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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguage | Institution | Institution with SubdivisionCountry
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451Dist Hosp Luzern111
452Div Psychol SGDP Ctr100
453Dorothea Dix Hosp1224
454Dov Pharmaceut1224
455Drake Univ103
456Drexel Univ1015
457Dubai Police Med Serv100
458E China Normal Univ102
459Early Psychosis Intervent Ctr100
460Ecole Cent Paris100
461Edith Norse VE Med Ctr101
462Erasmus MC Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam100
463Erasmus Med Ctr107
465European Neurosci Inst100
466Fdn Argibide100
467Fdn Vallee101
468Feinstein Inst Med Res1019
469Felsenstein Med Res Ctr100
471Florida State Univ100
472Forschungszentrum Juelich100
473Franklin & Marshall Coll101
475Fuenlabrada Comunidad Autenoma Madrid111
476G De Lisio Inst Behav Sci105
477G&G Addict Treatment Ctr112
478Gachon Univ Med & Sci1522
479Gaziosmanpasa U Tip Fak100
480Geffen Sch Med1019
481Geha Mental Hlth Ctr100
482Georgia Hlth Sci Univ101
483Ghent Univ IBBT100
484Gifu Univ1217
485Goldsmiths Univ London101
486Grad Univ Chinese Acad Sci102
487Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare Syst1746
488GSK Addenbrooks Hosp1016
489Guangdong 2 Prov Peoples Hosp100
490Gulhane Mil Med Acad100
491Gunma Prefectural Psychiat Med Ctr1011
492Gunma Univ1011
493Hacettepe Univ Psikoloji Bi100
494Hadassah Hebrew Univ104
495Hadassah Univ Hosp1034
496Hallym Univ109
497Hammersmith Hosp105
498Hannover Med Sch1112
499Hanyang Univ116
500Harvard Med & McLean Hosp1522
501Harvard Med Sch1916
502Heinrich Heine Univ Hosp1428
503Helsinki Univ Cent Hosp106
504Helsinki Univ Hosp111
505Henri Mondor Hosp103
506Henry Ford Hlth Syst116
507Hillside Hosp132
508Hlth Dist 8 ASL 8105
509Hokkaido Univ100
510Hop Fernand Widal116
511Hop Louis Mourier109
512Hop Paul Brousse100
513Hop St Anne1010
514Hoshi Univ102
515Hosp Arnau Vilanova157
516Hosp Clin Barcelona107
517Hosp Louis H Lafontaine1126
518Hosp Psychiat118
519Hosp Sanitas La Moraleja100
520Hosp Santa Crue & Sant Pau111
521Hosp Univ101
522Hosp Univ 12 Octubre1317
523Hosp Univ Gregorio Maranon103
524Hosp Univ Vall dHebron100
525Hosp Univ Virgen Las Nieves116
526Hosp Virgen Nieves126
527Houston VAMC103
528Howard Univ100
531Humboldt Univ145
532Hunan Brain Hosp102
533Huntington Med Res Inst100
535IFT Inst Therapiefroachung Muenchen102
537Iida Hosp101
538Imperial Coll Sch Med105
540Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis106
541Indiana Univ Sch Med106
543Innsbruck Med Univ1019
545Inst Addict Med100
546Inst Adicc100
547Inst Adicc Madrid100
548Inst Fisiol Biol Mol & Neurociencias IFIBYNE123
549Inst Forens Med100
550Inst Integrat Med & Hlth Res1124
551Inst Invest Biomed Barccelona1066
552Inst Neurociencias Federico Oloriz1914
553Inst Neurol127
554Inst Pasteur1424
555Inst Psychiat & Neurol102
556Inst Sinapse Neurociencias Clin100
557Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies123
559IRCCS San Camillo100
560IRCCS San Giovanni Diofatebenefratelli115
561IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn100
562Isar Amper Clin Munich E112
563Ist Clinici Perfezionamento1123
564Italian Inst Technol101
565Italy Japan Joint Lab Humanoid & Personal Robot R101
566Jeevan Biosci INC102
568Jesse Brown Vet Adm Med Ctr1310
569Jiao Tong Univ100
570John B Pierce Lab132
571John Radcliffe Hosp11050
572Johns Hopkins Med Inst1318
573Junta de Andaulica145
574Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatr Med Ctr107
575Kaiser Permanente11150
576Kalamazoo Coll102
577Kangda Voluntary Drug Rehabil Ctr102
578Kaohsiung Kai Suan Psychiat Hosp100
579Karolinska Hosp1015
580Karolinska Univ Hosp105
581Kellokoski Psychiat Hosp100
582Kiryu Kosei Gen Hosp1011
583Koelliker Hosp100
584Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol109
585Korea Univ101
586Korea Youth Counseling Inst100
587Kungalv Hosp100
588Kunming Med Sch102
589Kyoto Prefectural Univ Med1125
590Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp115
591La Promessa ONLUS100
592LABSDOr Hosp Network1010
593Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust104
594Leiden Inst Brain & Cognit108
595Life & Brain Ctr104
596LifeStream Solut Inc112
597Linkoping Univ1018
598LSU Hlth Sci Ctr100
599Ludwik Rydygier Med Univ102
600Lund Univ1018
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