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Wed Oct 5 10:27:35 2005
Publications by KM Murphy
and the citing papers

Nodes: 2662, Authors: 3146, Journals: 494, Outer References: 70841, Words: 3838
Collection span: 1981 - 2005
View: Overview. Sorted by GCS. Page 27 of 27:  1   11  [  21  22  23  24  25  26  27 ]

#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
260113312598 2005 JOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS 23 (3): 609-648
Beaudry P; Green DA
Changes in U.S. wages, 1976-2000: Ongoing skill bias or major technological change?
26023262599 2005 JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS 48 (1): 215-234
Conlin M; Dickert-Conlin S; Pepper J
The effect of alcohol prohibition on illicit-drug-related crimes
26036382600 2005 JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS 27 (2): 233-255
Huang HC
Diverging evidence of convergence hypothesis
26042202601 2005 JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS 27 (2): 363-+
Morand OF
Inequality, mobility, and the transmission of ability (vol 26, pg 533, 2005)
26053722602 2005 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES 42 (1): 161-182
Wan WP
Country resource environments, firm capabilities, and corporate diversification strategies
260610702603 2005 JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING 37 (1): 147-177
Howitt P; Mayer-Foulkes D
R&D, implementation, and stagnation: A schumpeterian theory of convergence clubs
26072472604 2005 JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT 24 (2): 273-295
Page ME; Spetz J; Millar J
Does the minimum wage affect welfare caseloads?
26085432605 2005 JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING 27 (2): 143-156
Hondroyiannis G; Papapetrou E
Fertility and output in Europe: new evidence from panel cointegration analysis
26093242606 2005 JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING 27 (2): 231-247
Grimm M
Educational policies and poverty reduction in Cote d'Ivoire
26103352607 2005 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 113 (1): 151-184
Altonji JG; Elder TE; Taber CR
Selection on observed and unobserved variables: Assessing the effectiveness of Catholic schools
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26110122608 2005 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 113 (2): 282-310
Becker GS; Murphy KM; Werning IN
The equilibrium distribution of income and the market for status
26125182609 2005 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 113 (2): 425-461
Teulings CN
Comparative advantage, relative wages, and the accumulation of human capital
26131212611 2005 JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 18 (1): 41-67
Kim J
Sex selection and fertility in a dynamic model of conception and abortion
26141192612 2005 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 89 (2-3): 465-485
Rojas JA
Life-cycle earnings, cohort size effects and social security: a quantitative exploration
261514452613 2005 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 89 (5-6): 841-870
Hendel I; Shapiro J; Willen P
Educational opportunity and income inequality
26167422614 2005 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 89 (5-6): 1075-1095
Alders P; Broer DP
Ageing, fertility, and growth
26172512615 2005 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 89 (5-6): 1097-1129
Liu WF; Turnovsky SJ
Consumption externalities, production externalities, and long-run macroeconomic efficiency
26184572616 2005 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 89 (9-10): 1665-1697
Cox D; Stark O
On the demand for grandchildren: tied transfers and the demonstration effect
26198242617 2005 JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY 31 (1): 5-21
Hersch J
Smoking restrictions as a self-control mechanism
26203722618 2005 KYKLOS 58 (2): 239-264
Viability, economic transition and reflection on neoclassical economics
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26214862619 2005 KYKLOS 58 (3): 353-377
Bianchi M; Henrekson M
Is neoclassical economics still entrepreneurless?
26226292620 2005 LABOUR ECONOMICS 12 (1): 73-97
Kunze A
The evolution of the gender wage gap
262318352621 2005 LABOUR ECONOMICS 12 (2): 169-189
Gould ED
Inequality and ability
26245412622 2005 LABOUR ECONOMICS 12 (3): 345-377
Davis SJ; Henrekson M
Wage-setting institutions as industrial policy
26252752623 2005 LAND ECONOMICS 81 (2): 265-283
Carter DW; Milon JW
Price knowledge in household demand for utility services
262691512624 2005 MANCHESTER SCHOOL 73 (4): 435-478
Temple J
Dual economy models: A primer for growth economists
26273162625 2005 MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES 49 (3): 273-293
Gavrila C; Feichtinger G; Tragler G; Hartl RF; Kort PM
History-dependence in a rational addiction model
26282252626 2005 MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR 11 (8): RA253-RA256
Ortendahl M; Fries JF
Framing health messages based on anomalies in time preference
262922472627 2005 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 103 (8): 2020-2072
Beebe B
Search and persuasion in trade mark law
263042462628 2005 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 89 (3): 743-847
Meese AJ
Monopolization, exclusion, and the theory of the firm
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26311382629 2005 MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW 128 (2): 48-58
Frazis HJ; Spletzer JR
