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Use [Browse...] to select a file with bibliography data:
Use wildcard '*' to add more than one file at a time. For example, if you have file1, file2, etc. all in the same folder or directory; first, locate one of the files with the [Browse...] button. Then alter the file path in the box above to include '*' character (eg. file*). Wildcard '?' to blanket only one character works too.
Note: In Windows you can select multiple files and "drag and drop" them onto HistCite icon or shortcut. The program would start and load those files.
6 January 2009
Records: 434, Authors: 595, Journals: 121, Cited References: 11633, Words: 1178, Tags: 2
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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301Valdes CC123
302Velloso A103
303VLACHY J113
304Wang Y123
305Wu YS123
306Zador E103
307Zsindely S103
308Anegon FD102
309Bartlett RV102
310Bourgine P102
311Brunn SD112
312Chompalov I102
313Contreras EJ102
314Corrochano MD102
315Dodgson M102
316Eom S112
317Gauffriau M312
318Genest C102
319Goldberg AI112
320Helander E102
321Hjorth D122
322Kim KW112
323Kundra R122
324Kurian P102
325Lakhtakia A102
326Larsen PO312
327Lorigo L102
328Maye I312
329Munshi D102
330Nilsson A202
331O'Lear SR112
332Oigenblick L112
333Onodera N102
334Pellacini F102
335Pettersson I102
336Pilkington A202
337Rogers JD102
338Roth C102
339Roulin-Perriard A312
340Rubin AHE112
341Sandstrom A102
342Teichert T102
343Thibault C102
345von Ins M312
346Arroyo AA101
347Auriol L101
348Benavent RA101
349Bengisu M101
350Bornmann L101
351Carpenter J101
352Casey DL101
353Daniel HD101
354Debackere K101
355Eichler M101
356Eto HJ101
357Frankish CJ101
358Gaskell J101
359Glaser J101
360Granstrand O111
361Guo HN101
362Hage J101
363Hansson J101
364Hoffmann U111
366Hwang K101
367Inkinen T101
368Jacobsson S101
369Jimenez-Contreras E101
370Jirina M111
371Katsouyanni K101
372Kleinberg J101
373Kretschmer H421
374Kretschmer T421
375Larsen B111
376Liben-Nowell D101
377Lin X111
378Lucio-Arias D201
379McCain K111
380McMillan GS201
381Meeus MTH101
382Miettunen J101
383Oerlemans LAG101
384Orive JID101
385Pereira TS111
386Philipson J101
387Pontille D101
388Rio FG101
390Rodriguez V101
391Rucker G101
393Schumacher M101
394Serrano SJV101
395Toni F111
396Velho L311
397von Ungern-Sternberg S101
398White H111
400Zhang HQ201
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