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12 January 2012
Records: 20228, Authors: 21511, Journals: 3479, Cited References: 693096, Words: 14485
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
2Columbia Univ1008383107
3Univ Wisconsin1005213688
4Harvard Univ892803757
5Univ Illinois832531513
6Univ Chicago802322281
7Univ Michigan762432915
8Penn State Univ741431022
9Univ Calif Berkeley682903302
10Univ Texas661401051
11Stanford Univ654064994
12Indiana Univ624292272
13Univ N Carolina6295773
14Northwestern Univ57127867
15Cornell Univ522662751
16UNIV CALIF521871010
17Univ Penn511811494
18Univ Maryland5070985
19Univ Washington501251228
20Inst Sci Informat487054
21Univ Calif Los Angeles472121190
22Univ Minnesota47831113
23Ohio State Univ4660879
24Indiana Univ, Dept Sociol452811647
25Michigan State Univ4572918
26Yale Univ452111122
27Rutgers State Univ4292726
28Harvard Univ, Sch Med411171088
30Washington State Univ412141146
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
31Univ Massachusetts391111133
32Univ Pittsburgh38159598
33Duke Univ3749421
34Princeton Univ371811419
35Univ Missouri3783405
36Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci35108638
37SUNY Buffalo3437669
38Univ So Calif3339308
39Univ Wisconsin, Dept Sociol331541684
40SUNY Albany3298743
41Univ Georgia3244333
42Univ Penn, Wharton Sch32661007
43MIT, Alfred P Sloan Sch Management311381656
44Univ Connecticut3152726
46Washington State Univ, Dept Sociol30120547
47Columbia Univ, Dept Sociol292441391
48Ohio State Univ, Dept Sociol29119738
49Temple Univ2953914
50Univ Chicago, Dept Sociol291821952
51Univ Toronto, Toronto2950629
52Univ Michigan, Inst Social Res2852702
53Purdue Univ2746797
54Arizona State Univ2627458
55Harvard Univ, Sch Business2642860
57Princeton Univ, Dept Sociol261601741
59Texas A&M Univ2653412
60Univ Nebraska2644304
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
61Hebrew Univ Jerusalem2546321
62Univ Illinois, Dept Sociol25147704
63Univ Iowa2553466
64Virginia Polytech Inst & State Univ2555311
65So Illinois Univ2468334
66Univ Cincinnati2451403
67Cornell Univ, Dept Sociol2386708
68Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Publ Policy2379449
69SUNY Albany, Dept Sociol232331067
70Univ Calif San Diego2347908
71Univ Chicago, Grad Sch Business231361953
72Univ Minnesota, Dept Sociol2356548
73Univ Virginia2322397
74Vanderbilt Univ2385678
75Washington Univ2358694
76Penn State Univ, Dept Sociol2250548
77Univ Kansas2221169
78Univ Kentucky2247410
79Univ Oregon2233418
80Emory Univ21188564
81NYU, Dept Sociol2138318
82Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Sociol2134482
83Univ Notre Dame2156391
84Georgia State Univ2030394
85Harvard Univ, Dept Sociol20123899
86Louisiana State Univ2020155
87N Carolina State Univ2018477
88Northwestern Univ, Dept Sociol2045373
89Univ Alberta, Edmonton2027226
90Univ Arizona2089589
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
91Univ Florida2042288
92Univ N Carolina, Dept Sociol2067528
93Univ Oslo202087
94Virginia Polytech Inst & State Univ, Dept Sociol2060238
95Boston Univ1931733
96Case Western Reserve Univ1970567
97MIT, Sloan Sch Management1974629
98Rutgers State Univ, Dept Sociol1919175
99Yale Univ, Sch Med1921449
100Florida State Univ1835347
101Stanford Univ, Grad Sch Business182453038
102Tel Aviv Univ1812247
103Univ Delaware1842114
104Univ Nevada1829128
105Univ Penn, Dept Sociol1849232
108Harvard Univ, John F Kennedy Sch Govt1711199
109Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies1763276
110Northeastern Univ1735152
111Stanford Univ, Dept Sociol1771461
112SUNY Stony Brook1750255
113SUNY Stony Brook, Dept Sociol172414195
114Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Sociol1761559
115Univ Calif Irvine, Dept Sociol1713201
116Univ Colorado1752383
117Univ Colorado, Dept Sociol1732379
118Univ Iowa, Dept Sociol1750396
119Univ Michigan, Dept Sociol17117771
120Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Sociol1736176
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
121Univ Texas, Dept Sociol1779446
122Univ Washington, Dept Sociol1775614
123Brandeis Univ1624238
124Johns Hopkins Univ1635274
125Louisiana State Univ, Dept Sociol1660276
126Tulane Univ1629115
127Univ Alberta, Dept Sociol161392
128Univ Calgary, Calgary1613115
129Univ Calif Davis1628492
130Univ Oklahoma1621198
131Univ S Carolina1632459
132Columbia Univ, Grad Sch Business1528760
133Columbia Univ, Sch Publ Hlth1537916
134CUNY, Grad Ctr153135
135Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Dept Sociol & Anthropol1533340
136Northwestern Univ, JL Kellogg Grad Sch Management1579873
137Portland State Univ15396
138Syracuse Univ1532188
139Univ Calif Santa Barbara1536218
140Univ Maryland, Dept Sociol1516165
141Univ Wisconsin, Dept Rural Sociol1551407
142Bowling Green State Univ1423221
143Columbia Univ, Mailman Sch Publ Hlth1410540
144Columbia Univ, Teachers Coll1424143
145George Washington Univ14368
146McGill Univ, Montreal1453259
147Univ Hawaii14957
148Univ London London Sch Econ & Polit Sci1423250
149Univ Missouri, Dept Sociol1410104
150Univ S Florida1457123
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