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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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1Brookhaven Natl Lab6215222130
2Yale Univ54276970
3Med Univ S Carolina434662500
4Natl Inst Drug Abuse423471212
5Harvard Univ40106664
6Univ Cambridge383522235
9Univ Pittsburgh2898462
10SUNY Stony Brook26370739
11Univ Amsterdam25102385
12Univ Granada24134338
13Univ Penn21108455
14Univ Melbourne20104265
15Univ Iowa18220783
16Univ Minnesota1830272
17Univ So Calif18168596
18Columbia Univ1759224
20Univ Calif Los Angeles17136541
21Univ Calif San Diego1750144
22Wake Forest Univ1637211
23Kings Coll London1560124
24Trinity Coll Dublin15137267
25Univ Illinois1528197
27Univ Michigan1457180
28Univ Toronto1349224
29Chinese Acad Sci122050
30Mt Sinai Sch Med125189
31Univ Heidelberg121128
32Johns Hopkins Univ11105401
33Scripps Res Inst1137289
34McGill Univ1025144
35Nathan S Kline Inst Psychiat Res103589
37Univ Sydney10851
38Uppsala Univ10587
39Massachusetts Gen Hosp917108
40McLean Hosp917140
41Med Coll Wisconsin9164348
42Rosalind Franklin Univ Med & Sci92690
43Univ British Columbia91163
44Univ Florida91263
45Univ Montreal98143
46Vrije Univ Amsterdam952199
47Amsterdam Inst Addict Res81178
48Baylor Coll Med81050
49Columbia Univ Coll Phys & Surg822122
50Erasmus Univ81770
51Univ Calif Irvine888404
52Univ Calif San Francisco8669
53Univ New Mexico8133
54Univ Oxford813137
55Ctr Addict & Mental Hlth723131
56Duke Univ73117
57Emory Univ744135
58Indiana Univ72894
59Karolinska Inst7240
60New York State Psychiat Inst & Hosp752193
61Polish Acad Sci7638
62Univ Bristol7686
63Univ Maryland724116
64Univ Missouri71568
65Univ N Carolina7689
66Univ Queensland744104
67Boston Univ6644
68Brown Univ61692
69Fourth Mil Med Univ61119
71Inst Psychiat6756
72Oregon Hlth Sci Univ6145253
73Peking Univ6847
74Seoul Natl Univ6967
75Univ Colorado6626
76Univ Geneva61946
77Univ Helsinki6522
78Univ Kentucky6360
79Univ Liverpool61571
80Univ Texas621171
81Vanderbilt Univ6579
82Xidian Univ61119
83Albert Einstein Coll Med5356
85Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau513
86Leiden Univ550222
87Maastricht Univ5931
88Municipal Hosp Bremen52077
89Nagoya Univ5545
90Stanford Univ510180
91Suny Downstate Med Ctr515134
92Univ Chicago5450
93Univ Hosp5752
94Univ Nijmegen52077
95Univ Nottingham5312
96Univ Sao Paulo539
97Univ Sussex547
98Univ Wisconsin538309
100Washington Univ5135
101Wayne State Univ51338
102Arizona State Univ4114
103Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr41981
104Cent Inst Mental Hlth4329
105Free Univ Brussels41945
106GlaxoSmithKline Inc4411
107Inst Municipal Invest Med456269
108Jesse Brown VA Med Ctr427
110ORYGEN Res Ctr42165
111Queens Univ4527
112Stockton State Coll41154
113SUNY Coll Old Westbury49143
114Tech Univ Dresden4610
115Tohoku Univ4318
116Univ Autonoma Barcelona412140
117Univ Barcelona4120
118Univ Bonn4463
119Univ Calif Davis485137
120Univ Connecticut4640
121Univ Dublin Trinity Coll4102193
122Univ E London4539
123Univ Gottingen410209
124Univ Hawaii45671
125Univ Jaume 14673
126Univ Liege4010
127Univ London41560
128Univ London Goldsmiths Coll41048
129Univ Med Berlin4770
130Univ Munich4758
131Univ Oregon4272
132Univ Paris 054359
133Univ Paris 114114
134Univ Paris Sud4249
135Univ Texas Austin4131
136Univ Utrecht437226
137Virginia Commonwealth Univ4012
139Cent S Univ3817
140Charite Univ Med Berlin3560
142Ctr Neural Basis Cognit354140
143Dartmouth Coll313
144Eli Lilly & Co3315
145Griffith Univ337230
146Hadassah Hosp Ein Kerem3257
147Hop Univ Paul Brousse3248
148Hosp Ramon & Cajal300
149Max Planck Inst Psychiat3318
150Mind Res Network301
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