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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
6 January 2009
Records: 434, Authors: 595, Journals: 121, Cited References: 11633, Words: 1178, Tags: 2
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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401Klitkou A100
402Kosinski M100
403Kostoff RN200
404Krauskopf E100
405Krauskopf M100
406Kristapsons J100
408Kuhlmann S100
409Kuntze J100
410Kurian P102
411Kuusi O100
412Lakhtakia A102
413Landoni P100
415Lannes D103
416Lariviere V100
417Larsen K200
418Lasch F100
419Lascurain-Sanchez ML100
420Lau CGY200
421Lee JR100
422Lee LL200
424Liben-Nowell D101
425Lin MH100
426Lin SC100
427Liu ZY200
428Lopez-Huertas MJ100
429Lorigo L102
430Luan CJ100
431Lucio-Arias D201
432Lundberg J100
433Lundkvist I100
435Maehr E100
436Maini S100
437Markusova VA103
438Marshall B106
439Martin M105
440Mattsson P100
441Mayrand SH100
442McDonald D106
443McMahon SM1010
444McMillan GS201
445Meeus MTH101
446Meho LI1010
447Mela GS109
448Mendez B100
449Merelo JJ100
450Miettunen J101
451Miguel S200
452Miller AR100
453Miller KH1010
454Mogoutov A104
455Mombru AW100
456Moore M103
457Moreno L100
458Munshi D102
459MYERS LA1011
460Navarro A105
461Ngiam M100
462Nilsson A202
463Noyons ECM100
464Nozawa T100
465Nygaard S100
466Oerlemans LAG101
467Olmstead L100
468Onodera N102
469Oppenheim C100
470Orive JID101
471Ortiz-Rivera L100
472Osterhage A100
473Paniagua F100
474Pellacini F102
475Perakakis P1012
476Pettersson I102
477Philipson J101
478Pierce ME100
479Pilkington A202
480Pond R100
481Pontille D101
482Porter AL100
483Pratt JA100
485Probost M100
486Pulgarin A100
487Racherla P100
488Radosevic S203
489Ramakrishna S100
490Ramanana-Rahary S100
491Reader DM100
492Rico AM105
493Rio FG101
494Rios-Gomez C100
495Risch T100
496Rivellini G100
497Rizzi E100
498Roa-Atkinson A100
499Robinson S100
500Rodriguez V101
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