Worker training: what we've learned from the NLSY79
26321112630 2005 NATIONAL TAX JOURNAL 58 (2): 215-225
Dye RF; McGuire TJ; McMillen DP
Are property tax limitations more binding over time?
26331652631 2005 ORGANIZATION STUDIES 26 (5): 661-681
Zarraga C; Bonache J
The impact of team atmosphere on knowledge outcomes in self-managed teams
2634152632 2005 PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 48 (1): S176-S194
Murphy KM; Topel RH
Black-white differences in the economic value of improving health
26355852633 2005 POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES 17 (1): 47-82
Feldmann H
Labour market institutions and labour market performance in transition countries
26364532634 2005 PREVENTION SCIENCE 6 (1): 1-19
Johnston LD; Terry-McElrath YM; O'Malley PM; Wakefield M
Trends in recall and appraisal of anti-smoking advertising among American youth: National survey results, 1997-2001
26371522635 2005 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW 65 (2): 191-202
Simeone R; Carnevale J; Millar A
A systems approach to performance-based management: The National Drug Control Strategy
26383502637 2005 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 120 (2): 517-549
Jones CI
The shape of production functions and the direction of technical change
26391132638 2005 REGIONAL STUDIES 39 (4): 519-539
Elliott RF; Bell D; Scott A; Ma A; Roberts E
Devolved government and public sector pay reform: Considerations of equity and efficiency
26402382639 2005 RESEARCH POLICY 34 (3): 259-285
Adams JD; Black GC; Clemmons JR; Stephan PE
Scientific teams and institutional collaborations: Evidence from US universities, 1981-1999
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26411242640 2005 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 72 (1): 247-268
Turner M; Weninger Q
Meetings with costly participation: An empirical analysis
26422232641 2005 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 72 (3): 651-664
Boldrin M; Montes A
The intergenerational state education and pensions
26439252642 2005 REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 87 (1): 184-193
Blau FD; Kahn LM
Do cognitive test scores explain higher US wage inequality?
264416392643 2005 REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 87 (2): 285-298
Xiang C
New goods and the relative demand for skilled labor
26454142644 2005 REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH (2): 231-254
Gottschalk P; Danziger S
Inequality of wage rates, earnings and family income in the United States, 1975-2002
26461162645 2005 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 27 (1): 17-34
Brown K; Cavazos R
Why is this show so dumb? Advertising revenue and program content of network television
26471322646 2005 REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS 141 (1): 79-103
Fink C; Javorcik BS; Spatareanu M
Income-related biases in international trade: What do trademark registration data tell us?
26482262647 2005 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 24 (2): 131-142
Rosti L; Chelli F
Gender discrimination, entrepreneurial talent and self-employment
26492432648 2005 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 24 (3): 233-247
Arenius P; Minniti M
Perceptual variables and nascent entrepreneurship
26501742649 2005 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 25 (1): 83-96
Meijaard J; Brand MJ; Mosselman M
Organizational structure and performance in dutch small firms
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26511452650 2005 SOCIAL POLITICS 12 (2): 216-242
Iversen T; Rosenbluth F; Soskice D
Divorce and the gender division of labor in comparative perspective
26526722651 2005 SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH 34 (1): 44-79
Hauser SM; Xie Y
Temporal and regional variation in earnings inequality: urban China in transition between 1988 and 1995
26532302652 2005 SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH 34 (1): 3-30
Scott MA; Handcock MS
Persistent inequality? Answers from hybrid models for longitudinal data
26542242653 2005 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 73 (1): 149-169
Gritzman S
Is AIDS a rational disease? Some evidence from household data
2655101442654 2005 THEORY AND SOCIETY 34 (3): 277-316
Korzeniewicz RP; Moran TP
Theorizing the relationship between inequality and economic growth
26561382655 2005 TOBACCO CONTROL 14: II8-II13
Chapman S; Liberman J
Ensuring smokers are adequately informed: reflections on consumer rights, manufacturer responsibilities, and policy implications
26574232657 2005 TOBACCO CONTROL 14: I71-I75
Lee JM; Liao DS; Ye CY; Liao WZ
Effect of cigarette tax increase on cigarette consumption in Taiwan
26585342658 2005 TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO 72 (285): 133-178
Gonzalez LM
Local labor markets and wage inequality in Mexico
26597432659 2005 URBAN STUDIES 42 (4): 695-717
Stoll MA
Geographical skills mismatch, job search and race
26603302660 2005 URBAN STUDIES 42 (9): 1609-1620
Drennan MP
Possible sources of wage divergence among metropolitan areas of the United States
#LCRNCRNode / Date / Journal / AuthorLCSGCS
26613892661 2005 WORK AND OCCUPATIONS 32 (1): 66-94
Handel MJ
Trends in perceived job quality, 1989 to 1998
26623272662 2005 WORLD ECONOMY 28 (7): 1005-1028
Herrera AM; Lora E
Why so small? Explaining the size of firms in Latin America

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