory traces | 16 | 33 |
4190 | 8 | 15 | 4190 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (9): 775-776 Eichenbaum H Conscious awareness, memory and the hippocampus | 9 | 21 |
# | LCR | NCR | Nodes / Date / Journal / Authors | LCS | GCS |
4191 | 15 | 34 | 4191 1999 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2 (9): 844-847 Chun MM; Phelps EA Memory deficits for implicit contextual information in amnesic subjects with hippocampal damage | 41 | 77 |
4192 | 5 | 42 | 4192 1999 NERVENARZT 70 (9): 842-846 Modestin J; Abelovsky M Childhood sexual abuse, false memory syndrome and Chorea Huntington | 0 | 0 |
4193 | 6 | 47 | 4193 1999 NEUROCASE 5 (1): 37-46 Clare L; Wilson BA; Breen K; Hodges JR Errorless learning of face-name associations in early Alzheimer's disease | 14 | 31 |
4194 | 5 | 31 | 4194 1999 NEUROCASE 5 (1): 59-+ Dalla Barba G; Bartolomeo P; Ergis AM; Boisse MF; Bachoud-Levi AC Awareness of anosognosia following head trauma | 0 | 1 |
4195 | 11 | 73 | 4195 1999 NEUROCASE 5 (3): 251-262 Box O; Laing H; Kopelman M The evolution of spontaneous confabulation, delusional misidentification and a related delusion in a case of severe head injury | 2 | 5 |
4196 | 19 | 80 | 4196 1999 NEUROCASE 5 (3): 263-275 Levine B; Freedman M; Dawson D; Black S; Stuss DT Ventral frontal contribution to self-regulation: Convergence of episodic memory and inhibition | 6 | 18 |
4197 | 6 | 60 | 4197 1999 NEUROCASE 5 (6): 519-532 Humphreys GW; Riddoch MJ Impaired development of semantic memory: Separating semantic from structural knowledge and diagnosing a role for action in establishing stored memories for objects | 0 | 8 |
4198 | 2 | 30 | 4198 1999 NEUROIMAGE 9 (3): 337-342 Fletcher P; McKenna PJ; Friston KJ; Frith CD; Dolan RJ Abnormal cingulate modulation of fronto-temporal connectivity in schizophrenia | 7 | 60 |
4199 | 6 | 55 | 4199 1999 NEUROIMAGE 9 (5): 516-525 Mummery CJ; Shallice T; Price CJ Dual-process model in semantic priming: A functional imaging perspective | 22 | 37 |
4200 | 11 | 56 | 4200 1999 NEUROIMAGE 9 (6): 599-610 Kuskowski MA; Pardo JV The role of the fusiform gyrus in successful encoding of face stimuli | 8 | 26 |
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