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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
6 January 2009
Records: 434, Authors: 595, Journals: 121, Cited References: 11633, Words: 1178, Tags: 2
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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401Zurian JCV101
402Ajiferuke I200
403Alencar MSM100
404Altvater-Mackensen N100
405Anttila ST100
406Antunes AMS100
407Anuradha KT100
408Arroyo-Alonso A100
409Arunachalam S100
410Balicki G100
411Barden EM100
412Barth RB200
413Bartkowski A100
414Benore-Parsons M100
415Bestakowa L100
416Bocatius B100
417Bonaccorsi A100
418Braun J100
419Brehmer L100
420BROADY D100
421Brommels M100
422Bruna EM100
423Brune V100
424Buter RK100
425Calliess IT100
426Chan CK300
427Chen LK100
428Chen TJ100
429Choi JY100
430Chou LF100
431Cole FTH100
432Costas R100
433Cotta C100
435Davis M100
436De Filippo D100
438Dore C100
439Egghe L100
440Eigemeier K100
441Ejermo O100
442Elias SC100
443Elmqvist N100
444Erdem F100
445Etemad S100
446Fekete JD100
447Fox GC100
448Franks S100
449Frederiksen LF100
450Fritscher R100
452Gedina K100
453Gerber SI100
454Gil-Leiva I100
455Goldstein ML100
456Goodell H100
457Gora Z100
458Harirchi G100
459Harries G100
460Hauser K100
461Heinze T100
462Hellgardt K100
463Henry N100
464Hessels LK100
465Ho YP100
466Hou HY200
467Hu C100
468Hwang SJ100
469Iribarren-Maestro I100
470Ivanisevic R100
471Jacobs A100
472Jang YC100
473Jarneing B100
475Karlsson C100
476Klingsporn B100
477Klitkou A100
478Kosinski M100
479Kostoff RN200
480Krauskopf E100
481Krauskopf M100
482Kretschmer U210
483Kristapsons J100
484Kuhlmann S100
485Kuntze J100
486Kuusi O100
487Landoni P100
488Lariviere V100
489Larsen K200
490Lasch F100
491Lascurain-Sanchez ML100
492Lau CGY200
493Lee JR100
494Lee LL200
495Lin MH100
496Lin SC100
497Liu ZY200
498Lopez-Huertas MJ100
499Luan CJ100
500Lundberg J100
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